Cementera meaning and usage examples

Basil Manning

The word "cement company”Refers to cement, be it the machine that produces it, the factory or the industry. In turn, cement is a binder that arises from the mixture of clay and calcined and ground limestone that hardens on contact with water..

At present, “cement” production is in the eye of the storm for environmental movements, given that it is one of the main industries that emits greenhouse gases..

Cement maker, apparatus for creating cement. Source Pixabay.com

Article index

  • 1 Meaning
    • 1.1 Applied to cement
    • 1.2 The curious case of Cruz Azul
  • 2 Examples of use
  • 3 References


Applied to cement

The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (DRAE) indicates that "cement" is an adjective belonging to or relating to cement. In addition, it indicates that it is dedicated to the manufacture or trade of cement, being applicable to the company or factory.

It is also so called the cement mixing machine, being a word that has its male counterpart called “cement maker”. Synonym of "cement" as a machine is concrete mixer.

Currently, the cement industry is in a necessary reconversion. According to a June 2018 study by Making Concrete Change (“Changing Concrete”), the contribution of this industry to climate change is equivalent to 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This is more than the total truck fleet emits, according to estimates by the International Energy Agency..

Two thirds of these emissions are not related to the fuels used in the manufacturing process, but come from the decomposition of limestone that produces clinker, which is then ground with gypsum and ash to make cement..

This process is characterized by requiring large volumes of heat, which releases carbon dioxide in the form of polluting gases..

That is why today what is known as “cement 4.0” is studied, a concept that indicates the immersion of technology within “cement” production. Now, sensors, interconnected automated systems and data are introduced to be analyzed through the cloud.

With these digital solutions they estimate to reduce the consumption of resources for their manufacture by 20%, as well as the waste derived from the "cement" industry..

The curious case of Cruz Azul

A curious use of the word "cement" occurs with the Mexican soccer team Cruz Azul. It is one of the top four in the Mexican league and owned by a cement company that bears the same name..

In its beginnings, in the 1920s and 1930s, the Cruz Azul team was made up solely of workers from the Cooperativa de Cemento La Cruz Azul..

Due to its great football deployed in the 1960s, characterized by its attack and effectiveness, it was baptized as "The Machine", a nickname to which was immediately added its link with the industry to which the club belongs, so it was conformed "The Cement Machine".

Examples of use

-“I went to the cement company to find out the prices of the cement bag. I am looking forward to finishing the house renovation ".

-"The cement machine broke down, we must buy another one".

-"The local cement industry is in a terrible moment after falling 50% its exports".

-"The cement sector had an increase of 1% in local commerce".

-"Sales of cement companies grew 15% in the last year compared to 2018".

-"The chamber that groups the cement companies took their concerns to the meeting it held with government leaders".

-"'The cement machine' remains unbeatable and leads the table of positions in Mexican soccer".

-"If the cement industry were a country, it would be the third largest CO2 emitter in the world".

-"We must analyze how the cement industry could fit into the circular economy".

-"The Loma Negra cement company closes its historic factory".

-"In February 2012, the Argentine cement entrepreneur Amalita Fortabat passed away".

-"Cruz Azul reached the final of the 2001 Copa Libertadores. The" cement "team was the first in Mexico to achieve such a position".

-"Norway will inaugurate the first cement plant in the world that will not emit polluting gases".


  1. Cement company. Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Recovered from: dle.rae.es
  2. Pablo Rivas. (2019). "Cement, the industry that contributes more to the climate crisis than the entire global truck fleet". Recovered from: elsaltodiario.com
  3. Cement 4.0. Recovered from: news.siemens.com
  4. (2018). "Norway will inaugurate the first cement plant in the world without polluting emissions". Recovered from: ecoinventos.com
  5. Jonathan Lopez. (2019). "Why is Cruz Azul called 'The Cement Machine'". Recovered from: us.as.com

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