Atellophobia symptoms, causes, consequences, treatments

Abraham McLaughlin

The atelophobia It constitutes a very peculiar type of specific phobia in which the person fears imperfection and, above all, being imperfect. Unlike other phobias in which the feared element is usually more specific objects or situations, in this case the feared element lies in the subjective interpretations of imperfection.

Considering the characteristics of the feared element, atelophobia can constitute a much more serious and disabling type of phobia for the person who suffers from it. In this article we will talk about this special fear of being imperfect, we will explain its possible causes and we will discuss the treatments that can be performed.

Article index

  • 1 Characteristics of atelophobia
  • 2 What is the feared element in atelophobia?
  • 3 What happens when a thought of imperfection appears?
  • 4 What are the main consequences?
  • 5 How can a person with atelophobia become?
  • 6 Obsession, rigidity and perfectionism
  • 7 What are its causes?
  • 8 Personality or phobia?
  • 9 Treatment
  • 10 References

Characteristics of atelophobia

Atelophobia can be a mental disorder that is difficult to diagnose and differentiate from other types of psychopathological disorders. This fact lies in the characteristics of the feared object: the imperfection.

The fact that a person is inordinately afraid of not being perfect can connote mental disorders related to an obsessive and perfectionist personality, rather than an anxiety disorder.

Although cases of atelophobia may be associated, to a greater or lesser extent, with pathological personality traits, this alteration constitutes a specific anxiety disorder: the specific phobia.

Specific phobia is a disorder characterized by the presence of clinically significant anxiety in response to exposure or specific feared objects, which often results in avoidance behavior.

Thus, atelophobia is characterized by the presence of especially high anxiety reactions when the person is exposed to thoughts of imperfection.

What is the feared element in atelophobia?

The phobic object of atelophobia is based on being imperfect or not being able to achieve perfection in the actions, ideas or beliefs that are carried out.

Unlike other types of specific phobias such as spider phobia, the anxiety response does not appear when the person is exposed to a specific stimulus but can appear at any time when they have thoughts of imperfection.

While in a person with spider phobia it can be ensured that they will not present an anxiety response as long as there are no spiders nearby, detecting when a person with atelophobia can perform an anxiety response is much more complicated.

However, the person with atelophobia will make their phobic response at some specific times. For example, when the individual fails at something, does not perform a task well or does something wrong, they will most likely perform an anxiety response..

However, the idea of ​​imperfection is totally subjective so delimiting which situations cause a phobia and which situations will not cause it is usually practically impossible..

In fact, the person with atelophobia can respond with anxiety to a situation that another person identifies as perfect and vice versa.

The only person who will be relatively capable of detecting which are the stimuli that can cause anxiety will be the subject who suffers from the anxiety disorder, since he will be the one who will have a greater capacity to recognize his thoughts of imperfection.

What happens when a thought of imperfection appears?

The person with atelophobia experiences a disproportionate, irrational, involuntary and maladaptive fear of ideas of imperfection. Whenever an individual with this condition is exposed to a situation that causes a thought of imperfection, they will respond with a state of high anxiety..

The anxiety reaction carried out in those moments will affect both the physical plane and the cognitive and behavioral plane of the person. On the physiological level, when faced with the thought of imperfection, the individual will set in motion a whole set of phobic responses that are characterized by an increase in the activity of the central nervous system..

Thus, the person will experience an increase in heart rate, an increase in respiration, and increased sweating and muscle tension throughout the body. On the cognitive level, the person will display a whole series of beliefs about the feared situation and about their ability to face it.

Thoughts such as that imperfection is unacceptable, that not being perfect will lead to many problems, or that you can never be well because you are not perfect can easily surface..

Finally, with regard to the behavioral level, the individual can begin to develop a series of behaviors that allow him to avoid the anxiety response and, therefore, the thoughts of imperfection.

What are the main consequences?

Because the feared element in atelophobia is a personal characteristic of the individual, this type of specific phobia can lead to a greater number of negative consequences.

If we continue with the comparison from before, the consequences of having a phobia of spiders are limited to avoiding any situation in which an animal of this type may appear.

A priori, the affectation of this condition is minimal, since we have a phobia of spiders or not, anyone will choose to live in an environment in which the appearance of spiders is not very frequent.

In addition, achieving this objective is relatively easy, since fortunately in most homes there are not many spiders in the corners.

However, in the case of atelophobia, things change, since the feared object and, therefore, what is intended to be avoided is the appearance of thoughts of imperfection. A person with this type of phobia can develop a certain functioning pattern guided by their main fear: imperfection..

The person with atelophobia can become very critical of anything they say or do, continually fearing all their actions since things that they do not perform in a perfect way will cause an extremely high anxiety response..

