Bridle meaning, concept and usage examples

Alexander Pearson
Bridle meaning, concept and usage examples

The word "snaffle”Is related to the equestrian or horse riding world and refers to a part of a horse's saddle. It has several meanings but all are related to this discipline.

The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy has several meanings for “bridón”. In the first place, it refers to the rider who rides on a bridle (a set of straps that are put on the horse, from the muzzle to the head). Secondly, it says that it is a small bridle that is put on the horses in case the large one is missing..


For the RAE, a "bridón" is also an iron rod, made up of different pieces hooked together, which is placed on the horses below the bit (an element that is inserted into the horse's mouth). It has a bridle (the straps that adjust to your head and that hold the bite) different from that of the brake, while the reins are attached to it.

The fourth definition of the RAE is a horse saddled and braced to the bridle, while in the last place it indicates that, although it is rarely used, a “bridon” is a spirited horse, strong, arrogant and ready for war, being this last employment more of the poetic type than of the factual.

So the "bridle" can be either the kinet that uses the bridle or a smaller size bridle. These last types of bridles are used especially for foals to get used to the bridle and to teach them to turn their heads.

Article index

  • 1 Bridon in the Mexican anthem
  • 2 Other meanings
  • 3 Examples of use
  • 4 References

Bridon in the Mexican anthem

An example of the use of “bridón” in the military sphere is given in the National Anthem of Mexico. Among its stanzas you can read "Mexicans, to the battle cry the steel ready and the bridle". That is, "prepare your weapons and your horses".

Specialists recommend that before buying a "bridle" it is good to measure the horse's mouth, especially if its dimensions are out of the ordinary. For these cases, the extension is usually close to 13 centimeters.

Other meanings

Although “bridón” is generally associated with the equestrian world, there is an exception, since it is also used in the wine world. In this case, the “drum” is called a “bridón”, the metal bucket where the branches that are cut for planting are submerged in water until they are planted..

It is a phonetic variant of the drum, typical of spoken language, since its birth surely arises from confusion.

In the Dominican Republic, the person who usually responds rudely or inappropriately, or who is considered spoiled, is called a “bridón”. Bridón is synonymous with “hard mouth”, a term that in that country also applies to horses.

Examples of use

-"The general mounted his bridle"-

-"The horse's rein broke, put the bridle on it".

-"Give me the bridle to submerge the branches".

-“There is no bridle training possible. On the contrary, the horse that can only be carried with a double fillet bridle on a leash, is poorly trained and is inadmissible as a horse of arms ".

-“Your little brother is a bridle. Didn't he learn good manners at home? ".

-"There is no horse that is not possible to drive with a bridle".

-"It can be clearly stated that the ideal embouchure for the jumping horse is the bridle".

“We will begin the task by placing the softest bridle available to the horse. A thick rubber one would be ideal ".


  1. Snaffle. Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Recovered from:
  2. Raúl Avila. (2015) "You know it? Selection of words that are rarely used ". Recovered from:
  3. Juan Carlos González Ferrero. (2016). “Traditional wine lexicon of the D.O. Bull". Recovered from:
  4. Cuba Army. (1917). "Army Bulletin". Recovered from:

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