Quality of life for adults with intellectual disabilities

Robert Johnston
Quality of life for adults with intellectual disabilities

Reality strikes head-on when we look at our surroundings and see the abyss of differences between one and the other. It is complex to pretend towards those who are different from us, if we can even flee before our own self-criticism.

To speak of inclusion, towards those groups that need Special educational needs it is necessary to educate society. For this, the interaction with said group must be normalized and this must be done from childhood.

Given the diversity of special educational needs, we are going to redirect ourselves towards those related to intellectual disability in adults with severe dependence and / or great dependence.

It is true that there are meeting spaces between ordinary schools and said group. In them, activities are carried out that promote values ​​such as altruism, empathy and group cohesion, among others. Even so, this type of approach should be encouraged, since there is a mutual benefit, creating a positive two-way relationship.

Positive personal worth 

The fact of working the positive self-assessment, by appreciating results in their work, so they can feel useful.

Therefore, to promote a socio-labor inclusionIn adults with intellectual disabilities with severe dependence and / or great dependence, one has to start from curricular adaptations.

In them, they must work with emphasis, personal autonomy and social autonomy, as well as work habits. It is very important to them establish routines to keep the environment safe.

In the Occupational Therapy Services, An attempt is made to work from these bases, establishing a context for them where the role of worker with obligations and responsibilities is elaborated.

Considering that we are dealing with a aging population, what is significant is working on the maintenance of those capabilities already acquired, rather than awarding new ones. Even so, learning new challenges should not be neglected..

Although in these cases it can be made visible, the low tolerance for frustration, is a means to offer problem solving strategies, and thus favor the self determination.

Artistic fields such as music, dance, painting or theater, can provide a vehicle for expressing emotions and promoting self-esteem.

Joint objective 

Above all, there must be a job from the family nucleus and / or the residential service, generating an interaction between these and the occupational center. The goal is to create a circle of support and among all promote material, physical and emotional well-being for a correct Personal development.

In the occupational center, having a multidisciplinary team, It is necessary to work simultaneously towards the same direction, without disabling joint decisions or interrupting the methods of action. The fact of having different professionals should be beneficial for all.

Current situation 

In spite of everything, the work and effort of those affected, families and workers, is not enough, since public aid does not facilitate this obstacle course.

Subsidies to carry out comprehensive health services have decreased. guidance, accompaniment and support to the insertion of people with disabilities.

It is very difficult to promote participation in the community when the waiting lists to access a day care service grow, when many people after submitting the dependency request, are still waiting for their assessment and when they face an excessive copayment.

We cannot speak of inclusion, without inclusive policies


The main objective should prevail quality of life which this group deserves to have. For this reason I have exposed this approach, since a reflection and contact with the existence of a situation is the basis for change.

From my experience with the work carried out for six years with this group, I can only have words of thanks to them. Innate empathy, the closeness of their gazes and regenerative hugs create bonds that family members, caregivers and professionals in the field cannot hide..

A group of people who despite being different, They seek the same thing that we all seek, but only with help. Help that we all also seek at certain times.

So behind it all, only we are left,aseveryonewe should bejust as different.

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