No debt letter

Jonah Lester

What is a no-debit letter?

A letter of no debt is a document that frees a person from any debt that they could have, which is generally issued by an official authority or by a credit company.

It is a tool that makes known the fulfillment or the non-existence of any obligation. That is, this letter is made in order to make it known that there are no commitments, whether academic, economic, work or otherwise..

It is one of the simplest cards, since the only thing to keep in mind is to know what the nature of it is. As with any other letter, you start by writing the date and place of issue in the upper right corner..

Then comes the subject of the letter, being for this case "no debt of ...", followed by no debt. Recipient details continue. In case of not knowing it, it is indicated: "To whom it may concern".

Subsequently, the person's information will be displayed, along with the debt that is exonerated. It concludes by stating the disposition to resolve any kind of doubt, including the name of the person issuing the letter, together with the signature of said person..

What is a no-debit letter for?

It is used as an information tool on the presence or not of certain financial commitments, which is why it is usually a necessary requirement to be able to carry out other administrative procedures. No-debit letters can have different applications and uses, such as the following:

Bank credits

This letter of no debt is issued when a person obtained a credit with a financial institution or a bank, in order to show that their debt has already been paid in full..

Schools and libraries

On many occasions this letter is issued in the case of schools to indicate that no type of tuition payment is owed or even in libraries, thus indicating that all the books requested by the student were returned in a timely manner..

Tax payment

This document can be issued by institutions that are dedicated to collecting taxes to demonstrate that a natural person does not have any pending tax obligation.

General companies

The letter can also be issued for company workers in which it is indicated that the delivery of their work equipment or any other utensil that they used in that place to carry out their work is not due..

Important information about a no-debit letter

It is important that the letter has been written on a letterhead, since when it is issued by some type of official institution, there is no doubt whatsoever regarding its issuance..

It should be remembered that the letter contains the full name of the person to whom this debt is freed. In case the letter has been issued by a bank, it is necessary to require that the credit number that has been paid satisfactorily appears there.

The non-debit letter is an extremely simple document, so its length should not exceed one page.

Sample letter of no debit


When the employee concludes his employment relationship, it may be the case that the company requires a letter of no debt in relation to the equipment or material granted for the execution of his work..

After the employee has shown that he has no outstanding debts, the process of settlement, cancellation and corresponding payment of rights can be continued..

No debt letter

June 25, 2017



To whom it may concern:

May this letter serve to state that Mr. Carlos José Ruiz Mendieta to date has no debts with this address, with regard to the following:

- Painting systems.

- Manual tools.

- Vehicles.

- Welding tools.

This non-debit document is issued in order to certify that this person has proven to be reliable to grant the loan of new tools..


Personnel director.

Engineer José Martín de la Orta.

Non-debit letter formats


Below is a general format of a no-debit letter that can be used for any occasion:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.


This letter is issued to researchers, students, workers and visiting professors, to indicate that they do not have debt related to hemerographic, bibliographic material, or with respect to any sanction..

It is needed to carry out the corresponding administrative or school procedures. To obtain it, the following procedure must be carried out:

- Return all books that have been obtained as a home loan.

- Settle all pending penalties or fines.

- Download and fill out the letter format with all the information requested in it.

- Take the form to the Directorate to get the teacher authorized by the school, and thus be able to obtain the corresponding signature, stamp and photocopy.

The following is a format of a letter of no debt that corresponds to a school institution:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.

UNAM Library

In order to comply with what is indicated in Chapter IV of the General Examination Regulations (RGE), a letter of non-debit of bibliographic material must be obtained from the libraries of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

The following is the corresponding format of a letter of no debt to the UNAM libraries:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.


Many credit institutions and banks are usually aware of the financial situation of their clients, but when this is not the case, they ask new clients to deliver a letter of no debt, in order to verify that the person does not have other credits pending payment, either inside or outside the country.

The following is a format of a no-debit letter that corresponds to banking institutions:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.


The letter of no-debit to INFONAVIT is issued by this same institution, but workers may independently issue a letter of promise of no-debit, which can be used as a trade for different business movements, whether of administration or contracting..

The following is the corresponding format of a letter of no debt to INFONAVIT:

In Word.


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