Psychological and physical benefits of coffee consumption

Simon Doyle
Psychological and physical benefits of coffee consumption

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed stimulant substances in all parts of the world. Consuming moderate coffee consumption has a series of physical and psychological benefits that we will discuss in detail below..

Psychological benefits of moderate coffee consumption

Improves attention and vigilance

Caffeine is a very important aid when performing surveillance tasks and other simpler tasks that require sustained attention. This is one of the most common reasons why coffee is often associated with exam time among students.

Other cognitive abilities such as memory, concentration and insight also increase immediately after drinking it. Along with these capabilities it also sharpens our alertness, reaction time and performance..

Reduces the feeling of fatigue

The stimulation suffered by the central nervous system after ingesting caffeine has a direct effect on reducing fatigue and tiredness. This effect has a window of action of 1 hour after its ingestion, from that time interval our body has already metabolized caffeine and its effects begin to gradually disappear..

Fight depression

Caffeine helps in the release of dopamine and serotonin, both neurotransmitters are responsible for regulating mood. A study carried out at Harvard University affirms that increasing the consumption of coffee reduces the risk of suffering from depression. This study was carried out with women who consumed four or more cups of coffee a day and developed depression 20% less compared to those who had not consumed it.

Prevent suicide

Along the same lines, moderate coffee consumption also significantly reduces the chances of committing suicide. Some studies maintain that people who consume coffee daily commit suicide 50% less than people who do not drink it or who ingest it in its decaffeinated version.

Physical benefits of coffee consumption

Reduced risk of heart disease

Several studies carried out in the last decade have linked moderate coffee consumption with a reduction in the risk of suffering from heart failure. Moderation implies that these benefits disappear when consumption is increased to more than four cups of coffee a day. In addition, moderate consumption also reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.

Contains essential nutrients

Coffee is not just a mixture of water and caffeine as it contains many nutrients that are essential for our body such as vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Along with these vitamins must be added manganese, magnesium, potassium and niacin.

Protects the liver from cirrhosis

The liver is one of the largest organs that performs the most functions in our body. Cirrhosis is a very common disease related to alcoholism. In this sense, studies that maintain that drinking more than 4 cups of coffee a day reduces up to 80% less the chances of suffering from this disease.

It is an antioxidant

Coffee is the largest source of antioxidants in our diet, above even many fruits and vegetables.

It is diuretic

Coffee increases the concentration of water in the kidneys and as a consequence we need to go to the bathroom more frequently.

Prevent diabetes

Some studies argue that people who consume coffee minimize the risk of diabetes with a 67% less chance of developing this disease.

Helps burn fat

Caffeine is an essential component in most dietary supplements used to lose weight.

Improves physical performance

Caffeine increases adrenaline levels and as a result, body fat is broken down and used as fuel when exercising. This is one of the main reasons why athletes consume coffee before a competition.

Improved muscle work

Along with the improvement of physical performance, we must add the improvement of muscular work with the stimulation of the muscles and the improvement of body coordination.

Prevents degenerative diseases

Caffeine lowers the chances of developing Parkinson's by up to 60%. When we talk about Alzheimer's the odds are reduced by up to 65%.

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