Cobalt chloride (CoCl2 (structure, nomenclature, properties

Charles McCarthy
Cobalt chloride (CoCl2 (structure, nomenclature, properties

The Cobalt chloride or cobalt (II) chloride is an inorganic solid formed by the union of cobalt metal in its oxidation state +2 with the chloride ion. Its chemical formula is CoCltwo.

The CoCltwo It is a crystalline solid that when in its hydrated form is red-violet in color. Gently heating it and removing the water of hydration turns it blue. These color changes are due to your coordinating number changing.

Hydrated cobalt chloride crystals. Chemicalinterest [Public domain]. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

It has been used in the past to treat certain types of anemia, but has been found to cause heart problems, deafness, gastrointestinal problems, poor thyroid function, and atherosclerosis. For these reasons, it stopped being used and is still under study..

The CoCltwo it is used to speed up various chemical reactions. Its hexahydrate form in solution is used as a reference for certain chemical analyzes..

It is used to mimic hypoxia or low oxygen concentration in certain biological or medical-scientific research experiences. It has also been used to improve some mechanical properties of polymers.

Article index

  • 1 Structure
  • 2 Nomenclature
  • 3 Properties
    • 3.1 Physical state
    • 3.2 Molecular weight
    • 3.3 Melting point
    • 3.4 Boiling point
    • 3.5 Density
    • 3.6 Solubility
    • 3.7 Other properties
  • 4 Uses
    • 4.1 Treatment of special cases of anemia
    • 4.2 In catalysis of chemical reactions
    • 4.3 As a standard in chemical analysis
    • 4.4 In ischemia research
    • 4.5 As a model to mimic hypoxia in biological and medical research
    • 4.6 In research on the use of water as a source of hydrogen
    • 4.7 To improve the mechanical properties of polymers
    • 4.8 Administration harmful or lethal to horses
  • 5 References


Cobalt (II) chloride is formed by a cobalt atom in its oxidation state +2 and two chloride anions Cl-.

The electron configuration of the cation Cotwo+ it is:

1stwo, 2stwo 2 P6, 3stwo 3p6 3d7, 4s0,

because it has lost the 2 electrons from the 4s shell.

The electronic structure of the anion Cl- it is:

1stwo, 2stwo 2 P6, 3stwo 3p6,

because it has gained an electron in the 3p shell.


-Cobalt (II) chloride

-Cobaltous chloride

-Cobalt dichloride


-Cobalt muriate

-CoCltwo: anhydrous cobalt chloride (without water of hydration)

-CoCltwo•2HtwoO: cobalt chloride dihydrate

-CoCltwo•6HtwoO: cobalt chloride hexahydrate


Physical state

Crystalline solid whose color depends on the degree of hydration.

CoCltwo anhydrous: pale blue

Anhydrous cobaltous chloride. W. Oelen [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

CoCltwo•2HtwoO: violet

CoCltwo•6HtwoO: red-purple or pink

Hydrated cobalt chloride. W. Oelen [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Molecular weight

CoCltwo: 129.84 g / mol

CoCltwo•2HtwoO: 165.87 g / mol

CoCltwo•6HtwoO: 237.93 g / mol

Melting point

CoCltwo: 735 ºC

CoCltwo•6HtwoO: 86 ºC

Boiling point

CoCltwo: 1053 ºC


CoCltwo: 3.356 g / cm3

CoCltwo•2HtwoO: 2.477 g / cm3

CoCltwo•6HtwoO: 1,924 g / cm3


CoCltwo: 45 g / 100 mL of water

CoCltwo•2HtwoOr: 76 g / 100mL of water

CoCltwo•6HtwoOr: 93 g / 100mL of water

Other properties

Cobalt (II) chloride hexahydrate is pinkish, but when slightly heated it turns blue as it loses water. If the CoCltwo anhydrous is left in a humid atmosphere, it turns pink.

The color of the cobalt ion depends on the coordination number, that is, on the groups attached to the Co ion.two+. A coordination number of 6 corresponds to pink compounds and a coordination number of 4 results in blue compounds..

When the CoCltwo is found in aqueous solution, the following equilibrium occurs:

Co (HtwoOR)6++ + 4 Cl- ⇔ CoCl4- + 6 htwoOR

When equilibrium shifts towards Co (HtwoOR)6++ the solution is red, while when it moves towards the CoCl4- the solution is blue.


