Big Data and the revolution in Psychological research

Jonah Lester
Big Data and the revolution in Psychological research

The concept Big data refers to the use of large databases but also to the technologies and methodologies that allow information to be collected through various devices.

Psychology, as a discipline based on the scientific method and research, cannot be immune to these advances. It should be facilitated that professionals and researchers can access this technology in order to improve your professional performance.

Big Data, Psychology and the Cloud

Sometimes psychology has been limited in scope by the impossibility of accessing thousands of individuals in their natural environment. Thanks to the use of big data in both the professional and academic fields, it will be possible to access a large amount of information generated in the natural context of the people participating in the research.

Big data would not be possible without the large number of existing devices such as smartphones or smart watches together with technology companies dedicated to producing software such as scraping that facilitates access to information.

Perhaps the most relevant point in relation to reflection between Big data and Psychology be it the fact that the data collected is stored on remote servers, popularly known as "the cloud".

The role of Social Networks

As an example, investigations are beginning to appear with samples of tens of thousands of people who analyze and try to find a link between their behaviour in social networks and certain characteristics of your personality. 

In this sense, algorithms have been developed that try to detect depressive behaviors depending on the type of posts shared on these platforms.

Another interesting study uses the combined analysis of Facebook "likes" and personality tests to discriminate characteristics such as sexual orientation, substance use, age, gender, political opinions, and personality characteristics.

This type of study will allow us to access information about the behavior of people on a scale unimaginable until now..

Development of Mobile Applications and research in Psychology

Mobile application (app) development can make contributions to psychological research in a number of ways. Perhaps the simplest a priori is the establishment of scientific collaboration agreements with app developers related to psychological issues (promotion of physical exercise, applications for reduce anxiety through practice measurable, Programs for improve self-esteem, etc.)

On many occasions the development of the above applications has been carried out by technology companies that have not had psychological theories during their creation. For this reason, the establishment of collaboration agreements that allow psychologists to get involved in the design of these applications can improve both their quality and the results obtained by users..

The logical consequence derived from the above is to have higher quality data derived from these applications.

In an ideal scenario, we could have a series of "psychological apps" suitably approved and tested by professional associations and that have all the technical and legal guarantees required.

Big Data and its role in the training of future psychologists

The figure of the Big Data Psychologist is emerging as one of the professional opportunities for psychologists with a deep training in psychometrics and statistics applied to behavioral sciences.

For this reason, the training of future psychologists must incorporate content and subjects that allow them to address and analyze the vast amount of information derived from new technologies..

It will also be necessary to delve into the deontological aspect to know how to differentiate between what we can know and what we need to know about a person to contribute to the improvement of their mental health and quality of life.

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