The canelo or cinnamon treeCinnamomum verum) is a low-growing evergreen tree belonging to the Lauraceae family. Native to Sri Lanka, it is a very aromatic species of which its inner bark is marketed, rubbing and peeling its branches.
The cinnamon tree grows in humid tropical regions, being able to reach 10-15 m in height. Its leaves are leathery and bright green, and the small yellowish-white or greenish flowers are grouped in panicles.
From its leaves the essential oil of cinnamon is extracted and from its fruits a medicinal oil. Also, from its bark, cinnamon is obtained, one of the most popular and commercialized spices since ancient times.
It is a highly appreciated tree for obtaining aromatic spices and essential oils, which also has certain antibiotic, digestive and expectorant medicinal properties. Traditionally it is used on a large scale in natural medicine, bakery, confectionery, confectionery and as a flavoring.
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Perennial and evergreen arboreal plant of medium size with numerous ramifications that in the wild reaches 15-20 m and if cultivated 10 m in height. The branches are generally pendulous and the stem, of woody consistency, has a particularly smooth, aromatic and grayish-brown bark..
The leaves have variable sizes and shapes, oval, elliptical or lanceolate, leathery, aromatic, bright green in color and with a short petiole. They are usually 8-20 cm long and 5-10 cm wide, with entire margins and evident veins along the blade..
The hermaphroditic flowers 3 mm in diameter, yellowish-white or creamy-white, are grouped in axillary or terminal panicles. The androecium and the bicarpellar gynoecium are located on the same flower, are tomentose in appearance and are made up of six free tepals.
The fruit is an ellipsoidal or ovoid drupe 1.5 to 2 cm long, purple-black in color with a single brown seed. Flowering usually occurs during the month of January, while the fruits ripen about six months later..
The species Cinnamomum verum It contains 2-4% of aromatic essential oils that gives it its characteristic smell. The highest concentration of metabolites is made up of cinnamaldehyde (60-75%), cinnamic alcohol, benzaldehyde, caryophyllene, cymene, cuminaldehyde, eugenol and pinene.
To a lesser extent, there are hydroxycinnamic and o-methoxycinnamic aldehydes, as well as trans-cinnamic acid and cinnamic acetate. Also the terpenes linalol and diterpene, mucilages, tannins, oligomeric and polymeric proanthocyanidins, carbohydrates and some traces of coumarin.
The characteristic aroma of the species belonging to the genus Cinnamomum It is provided essentially by cinnamaldehyde. In this regard, the species C. verum has a higher eugenol content that gives it its intense and pungent flavor.
Other components are vitamins C, niacin, thiamine, p-cumeric ascorbic and palmitic acid, coumarins and fibers. Additionally, the mineral elements boron, calcium, chlorine, cobalt, copper, strontium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, manganese, nickel, potassium, lead, sodium, and zinc.
- Energy: 240-250 kcal
- Carbohydrates: 75-85 mg
- Sugars: 2.10-2.20 gr
- Dietary fiber: 50-55 gr
- Proteins: 1-2 gr
- Water: 10-11 gr
- Vitamin A (retinol): 15 μg (2%)
- Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.020-0.025 mg (2%)
- Vit. Btwo (riboflavin): 0.040-0.045 mg (3%)
- Vit. B3 (niacin): 1,330-1,335 mg (9%)
- Vitamin B6: 0.155-0.165 mg (12%)
- Vitamin C: 3.8 mg (6%)
- Vit. E: 2.30-2.35 mg (15%)
- Vit. K: 31.2-31.5 μg (30%)
- Calcium: 1002 mg (100%)
- Iron: 8.32 mg (67%)
- Magnesium: 60 mg (16%)
- Phosphorus: 64 mg (9%)
- Potassium: 431 mg (9%)
- Sodium: 10 mg (1%)
- Zinc: 1.83 mg (18%)
- Kingdom: Plantae
- Division: Magnoliophyta
- Class: Magnoliopsida
- Order: Laurales
- Family: Lauraceae
- Gender: Cinnamomum
- Species: Cinnamomum verum J. Presl.
- Cinnamomum: the name of the genus comes from the Greek word "kinnamon" or "kinnamomon", which means "sweet wood". In turn, the Greek word derives from the Hebrew "quinamom", which comes from the Malay term "kayu manis", which also means "sweet wood".
- verum: the specific adjective refers to the authentic species from Ceylon, the most commercialized and of the best quality.
- Cinnamon: the common name comes from the French term "cannelle", diminutive of "canne" which means cane or tube.
The species Cinnamomum verum It is native to South Asia, wild-sourced in Sri Lanka, and commercially grown in India. It is a crop adapted to rainy climates, deep soils with a sandy-loam texture, well drained and with a high content of organic matter..
It requires a humid and warm environment, 0-600 meters above sea level, an average temperature of 24-30 ºC and precipitation of 2,000 - 4,000 mm per year, well distributed throughout the year. The humid conditions near the sea and the sea breeze are conducive to the good development of the plant.
Wildly, it develops in the evergreen tropical forests from sea level to 1,800 meters above sea level. Under cultivation, it effectively thrives between 300-350 meters above sea level, up to 600 meters above sea level..
The soils with a sandy-loam texture with a high content of organic matter favor the development of a fragrant and sweet crust. A very heavy soil, with poor drainage, tends to accumulate moisture that limits the growth of the plant and consequently its quality..
Cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka, this region being the largest producer and exporter of bark and better quality oil. This species initially arrived in the Middle East and Europe brought by travelers through the Silk Road..
At the beginning of the 19th centuries it was introduced to the island of Java in Indonesia, where it was cultivated commercially. Later it went to Southwest Asia, in India, Madagascar, southern China and the Seychelles Islands, as well as some tropical countries, including Brazil..
Cinnamon is the dried inner bark of the cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum verum) that is extracted through a precise cut. This product is left to dry in the shade for 4-5 days until it curls up and acquires a reddish-brown color..
The twisted pieces of bark are cut into commercial sizes and packed for export worldwide. Likewise, cinnamon is sold in powder form, being widely used in pastry and confectionery products..
Cinnamon has been used since ancient times as a spice or condiment to preserve or add flavor to food. It is also used in traditional medicine to alleviate a wide variety of disorders and diseases. It is a basic ingredient in perfumery.
On the other hand, the essential oil that is extracted from the bark and leaves is used in the food industry as a flavoring agent. In addition, it is a basic ingredient for beverages, preserves, sweets and desserts, being used for its properties in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry..
The oil that is extracted from the leaves has approximately 89% eugenol, which provides antiseptic and antioxidant properties. While the oil obtained from the bark contains 65% cinnamaldehyde with a vasodilator, antibacterial, cytotoxic and diabetic regulating effect..
For the cinnamon harvest, the branches are cut from the base, in order to favor their sprouting. Harvesting begins from the fourth to fifth year of the implantation of the crop, when the branches present a diameter of 2-2.5 cm.
The leaves collected for the extraction of the oil are collected together with the young shoots once or twice a year. This material is left to dry in the shade for 24 hours before proceeding to the distillation process..
In traditional medicine, cinnamon has been used thanks to its therapeutic properties by different cultures over time. Its use is indicated for the treatment of different pathologies, including gastrointestinal discomfort, urinary infections and symptoms related to flu and colds..
In addition, its regular intake has shown that it is an ideal complement to regulate blood glucose in people with diabetes. It is an excellent stomach tonic, since it favors the functioning of the digestive system by facilitating the expulsion of gases and controls diarrhea.
In case of dizziness, the ingestion of a cinnamon-based infusion can relieve the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. In addition, it is an effective muscle relaxant due to the content of cinnamyl and eugenol with an anti-inflammatory effect and an inhibitory action on muscle pain..
In rural areas, cinnamon is used as a sleeping pill to calm and put children to sleep when their parents work in the fields. Likewise, it is used as a sedative and healing of the taste buds when some type of very hot food is consumed.
It has antibacterial and antifungal properties but its consumption in high doses can alter the nerves in sensitive people. The best way to ingest this spice is by adding it to drinks such as tea, coffee, chocolate, milk and whole wheat toast..
As a condiment or spice, cinnamon is used to cook atoles, sweets, compotes, rice, fruit salads, pasta or meats. In the food industry, essential oil is used as a preservative and flavoring, for candies, chewing gums, juices and alcoholic beverages..
At an industrial level, cinnamon is used thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Being used as an ingredient in the preparation of products related to oral hygiene, such as tooth creams or toothpastes, and mouthwashes.
In the pharmaceutical industry, the essential oil of cinnamon is used to provide a pleasant flavor to syrups for colds or colds. Likewise, it is used as an antibiotic and flavoring ingredient for the manufacture of vaporizers used in nasal therapies..
In perfumery it is used to make perfumes, colognes, soaps, rinses or shampoos due to its pleasant and permanent aroma. On the other hand, it is used as an ingredient for the manufacture of flavorings and disinfectants for cleaning the home..
The cinnamon tree is propagated primarily by seeds and occasionally through tender shoots or root division. The use of phytohormones or growth regulators is common to induce the rooting of roots and cuttings, as well as improve their branching.
The seeds are selected from mature fruits of mother plants with excellent morphological characteristics, free of pests and diseases, and good organoleptic qualities. Using a substrate rich in organic matter and an average content of sand, the seeds take 2-3 weeks to germinate.
The sowing is carried out during the months of June-July, at four months when the seedlings reach 15 cm in height and are ready to transplant. The transplant is carried out in polyethylene bags or pots with fertile and humid substrate, after 10-12 months they will be ready to sow in the field..
The cultivation of cinnamon is not demanding in relation to the type of soil, but it prefers sandy and well-drained soils. In fact, it is susceptible to heavy soils that retain water and present slow drainage..
The root system develops with better vigor in soils with a sandy-loam texture, which must be kept humid without becoming waterlogged. However, the irrigation schedule should be determined by factors such as soil texture, lighting, temperature, time of year, and plant age..
In wild conditions, the cinnamon tree grows in forest environments, although it also grows under full sun exposure. Despite being a moderately demanding species in terms of its lighting needs, it can be located under the shade or in an open place.
It is a rustic plant that supports minimum temperature ranges characteristic of zone 10, that is, it will tolerate minimum temperatures of -1 ° C. In fact, it resists occasional frosts, withstands moderate winds and has a medium growth rate under optimal conditions..
The species Cinnamomum verum can be attacked by the Lepidoptera known as common mime (Chilasa clytia) and the leaf miner (Conopomorpha civica). As diseases, it can be infected by the fungi that cause pestalothiopsis (Pestalotiopsis palmarum), blight or rot (Diplodia spp.) and leaf spots (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides).
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