How to deal with the loss of a match?

Charles McCarthy

Nobody likes to lose, this is something more than obvious, although it is true that from childhood we are taught to win, but why does no one tell us how to learn to lose? In other words, we are so focused on winning that we forget the perspective that in a sporting event such as paddle tennis, there is always a winner and a loser ...

How to deal with it when we have to lose? It is important to note that sometimes it is convenient to learn to lose in order to win, everything is a matter of aptitude in this life. Sport teaches us to have technique and discipline, but it also carries a psychological part that is not always seen.

It is necessary to have the perspective of winning and losing

All sports have their mental part, but especially paddle tennis is a game where there is a game time and a waiting time, that is, a space of time in which you must analyze properly the situation and quickly implement an appropriate strategy.

This can go well or badly, hence the need as we see in Padel Zoom to know how to lose a game, since sometimes they do not take the correct decisions or it is simply not up to the task. We cannot always be in the same physical or mental condition.

If we do not learn to lose, we will not know how to win either, this is something that seems simple, but it involves much more. If we are not able to overcome those psychological barriers, our level of play on paddle tennis will reach a point where it will stagnate, everything is linked by the same nexus, the psychological field.

Not knowing how to lose implies that we are not able to analyze what has happened so that we have lost the paddle game. That is, knowing how to lose we will be able to analyze in depth the mistakes we have made in each game.

In this way, we will be able improve over time, since we will be improving the strategies and elements that fail us at certain times in order to be better players. If we always win, we do not learn, it is necessary to face greater challenges to advance more and better.

Losing gives us the possibility to improve

Although it seems contradictory, it is so. As we have said, losing will allow us to improve in what we have failed, but to achieve this it is necessary to learn through defeats, and it is not something that can be taught theoretically..

It is true that the older we are, the more difficult it is to open our minds to defeat, especially if we are one of those people who have always been taught to win. But with perseverance and effort everything can be achieved.

Learn how to get a bright side Of defeat is a psychological issue, so some people find it easier than others. Learning anything in life requires effort and discipline, but when it is achieved we will realize the great benefit it entails.

We can start training with rivals who are superior In this way, in addition to winning physically, we are also going to learn how a person who is better than us plays. See what the opponent does in certain situations or simply how he serves, how he returns a backhand, or how he manages to take advantage.

Definitely, learn from someone better, With this we will achieve almost without realizing that losing does not matter, being aware that we are facing someone better than ourselves, we will feel that losing is not important and in this way we will be learning without realizing it. What today seems unimportant, tomorrow will mean a different attitude towards another kind of defeat.

In other words, we will have lost these paddle games, but we will be learning to lose, in addition to knowing new techniques and strategies in our game, so it is important to practice with people better than us.

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