Benefits and techniques of female masturbation

Egbert Haynes
Benefits and techniques of female masturbation


  • General context on female masturbation
  • Benefits of self-stimulation or masturbation in women
    • Helps with menstrual cramps
    • Strengthens the immune system, prevents infections
    • Generates a feeling of well-being
    • Strengthens the pelvic floor
    • Improves the relationships of the couple
    • It helps to sleep
  • 11 Female Masturbation Techniques
    • 1. Finger penetration
    • 2. Gentle caresses
    • 3. Patti Cake
    • 4. Sandwich
    • 5. Stimulation upside down
    • 6. The grip
    • 7. Watering can
    • 8. Just like a penis
    • 9. Vibrator
    • 10. Rolled towel
    • 11. Anal stimulation

General context on female masturbation

For a long time masturbation or self-stimulation, especially if we refer to female masturbation, was hidden, having a "secret status" within Western sexuality. This is the case until well into the twentieth century, in which the various feminist movements gradually managed to expand the idea that women's sexual pleasure could exist beyond marriage..

This new vision of masturbation is reinforced by the most important study on sexuality carried out in the US In the study carried out by Alfred Kinsey in 1953, the sexual habits of about 6,000 people were analyzed. The result was that, the higher the educational level, especially in women, the more frequent it was to resort to masturbation. According to the results, 68 percent of the women masturbated and 58 percent reached orgasm with this practice..

From this study and subsequent research, masturbation begins to be seen as a more normalized practice.

Benefits of self-stimulation or masturbation in women

According to numerous studies, masturbation has countless benefits for people's physical and mental health. Here is a list of some benefits;

Helps with menstrual cramps

Masturbating during menstruation has the effect of preventing and mitigating inflammation and lessening the general discomfort of your period. The chemicals that are involved in the cascade that occurs in the bloodstream act in an analgesic way against premenstrual pain. Likewise, there is a disinflammation of the genital area that causes the pressure that causes the pain to decrease and therefore so do the discomfort.

Strengthens the immune system, prevents infections

For women, masturbation can reduce the risk of urinary tract infections. Its stretching improves fluid circulation, allowing cervical fluids and with them bacteria to be expelled

Generates a feeling of well-being

Masturbating is good for overall good health on both biological and psychological levels..

Masturbation produces the release of complex chemicals, the most important of which is dopamine. Dopamine in turn is associated with a great sense of well-being.

Strengthens the pelvic floor

The contractions that are generated when masturbating generate a tightening effect similar to Kegel exercises, thus helping to keep the pelvic floor muscles in shape.

Improves the relationships of the couple

A widespread myth states that masturbation ruins the sexual relationship with the partner. But, according to experts it would be the exact opposite.

By masturbating we learn to know our body, its reactions, what it likes, what excites it. This makes intercourse much more enjoyable..

And it is through a greater understanding of their anatomy that self-stimulation helps women who have never had an orgasm begin to experience them.

It helps to sleep

We have already commented that masturbating causes the body to release endorphins, which are the hormones that generate a state of pleasure and relaxation in the body, which promotes sleep.

11 Female Masturbation Techniques

There are a number of techniques that can be performed alone. It is very positive that women and men know their bodies without shame. This will greatly benefit your sex life..

The following techniques are intended for women. These are some of the most popular.

1. Finger penetration

Lying on the bed on your back, spread your legs and raise your knees. You can stimulate the clitoris until you get the desired lubrication or use a lubricant. Then, insert the middle and index fingers of your hand into the vagina. While with this hand the penetration of the penis is simulated, with the other you can caress the clitoris. Once the fingers are inside the vagina, they can be raised to a 90 degree angle to find the G-spot, which is located on the vaginal wall that is located behind the pubic hair, 1 or 2 centimeters from the entrance of the vagina. The stimulation of this point is really pleasant and will enhance the orgasm.

2. Gentle caresses

You can stimulate yourself by gently sliding your fingers up and down, side to side and in circular motions around the vagina first, until you reach the center of it and finally the clitoris. As you do so, follow your instincts and listen to what your body "tells" you, experimenting with slower movements at first and faster later, as well as with more or less pressure..

3. Patti Cake

This position can be done in bed, sitting in a chair or on a sofa; with the index and middle fingers gently caress the clitoris, little by little the excitement will increase.

4. Sandwich

Place the index and middle fingers of your hand on either side of the clitoris. Maintain this position while using the other hand to tap the clitoral hood, vary pressure and intensity to achieve more pleasure.

5. Stimulation upside down

Lie face down on the bed or other comfortable surface, put your legs together and place your hand in the middle so that you can caress the entire area well. Start by stimulating around the clitoris, continue through the clitoris and then continue exploring the vagina, move your hips up and down and side to side. You yourself will feel which position is most pleasant for you, it is better that you let yourself be carried away by the sensations of your body to reach orgasm.

6. The grip

This technique is performed by pressing the clitoris with the index finger and thumb at the intensity that you feel comfortable with. Then do repetitive motions around it, making movements from side to side or up and down..

7. Watering can

While bathing, you must direct the shower jet (you have to find the right intensity) towards the clitoris.

8. Just like a penis

A more complex technique but very effective if done correctly. It is about stimulating the clitoris by making movements as if it were a small penis. Gently grasp the clitoris with two fingers (usually the thumb and forefinger) and perform the same movement as in male masturbation, you will see what pleasure!

9. Vibrator

When you already have some experience in self-stimulation techniques, it is simply to change your fingers for a vibrator. The introduction of a vibrator in the vagina helps to locate and stimulate the G-spot, generating a sensation of fullness. It can be performed exclusively or in combination with anal and / or clitoral stimulation. There are of many types. The most complete stimulate clitoris and vagina at the same time.

10. Rolled towel

If you don't like direct clitoral stimulation, this technique may interest you; Sit in a chair with your legs apart and scrub with a clean, pre-rolled towel. Choose speed and cadence.

If you still want to get rid of your modesty, it can be very stimulating to masturbate in front of a mirror and see the face you make as you get turned on.

Don't be afraid to change your technique or position. Remember it's a game, so you make the rules.

Cross your legs so that the pleasure is greater on your clitoris.

If stimulating the clitoris is too intense for you, try stroking the surroundings. The entire genital area is extremely sensitive and can give you a lot of pleasure.

11. Anal stimulation

The anus is a very sensitive area to touch. There are many women who enjoy stimulation in this area during masturbation or foreplay with their partner. It is convenient to use a lot of lubricant.

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