Depression sick leave Is it always a good idea to give it up?

Egbert Haynes
Depression sick leave Is it always a good idea to give it up?

Depression is a problem that affects a large part of the population. For this reason it is one of the main reasons for sick leave. But today we wanted to do an article in this regard, and ask ourselves Is depression always a good remedy??

To answer this question, we must first understand what depression is and how it develops.

What usually happens for the person to fall into depression?

Depression takes place for a loss of reinforcers. As a consequence, you stop doing things that you like or what you do is no longer pleasant..

Due to the "Cognitive Triad", our thoughts become more negative regarding the different areas of our life. In addition, these negative thoughts are fed back.

Every time we are more negative with everything and we generate a “cognitive bias”, That is, we have a filter that makes us focus on the negative aspects and see them even more negative than they are.

Also, the few positive things that our brain accepts, minimizes them and can misinterpret them. In this way you will get a negative idea of ​​what was positive.

Is it always a good idea to take a depression leave?

To answer this, you must first know if the job was a risk factor (It generates stress, discomfort, disappointment. Or, on the contrary, it is a protection factor (generates social support, gives routine and stability, feeling of usefulness).

Depression leave is with the best of intentions. Its objective is for the patient to take their time to be better and recover 100%,

However, on certain occasions it can be counterproductive. Work can be very beneficial as long as it has a number of positive characteristics.

Another of the counterproductive consequences of leaving is that the person has more time to think. If a qualified psychologist is not consulted and the necessary therapy is carried out, these thoughts will remain negative and will continue fueling the cognitive triad.

On the contrary, periods of absence can be very necessary and useful if we work with a psychologist who is an expert in depression. In this way we will improve cognitive distortions and recover reinforcers.

It is also important to maintain and recover behavioral activation (lying all day is not going to make us feel better)

Something similar can happen when taking vacations, leave for other reasons, being unemployed, retirement. If we do not manage a routine change well and we do not have entertainment or obligations, it is easy for the cognitive triad begins to gain ground and apathy takes hold of you.

For all these reasons, sick leave due to depression are beneficial as long as they are well managed and supported by a psychologist. If, on the contrary, the leave isolates the person and makes him feel less useful, it will not be beneficial.

What are the requirements for me to get off due to depression?

Obviously, the first requirement is that a doctor gives the diagnosis of sick leave due to depression. There are two main reasons for a family doctor to diagnose us with this disease:

Personal motives: Any negative circumstance that happens in our lives and affects us psychologically. It can be the death of a family member, an illness or relationship problems.

Labor reasons: In this case, it is the mutual insurance company that decides if the person can continue in their job or, on the contrary, will accept the leave due to depression. Circumstances related to harassment or having a bad relationship with co-workers are very common in this sense..

What benefits do I get while on depression due to?

First of all, it is necessary to point out that the worker cannot be fired for the entire duration of depression leave. Likewise, you will continue to receive your income throughout the period of the leave..

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