Letter of request

Jonah Lester

What is a petition letter?

A letter of request is a document by means of which a person asks some entity, institution or person for some material good or document. It is made up of a set of very specific elements.

This type of writing is usually written to make a request in a formal way and a reference remains, in order to have a support that serves to evidence that said request was made..

As it is of great importance, it is essential to know how to create it, so that the ideas that make it up can make sense and relate to each other, and thus the message can be understood more clearly..

It is a type of letter that has many variants, depending on the request and who writes it. Its format must be according to the request made.

It is a document that is always written in order to achieve some kind of improvement. It usually contains requests for materials or other services for the person who issues it, or a request made by a group of people related by certain circumstances, or for job improvements.

Parts of a petition letter

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As can be seen in the image above, a request letter contains the following parts and data:


You always have to start with a heading, which should include:

  • The city from where you are writing.
  • The date the letter was written.

In this way, the person who is going to read it can be aware of the context.

  • Then, it is essential to put the name of the entity or person to whom the petition or request is addressed.
  • In the first paragraph, a brief introduction should be made, in which the name of the author of the letter should be included..


In this section or section of the letter, a synthesis of the idea should be made, briefly explaining the reasons for making the request. Likewise, what you want to achieve with it. This must be done clearly, with all the necessary details to support the request..

Everything must be explained in a logical and orderly way, and if it is known, with the legal basis that supports said request.


Here will be a summary of what is being requested. Some type of writing technique could be used, such as: "For what has been explained ... I request:", "For what has been explained above to you, C. (name of the person to whom the letter is addressed), I respectfully request:", etc.

Conclusion and signature

The letter should be concluded with a courtesy phrase to say goodbye properly. Finally, the letter is usually signed with the full name and the corresponding signature. If copies are sent to other recipients, it must also be indicated

Steps to make a letter of request

Writing a letter of request turns out to be extremely simple:

  1. First, you start by writing in the upper right part the city and the date on which the document is being made.
  2. The second step is to write the name of the person to whom the letter is addressed. You can start, for example, with a phrase like "With attention to:".
  3. Subsequently, the type of request that is being made can be exposed. You must be very specific and punctual in the information that is going to be written in the body of the letter..
  4. The document must be closed by clearly stating that there is a willingness to clarify any questions or comments that may arise from said request..
  5. Finally, it ends with "Sincerely" and the name of the applicant is written. When printing the letter, do not forget to sign it.

As it is a formal document, it is usually issued in duplicate or even in triplicate. This is indicated at the bottom with the abbreviated "C.C.P" (with a copy for) and who will also receive this letter.

Important Recommendations

  • As it is a formal document, the position or occupation of the person to whom the letter is addressed must always be indicated. That is, phrases such as: "To whom it may concern" should not be used.
  • Also, the tone that should be used should be elegant and formal, avoiding any technicality, since this can only generate certain confusion..
  • The end of the letter should be fairly short. Generally, phrases such as "attentive to your answer" or "with nothing else to add" are used. One of the fundamental elements is the signature of the person who wrote it, in order to have greater credibility.

Sample petition letter

Tepic, Nayarit as of January 5, 2021.

With attention to Mtro. Emilio José Iturbide González.

Rector of the Olmec University.

Through this letter, I, Eduardo Gómez Escalante, a student at this university and campus of the sixth semester of the bachelor's degree in Business Administration, take the initiative to make the official request to be a participant in the "Winter Academic Stays" program, the which will take place from January 25 to February 26 at the Faculty of Administration and Accounting of the UNAM Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

For this reason, I make the request for the documentation that the UNAM requires in order to begin with the procedures to be able to achieve my stay in Mexico City. during the period comprised by the aforementioned dates.

With this request, I understand that the university that you worthily represent will only be in charge of the academic procedures, for which all other expenses resulting from this program will be in my charge..

Without further ado for the moment, I send you a cordial greeting, thanking you in advance for the attention paid to this request and remaining at your disposal with any comments or doubts..



Eduardo Gomez Escalante

Sixth semester student of Business Administration

Olmec University

CCP. Archive of the Bachelor of Business Administration

Request letter formats to download

Below you will find several formats to download:

Of information

Below is a format for Mexico of an information request letter:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.

From offers to suppliers

Below is a format or model of a letter requesting offers to suppliers:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.

Of work

The following is a format or model for Mexico of a job request letter:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.

Of professional practices

Below is a format of a request letter for internships:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.

Of marriage

Below is a format or sample of a petition letter for a marriage:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.

From job transfer

Here is a format for a job transfer request letter:

Download in Word.

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On working vacation

Here is a format of a request letter for a working vacation:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.


Below is a format or model for Mexico of a scholarship request letter:

Download in Word.

Download in PDF.

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