How to manage your stress in 7 easy steps

Sherman Hoover
How to manage your stress in 7 easy steps

Do you feel that you do not get to everything? Are you missing hours in the day? Do you find it difficult to sleep and do you wake up continuously? Does your head hurt, you are not concentrating and everything irritates you? ... If you feel this way, you may be going through a moment of stress.

Stress consists of a global response of our body when we are faced with a threatening or challenging situation. This response takes place to facilitate the adaptation of the organism by putting all our resources available and facilitating its activation (everyday situations such as traffic jams on the way to work, a failure in an exam, or longer-term situations such as a separation, being out of work ...).

This activation is positive, our life and environment in constant change demand continuous adaptations. However, if this response is prolonged in time or its intensity is too high, it may have harmful effects on our body and become an obstacle. Ideally, learn to manage stress and keep it within acceptable levels.

How to identify stress

TO emotional level You can feel anxiety, depression, anger, you can feel irritable, nervous, worried, impatient or react with hostility in situations that you did not do before (For example at work or with your friends ...).

TO physical level you may feel nervous, tired, headaches, muscle fatigue, insomnia, rapid heartbeat.

You may also notice that you increase the frequency or intensity of behaviors such as nail biting, smoking, or drinking. You have lost your sense of humor or frequently go blank.

If you feel this way, you may find yourself in a stress situation, don't let it pass. Maintaining the stress response for a long time or repeated repetition is a waste of resources in our body and can make you more vulnerable to diseases.

How to learn to manage stress

Be aware of your thoughts

They influence the assessment we make of situations. For example, in a traffic jam, if your thinking is "We're here, always the same, I'm going to be late ..." this will make you start to feel angry and nervous, your heart rate will increase, your breathing will speed up and you will feel anxious.

However, if you put the music on the radio, you breathe deeply and feeling the breath as you think "It does not depend on me, it is the traffic, tomorrow I leave 5 minutes before, nothing happens, I am going to relax ..." you will not arrive earlier, but you will be in a better mood, without anger or anxiety.

Look at the positives

If you have failed an exam it is useless to regret, punish yourself by thinking "If I had studied more". Learn from the situation and, for the next exam, plan your study time in advance. Eliminate words like "Never", "always", replace "I can't" with "how can I?".

Don't overload yourself with activities

Learn to say NOT, you cannot reach everything or make everyone happy. Practice assertiveness and be realistic, nobody is perfect ... Allow yourself to fail and make mistakes, you learn from mistakes.

Watch your health

Do sports regularly and sleep the hours your body needs, you can handle situations more easily if you face them with a clear head.

Take care of your diet and your habits. Don't skip meals or eat in a hurry or anything, take your time. You may think that drugs or alcohol relieve you, do not be fooled, this is only momentary, depending on them will cause you more stress.

Learn to relax

There are several relaxation techniques (visualization, progressive muscle relaxation). One of the most used is control of our breathing. Breathe deeply, paying attention to how you do it, inhaling, holding the air for a few seconds, and exhaling slowly. Repeat these exercises several times a day, until you are able to do them at times when you notice that your anxiety rises.

However, look for the way that best suits you, some people take a bath, others read a book, others go for a walk ... I'm sure you can think of more than one, don't wait, take care.

Learn to delegate

Seek the support of your closest people if you need it, and ask for help if you feel that you cannot do everything.

Take care of your personal relationships

Enjoy the company of others, but without complaints, laughing and sharing with our loved ones makes us feel stronger and more capable.

Don't let stress control you, take control of your life!

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