We will start with the 2-level explanation:
When you are jealous you are aware of it, but still you have to clarify a point. Jealousy resembles envy and tends to be confused, when you get to this point remember that Envy consists of wanting something you do not have while jealousy is the fear of losing something you already have.
To determine if a person is jealous, it is necessary to be attentive to the signals that he projects. We are going to divide these signs into different planes to make them easier to recognize..
All these signs are indicative of jealousy but they can also have a different meaning, therefore it is necessary to pay attention to all of them. Not because one of them appears we are facing an attack of jealousy. The more signs that are shown, the more confident we can be of the existence of jealousy
The planes in which we are going to divide these signals are the communication plane and the body language plane (these planes are interconnected but are explained like this so that the signals are easier to recognize).
Whoever feels jealous, when communicating with his partner will have tension and anxiety. As a consequence, instead of having a natural conversation, you will try to find out what your partner's thoughts are. You can have a more or less aggressive attitude but always with a drier and different tone than usual..
Your partner will be the only thing that exists for him or her at that time and will not give importance to any other circumstance. Your conversation with a third person will be quick and use monosyllables since all your attention will be directed towards your partner.
The person in that conversation will be lost, the pauses between words will increase and above all they will be absent. That is, you will be clueless and focused on your partner.
The face will remain expressionless trying to hide all the emotions but tension will be noticed in the jaw part, in the neck (where it is best seen) and also in the arm muscles that will be especially tense. Besides, it is very likely that the fists are closed but this will depend on the degree of jealousy of the person and their level of self-control.
Jealousy increases anxiety and with it self-conciliatory gestures appear, the clearest example is deep breathing since it is a mechanism to cope with anxiety. Along with deeper breathing, it is normal for more self-conciliatory gestures to appear.
Other examples are leaning back, touching hands or running them over the body (in any area for a short time and especially on the back of the neck)
These gestures are involuntary, usually last a few seconds and appear seeking to increase self-confidence when it is especially necessary, for example in jealousy.
The jealous person will seek to control his partner as much as possible, for this he will not stop staring at his partner for as long as he can to collect all the information he has. Remember that all your attention is focused on your partner.
The desired effect is to stand out from the person who causes us jealousy (not the partner but the person who causes the trigger, that is, the person we think we like) for this the jealous person will stand upright, with chin high, sticking out chest and with both hands resting on the waist.
With this attitude he seeks to stand out as much as possible, seeking not only to attract the attention of his partner but also to stand out from possible rivals even if they do not exist (you must remember that jealousy depends on the jealousy predisposition that if it is very high it is combined with a great imagination)
The jealous person will also try to put a barrier between his partner and others in a way that he will seek to protect his partner and isolate him from the action of other people.
It can be in a very obvious way, for example giving a hug to your partner or it can be in a very subtle way, for example putting a foot forward between your partner and others, this level depends on the intensity of jealousy and also on self-control. of the jealous.
Those who are jealous and estranged from their partner cannot establish barriers between their partner and others. As a consequence the jealous will increase your blocking gestures, It can be shown in a very obvious way, for example by crossing the arms or in a more subtle way by pressing the lips for a few seconds.
These blocking gestures appear due to the individual's need to control himself but they are involuntary, that is, they are an involuntary way of simulating the appearance of any feeling.
And are you capable of recognizing jealousy ... ?
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