Cosmetic surgery In which cases is it not the best solution?

Alexander Pearson
Cosmetic surgery In which cases is it not the best solution?

When someone decides to have cosmetic surgery, it is important to consider the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery beforehand. It is also essential to know if the reasons that lead someone to perform an intervention of this type are appropriate or if, on the contrary, there are other underlying problems related to an intervention. low self-esteem, anxiety problems, or even addictions.

For this reason, it is necessary to put yourself in the hands of good professionals who know how to identify the source of the person's condition in order to focus on it. An experienced professional will know how to detect if there is an emotional problem behind the patient's consultation that needs to be solved, otherwise the operation will not help you get what you are looking for.

Someone may decide to have liposuction and attend a professional clinic to do it. However, if in this clinic they detect that behind that desire there is an anxiety problem or even an eating disorder, perhaps the most convenient thing is to address this problem first, otherwise there are great possibilities that a medium or long term, the need to undergo surgery again arises.

Psychological problems behind a cosmetic surgery operation

The Body Dysmorphic Disorder (formerly known as Dysmorphophobia) is usually one of the most common psychological problems among people who decide to undergo a plastic surgery operation. The person with this disorder may feel and think that they have a non-existent physical defect or simply magnify a small defect and turn it into something much more serious. The person becomes so obsessed with this supposed defect that it begins to affect him in his daily life.

There is no precise data on how many people suffer from this disorder since the affected people do not usually talk about it. Although Body Dysmorphic Disorder usually begins in the adolescence, can affect any age group and occur both in men like women. 

The most common concerns that usually end in surgery are usually facial defects (nose, hair or mouth) and also in the case of women we would add the breasts.

The Distorted thoughts They are another common reason that can lead a person to want to go to the operating room. It is a type of thoughts that are not aligned with reality and that also over time have been magnified by the person, causing changes in emotions, mood and behavior..

Without a doubt the low self-esteem it is usually the fundamental factor when making the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery. This is an especially important factor as a result of the problems derived from making self-esteem depend on external factors such as image. There is a good chance that self-esteem will not improve once the operation has been performed.

Who are the ideal candidates for this type of intervention?

The best candidates to undergo an intervention of this type are people who have a healthy and stable self-esteem and who also do not have dependence on other external factors to feel that they are accepted and approved.

Based on this we can conclude that a cosmetic surgery operation will not be the best option or solution for those people who have unrealistic expectations about the results of the intervention. It will also not be a good solution for people whose self-esteem depends entirely on their physique..

For all this, it is necessary to go to professional clinics that have extensive experience to differentiate some cases from others and can offer the most appropriate and individualized solution possible..

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