How to help your little ones cope with fear and shyness

Abraham McLaughlin
How to help your little ones cope with fear and shyness

The importance of the environment

The family, the environment, relationships with others and the very nature of the smallest of the house are shaped, as if it were a puzzle, the character and ability of children to interact with the rest and respond in a or another way before the different circumstances that life poses to them. For some of them, fear, insecurity or shame become increasingly unbreakable barriers that end up slowing down their ability to evolve and interact with others in a way that is appropriate for their age..

This type of behaviors of excessive shyness usually appear together with other signs such as nervousness or anxiety in the face of certain realities in which the little ones have to interact. Episodes in which children end up accepting with too much suspicion or concern the contact with people outside their closest circle.

"The school environment is essential to detect and help children to redirect these cases of extreme shyness that paralyze them when facing collective tasks or interacting with the rest"

Teachers and school staff are usually the first to detect this type of behavior, spending more hours with children seeing how they cope with various situations outside of their family nuclei. In these cases it is where behaviors of accentuated nervousness are usually noticed in the face of common actions such as speaking in public or in cases of isolation during rest and recreation times. Certain moments in which the little ones bet on being alone instead of interacting with the rest. We advise you to read this free guide to innovation in teaching to find out the best practices in this type of situation..

Lack of self-esteem and excessive protection

In the most familiar environment it is also important to be alert to observe those behaviors in which children avoid spending time with other children their age, even adopting positions of notable shame and discomfort or hiding behind their relatives when coinciding with other people outside the group that gives them a greater sense of closeness and tranquility.

Behind these types of realities when it comes to acting there is a wide list of reasons that go from the repetition of patterns of shyness observed within the family, to those children who have been raised in a very protective environment that has ended for diminishing their social skills by enhancing their fear of exposing themselves to others as well as to new situations.

The lack of self-esteem, insecurity or some traumatic experience lived by the little ones at some point may also have left their small mark, leading them to face life from a situation of great fear and shyness.

To help children overcome this type of situation, it is important not to pressure them or end up minimizing problems by making them feel that they are unimportant or that, on the contrary, they are exaggerating the reality that they live with anguish. The commitment to request information from specialists in this area will help them face the road with greater guarantees and offer the little ones different therapies that help them to reduce their levels of nervousness and insecurity, to relax, in addition to guiding parents to continue advancing in the right direction.

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