How can a person with atelophobia become?

The fear that a person with atelophobia experiences of any situation that may cause them to experience feelings, thoughts or feelings of failure can seriously affect their way of being and functioning..

The anxiety that is experienced every time a thought of imperfection appears will originate in the individual a behavior designed to prevent this type of thoughts from appearing. The phobia itself can lead to a frank obsession to avoid feelings of failure.

The person can become very critical of anything since they must be totally alert to any situation, action or circumstance that may reveal their imperfection.

As the element that a person with atelophobia fears the most lies mainly in the appearance of thoughts of imperfection, their behavior and their functioning pattern will be based on avoiding any aspect that may cause it..

In other words, the person with atelophobia can adopt a functioning that is totally focused on achieving perfection in any situation or action that he performs, even though this may be totally irrelevant.

Obsession, rigidity and perfectionism

It is very common for people with atelophobia to become extremely perfectionist, rigid, obsessive and self-demanding. Most atelophobics measure their own skills with the best, with the aim of being able to evaluate the perfection of each of their personal spheres..

This causes them to continually try to fine tune, redo or improve something that is already highly regarded by those around them. This pattern of functioning usually causes problems in their personal relationships, in their work and family performance, and in the ability to integrate into society..

As we can see, these repercussions that atelophobia has on the functioning pattern of the individual who suffers from it responds to avoidance behaviors. However, considering the qualities of the phobic stimulus (perfection), the avoidance is much more serious.

The person who has a phobia of spiders will simply avoid being in contact or near those animals that they fear so much. For an atelophobic person, avoiding their feared stimulus is practically impossible, so in attempts to avoid their phobia they can develop a maladaptive and pathological pattern of functioning.

What are your causes?

As in all specific phobias, it is postulated that the causes of atelophobia are divided between genetic components and learning components.

It is argued that in the case of atelophobia, the educational styles received during childhood, the functioning patterns of educators and the behaviors to which the person is exposed during childhood play an important role..

It seems that environmental factors and the conditioning to which the person is exposed during their development can lead to the appearance of atelophobia. Educational patterns marked by self-demand, perfection or rigidity can be important factors in the development of atelophobia.

Likewise, the fact that parents have behavior patterns marked by obsession, rigidity and intolerance to imperfection can also contribute to the development of an extreme fear of not being perfect..

Unlike other phobias, atelophobia can be closely linked to the making of a specific personality type.

Thus, the phobia of imperfection can be interpreted from a simple phobic response or from a pattern of behavior, a way of being and a specific personality type.

This fact can be reflected in the repercussions of the disorder, that is, in the functioning caused by having a phobia of imperfection. However, it is also difficult to define what is the genesis of the pathology.

Personality or phobia?

So far we have seen that atelophobia causes a series of modifications in behavior and in the way of being.

However, we have also commented how a particular way of being and a certain personality can make the person vulnerable to suffering from atelophobia. Therefore, it is relevant to ask ourselves what is the cause of each of the factors.

That is, is atelophobia caused by an obsessive, rigid, and perfectionist personality type? Or is it atelophobia that creates an obsessive, rigid, and perfectionist personality type? Raising this question can be a bit like asking the question, what was the chicken or the egg before??

Despite the fact that atelophobia is interpreted as an anxiety disorder where the phobic response is the main element of treatment, it is usually interesting to evaluate what role obsessive and perfectionist personality traits play in the symptoms presented.

Atelophobia is generally interpreted as an anxiety disorder. Despite the fact that personality factors have very surely participated in the development of the pathology, it is beneficial to direct the treatment towards the anxiety response.

However, although it is argued that the remission of atelophobia can “soften” the maladaptive personality patterns, these should also be taken into account since they can make it difficult or force to modify the treatment.


The first treatment option for atelophobia lies in those interventions indicated for specific phobias. Thus, psychotherapy aimed at relaxing and exposing the person to their feared situations, that is, to ideas of imperfection, constitute the treatment of choice..

It is argued that if the phobic response is remitted through habituation to the ideas of imperfection, the person may stop performing their avoidance behaviors and therefore remit their obsessive, rigid and perfectionist behavior.

However, this type of phobia can often cause greater problems in its treatment.

Especially in those cases in which the obsessive and perfectionist personality is especially marked, exposure and relaxation techniques may not be enough, since the individual may continue to be determined to function in a certain way..

Personality disorders are often more difficult to treat. In these cases, although the treatment of the phobia should not be abandoned, it is usually necessary to incorporate other treatments such as cognitive therapy or pharmacological interventions.


  1. American Psychiatric Association (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
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