Do you have a company or organization and you hire staff only based on the applicant's resume? Take a couple of seconds and think about what the results of that strategy have been.
It has probably worked for you on some occasions, but not on most occasions. That's because the classic method of reviewing someone's resume and interviewing them falls short..
A person is a universe of possibilities and stories. Throughout his life, he not only trained academically, but also experienced a series of events that shaped his way of being and ability to respond to various situations.
It is clear that in an interview a good recruiter will be able to see some signs of body language that complement the information in the curriculum, but that is not enough, because everything will be subject to the subjectivity of their analysis.
Psychometric tests are instruments tested and carried out with scientific rigor, which is a guarantee of precision and reliability, highly desirable values in the staff of a company or organization that prides itself on being solid and with projection..
In times like the ones we live in, when the competition always seeks to go one step ahead, being able to count on an efficient team is something that should not be improvised. It is true that the traditional method of employing people worked for a long time, but today there are other demands.
While you seek to improve the balance of your company, there are already others who are opening a branch. The pace is overwhelming. In this way, human capital ends up becoming the main engine of your project and psychometric tests help you get only the best..
How do you save time and money applying psychometric tests?
Suppose you have an employee who has only given you headaches throughout his three months at your company. And it is that before hiring him, you did not see more than his resume and you were guided by the two university degrees he has. That was a big mistake that now causes you to lose money.
As almost everything can be improved, your recruitment process, too. For that there is a good psychometric test and the use of technology.
At we make your life easier and help you to hire the ideal candidate for your position, all in an agile and simple way.
The interpretation of the results is a fundamental step when hiring, because it depends on whether you make the right decision or make a mistake and end up wasting time and money.
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