Bullying in a couple Is it healthy for the relationship?

Anthony Golden
Bullying in a couple Is it healthy for the relationship?

Whenever we hear the term "bullying" our alarms go off. This has its explanation since it refers to a type of psychological abuse, and, in some cases, physical. However, sometimes, this term is used to refer to the typical jokes that arise between couples.

In this article we will talk about the differences that exist between the characteristics and purposes of each of the aspects of this behavior and its consequences in our lives..

What is bullying?

Bullying is harassment and generally this term is associated with the physical and psychological abuse that some students receive by their classmates. However, it is also associated with abuse among other types of relationships, be it family, friends, work colleagues or partner.

In this article we will focus on the partner bullying, which we can identify when some of the following behaviors occur by one of the two members of the relationship:

  • Teasing
  • Criticisms about physical appearance
  • Abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Psychological abuse
  • Isolation, control over friends or family
  • Extreme jealousy, possession, obsession
  • Control of departures with or without the partner
  • Dominance and manipulation
  • Harassment
  • Verbal or sexual harassment
  • Prohibition of free development of personality
  • Disparagement
  • Lies, insults, threats
  • Disqualifying words

What to do when you are bullied by your partner?

If you discover that your life is being negatively affected by your partner, with one or more of the above acts, arm yourself with courage and do not allow this to continue happening.

I recommend that you first have one healthy communication as a couple, where you can express how you feel about the situation and reach agreements, because if this is not solved, it will trigger fears and insecurities.

If you think that things do not change, then it is better to make another kind of decision and end the relationship. Remember that your well-being comes first and you must do everything possible to live a calm and happy life.

Remember that you are very important, love yourself, value yourself and respect yourself. In this way, others will be able to see all the qualities you have and you will attract new opportunities and a new love that knows how much you are worth..

Is bullying in a partner always negative?

Dr. Dacher Keltner, professor of psychology at the University of California, in his book "Born to be good: The science behind a meaningful life", concludes that couples who make constant jokes tend to be happier, since they face better problems and also stay together longer.

In this case we are talking about another type of bullying in a couple that is not negative.

Injecting good humor into the relationship

In accordance with the above and to achieve this, Keltner raises some basic rules in relation to jokes, which are:

  1. Get the most out of inside jokes
  2. Don't take things beyond the surface level
  3. Be aware that you will receive in the same way that you give
  4. If it's about a real problem, make it minor.
  5. Don't look at major flaws or weak spots
  6. Do not overdo it

Keep in mind that to achieve this goal you must have a good humor, also understand the teasing (not offensive) of your partner and know that you should not go overboard with the comments or take everything personally.

Remember the previous guidelines, both those of abuse and the "rules" to make your partner laugh. This way you can build a healthy and lasting affective bond; enjoy a good relationship with a partner it's possible!

Put it into practice

Now that you know how important humor is to your relationship, then feel free to make and receive jokes from your partner. Remember not to take everything so seriously and live a fun relationship, love also goes hand in hand with humor!

Keep in mind

There is no excuse for any type of abuse, much less you should allow it to your partner. In the same way, you should not be the one who mistreats; if so, learn to react with the benefit of self-control.

If you are suffering from bullying in couple, In this case, it is better to walk away and end a relationship in which your personality and your freedom are being affected and violated.

To end

If there is no abuse as such in your relationship, but your partner and you are the object of mutual ridicule, you should saber handle the limits and good humor to avoid tensions and many conflicts.

Now, if there is not so much humor in your relationship, change the routine and help it become a relationship full of love, happiness and freedom; no one likes to feel trampled or self-conscious in their life.

Live your life responsibly and don't get bogged down in things that don't matter as much. Choose your well-being and happiness!

Getting a couple of smiles at your partner and leaving aside the seriousness in the face of minor inconveniences or harmless teasing is a healthy type of bullying for the relationship; It will surely help you to make the emotional ties strong, solid and lasting.

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