Treatment of special cases of anemia

Cobalt chloride was widely used since the 1930s for the treatment of certain types of anemia, both in Europe and in the United States..

Its oral administration favors an increase in hemoglobin, erythrocyte count and hematocrit. The response is proportional to the dose used. This is because it exerts a stimulating action on the bone marrow..

Illustration of red blood cells in the blood. Author: Gerd Altmann. Source: Pixabay.

However, its use was discontinued due to side effects such as gastrointestinal upset, cardiomyopathy, nerve deafness, and abnormal thyroid function..

Despite such drawbacks, in 1975 it was successfully tested in kidney failure patients whose anemia is caused by repeated blood loss due to dialysis..

Hematocrit and red cell volume were found to increase in these patients indicating stimulation of erythropoiesis or red blood cell formation..

For this reason, cobalt chloride was thought to be of value in hemodialysis patients in whom other ways of alleviating anemia have failed..

However, it was later observed that high levels of Cotwo+ in blood were related to atherosclerosis, so more studies are currently being carried out to determine its potential benefits or harm for this type of patients.

In catalysis of chemical reactions

Cobalt chloride has application in the acceleration of certain chemical reactions.

For example, in the esterification of high molecular weight unsaturated compounds, the use of CoCltwo As a catalyst it leads to obtaining the desired product without the formation of collateral derivatives.

Increasing the CoCl concentrationtwo and the temperature increases the rate of the reaction.

As a standard in chemical analysis

The CoCltwo•6HtwoOr it is used as a standard or color reference in some analysis methods of the American Public Health Association, or APHA. American Public Health Association).

Cobalt chloride colored solutions in various equilibria with hydrochloric acid HCl. Chemicalinterest [Public domain]. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

In ischemia research

Ischemia is the decrease in blood flow in a part of the body and remedies are continually being investigated to avoid it or prevent its consequences.

CoCl has been foundtwo can induce apoptosis or cell death of cancer model cells.

The CoCltwo it triggers the production of reactive oxygen species in such cancer model cells, which leads to their death via apoptosis. Said to induce a hypoxia-mimicking response.

This result indicates that the CoCltwo can help to investigate the molecular mechanism in hypoxia-associated cell death and to find remedies against ischemia.

As a model to mimic hypoxia in biological and medical research

Hypoxia is the decrease in available oxygen necessary for the function of the cell. The CoCltwo is one of the compounds used in medical-scientific and biological research to induce chemical hypoxia.

The mechanism of action of CoCltwo in cells gives the researcher a longer time to manipulate and analyze their samples under hypoxic conditions.

Its use is considered a reliable method, since it allows experiments under low oxygen conditions without the use of special cameras..

However, the interpretation of the results obtained must be carefully reviewed, as the researcher must ensure that cobalt does not have other effects on the function of the cells under study apart from mimicking hypoxia..

In research on the use of water as a source of hydrogen

Cobalt chloride has been studied as a catalyst in the investigation of obtaining hydrogen from water using solar energy.

The Co iontwo+ can act as a homogeneous catalyst during the photochemical oxidation of water under acidic conditions (presence of acid HCl and pH 3) to avoid precipitation.

This type of study sheds light and helps in the search for clean energy and sustainable solar energy..

To improve the mechanical properties of polymers

Some researchers incorporated CoCltwo to acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene polymer blends, or ABS. Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene), with nitrile-butadiene rubber, or NBR (acronym of the English Nitrile Butadiene Rubber).

CoCl was incorporatedtwo to the ABS-NBR mixture and the whole was hot compressed. The results indicate that the NBR was uniformly dispersed in the ABS and that the CoCltwo tends to be distributed in the NBR phase.

The coordination reaction between the cations Cotwo+'and -CN groups have a positive impact on mechanical properties. By increasing the CoCl contenttwo increases tensile strength and ease of bending.

However, a decrease in thermal stability and problems with the absorption of water from CoCl were observed.two, Therefore, this type of mixture will continue to be studied..

Harmful or lethal administration to horses

The CoCltwo has been used in very small quantities in horse feed.

Cobalt is an important element (in traces) for the diet of horses, since the bacteria in their intestinal tract use it to synthesize vitamin B12 (cobalamin).

However, recent studies (2019) indicate that cobalt supplementation in horse feed is neither useful nor necessary and that it can be potentially lethal for these animals.

Horses do not require additional cobalt chloride supplementation. Author: Alexas Fotos. Source: Pixabay.


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