How to preserve memory Exercises and tips

Robert Johnston
How to preserve memory Exercises and tips

Cognitive processes and memory allow us a correct development of skills and experiences. Over the years they deteriorate and it is necessary to take measures.

There are daily activities and routines that can favor its conservation and the prevention of certain diseases.

When the loss is imminent or we are facing cognitive impairments caused by the passage of time, age, accidents or diseases such as Alzheimer's, We must follow other steps aimed at curbing this detriment or ensuring the best possible state of our memory.

When memory fades ...

A person who begins to have frequent memory loss, may consider the possibility of having a disease such as Alzheimer's, or may simply the passage of time is deteriorating memory processes. Before clinging to a worrying idea, it may be advisable to exercise our memory from home, with the help of a family member or by ourselves. If losses do not improve and the situation becomes worrying, it will be necessary to go to a specialist to diagnose the situation and apply the appropriate treatment.

To exercise and maintain active memory processes, it is advisable to perform mnemonic exercises as a game. We must bear in mind that our brain is prepared to remember 7 +/- items of information, this means that we tend to remember seven pieces of information more or less, that is why it is frequent that we group the digits of a telephone number, from two by two, or three by three, instead of one by one, since it is a simpler job for our memory. With which, it would be necessary to stick to this data, and take into account the individual characteristics of each one, to work with a level appropriate to their circumstances, being this low enough so that it is stimulated when solving the exercises and observing the response success.

Preserving Memory: Some Exercises to Practice at Home

Games with numbers

Try to memorize numbers by observing series for 60 seconds and later repeat those items that we remember.

  • - 12 - 23 - 35 - 44 - 58 - 70

Word games

With the same structure as the previous exercise. Given a series of unrelated words, try to remember the maximum possible. The series can be complicated as they are overcome.

Deer - sea - car - destination - result - father - red

Games with pictures

A series of no more than seven images will scroll quickly. The person should try to retain them. It will instantly repeat what it has seen. Another variant can be, do it in the same way as with the previous exercises but with a greater number of photos.

Games with sounds

Several sounds will be heard, differentiated by pauses of silence, which the subject will take advantage of to say what he has heard, in order to avoid confusion, sometimes we do not perceive the same sounds in the same way, and in turn reinforce memory. After finishing listening to the whole series of items, the subject will write down all those that he remembers.

Video Session

You can also put short films or even feature films, it depends on the level at which you work, always with basic and clarified ideas, and oriented to the memory of actions in the film, about which we can ask clear and direct questions. This forces to force concentration and sustained attention at first, and to make use of memory and memory in the second instance..

All these activities can be carried out from home in a simple way, or also in specialized centers with personalized levels and other necessary reinforcements, in the event that the problem is serious..

Preserve your memory: Tips for everyday life

During the cure of memory loss or diseases related to it, it is advisable to take into account some tips for day to day, in addition to carrying out activities with the help of specialists, or some exercises such as those mentioned above.

Objects of daily use

Always assign a fixed place to the objects of habitual use, such as keys, telephone, purse, glasses, footwear ..., to avoid their loss.

Taking medications

It is convenient to place the medicine next to something that you usually use at the time of taking (glass of water, tablecloth, glasses ...), to avoid forgetting it.


People who tend not to relate, to be alone, and also tend to have memory losses, when it comes time to interact with others, they only think about talking and telling about theirs. This induces them to “forget” to attend to what others want to tell them, therefore, afterwards they cannot remember dialogues. This kind of forgetfulness does not happen due to lack of memory, but because they did not show interest during the conversation. To avoid these situations, try to force others to listen actively, taking turns speaking and listening, calmly and attentively..

Daily misgivings and forgetfulness

We all have blunders often. Surely on some occasion, we have gone somewhere to make or collect something and when we have arrived, we have not been able to remember what we were going to do. These events are normal and we should not take them too hard.. Sometimes the problem lies in the interpretation. Our own concern can cause us the wrong idea of ​​a problem that does not exist, and this idea end up creating a real problem.

Faced with distractions or worrying memory failures, begin to take action, it does not hurt to exercise our brain, after all, like everything else, if it is not used it is lost.

If you found what you have read interesting, take note, but in your head. Don't forget to challenge your memory day by day.

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