For a moment. Breathe Try to read this text without haste. Letter by letter, word by word, without wanting to go further. Without the need to swallow more, to know more. Calm down, realize the tensions that may be in your body to relax them and bring them an understanding look. You are, I see you, I feel you, I let you go. Stand up, stand, without further ado, this moment.
Then ask yourself if that's one thing you allow yourself to do, every day, every week, every month, or every year. Or none of these fall, because you are simply rolling on a wheel that never stops its rhythm.
It is not she who should stop. Are you.
Leaving the established ways is scary. We follow an imposed compass and customs that give us a false security and identity. Because it is what everyone does, because it is what it touches, because it is what there is ... and, whatever we explain ourselves, many times it is an argument that has not even been chosen by us. We swallowed it, they put it on us without our knowing it. And we act it.
Saying that I have that, that I do the other thing, that a lot of plans are prepared for me ... it helps to keep track of the razor without falling.. Juggling with our own soul, which from time to time tries to explain something different to us.
But we don't want to hear it. Many times not. It's scary, too. If we let her speak, like this, freely, openly, even for five minutes, surely she would explain to us a version so different of what our life is, life, that we prefer to cover it up, shut it up. Follow the circus.
Because in the end that's what it is. A show, where I wonder if in this one we are the protagonists or mere spectators.
Letting go, one day of each day, a walk on the sand of the sea and skipping the routine opens many questions. It turns out that the waves have no days of the week, no hours, and no retirements. And connecting with its coming and going helps me connect with a deeper nature that questions what is then true. If the wheel on which I roll or these steps that later the sea will erase with the rise of the tide.
We have an important mission, essential, I would say. At least, at least, once in a lifetime a person should be able to stand in front of the mirror and look at himself. Not seeing each other, but looking at yourself and traveling to the depths of your being. And let him talk, scream, dance ... to express himself. Explain and remind you. Who am I really? What have I come to do here? What is my real voice? The one that is not confused with the majority. The one that is unique and only I can sing. Take it out, rehearse it. Look at me and go through the shame that this implies, the judgment, the guilt, the threat of discovering myself for the first time and that from here comes a before and after.
I wonder: Is there any investment worth more than this? One day, sooner or later, we will die. There is no statement more real than this, even if we pretend that it is not there. All we will take away will be our personal truth. What we have been able to live in a faithful way to what speaks and guides us from deep within. And this probably has nothing to do with what we have always been told and believed.
Silence is required. A time, a space. Pause. Dare yourself. Hold tight if you are afraid. To yourself and to your heart, you are your best ally. And in this space let your truth, your need, your force of vital expression emerge, little by little, subtly, secretly..
Let the cardboard shapes get wet with your tears and fall apart, realizing that until now you have not seen each other. Do not worry. This moment is full of jewels, because when you arrive it will be because you have finally met and listened. You have intuited what speaks inside and that is always there, and that possibly tells you to stop acting in others' plays to be the protagonist of yours.
But it has nothing to do with doing more, not even trying. Let the layers fall, let yourself be undressed by your gaze and awareness. Let fall what is not. You don't need to fight for that. You need to rest. In a society that sets goals and announcements for us everywhere, it does not interest us to remember something so essential: there is nowhere to go but yourself..
It is only necessary to make this stop. If not, the structure is too solidified, it has too much identity, it is believed too much, to be easily questioned. You need to look for your moments. If you do, you will find them. Even if it's five minutes a day, or a week. But look closely at you. Know how many freckles your face has. What sensations inhabit your body many times asleep. Wake them up and inhabit them. And then ask yourself.
Ask yourself what you need. What do you want really. Ask yourself if this is the life you want to embody. And from here he continues stopping, breathing, observing, looking at you ... because once consciousness opens and a space is left, there is no going back. Changes come alone. Life lives you and you live it.
"Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions to be destroyed ". Friedrich Nietzsche.
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