How to Stop Drinking Beer in 5 Practical Steps

Basil Manning
How to Stop Drinking Beer in 5 Practical Steps

Have you started drinking beer as a hobby and it got out of hand? In this post I am going to give you remedies, methods and tips to stop drinking / drinking beer.

You may also have started drinking in social situations and that has carried over into the home as well; at meals or even when you are alone. There is the real problem.

There are some who say that beer is good and others who do not. In most cases, nothing happens for a beer a day, the problem is when you drink too much and you need to consume a high daily amount to feel good.

So what happens?

Some say that beer does not make you fat, others that it does not. 

In my opinion, you don't get fat if you eat a healthy diet and exercise at the same time. And to get rid of doubts, eliminate alcohol and go to 0.0 (without alcohol).

In addition, if it is limited to two glasses a day and if it is combined with a healthy diet and exercise, it can be good for reducing hypertension and cholesterol levels.. 

Therefore, I do not believe that it is the cause of the "beer belly". Rather, its cause is the result of spending so much time without exercising and eating an unhealthy diet..

I also want to tell you about some benefits of beer: it is diuretic, improves anemia, improves good cholesterol (HDL) and is very hydrating.

And why do beer drinkers often have such a belly?

Here there is a cognitive bias (an error of interpretation). We relate the belly directly to beer and we believe that this is its only cause. We see the typical pot-bellied man in a bar with a beer in hand or we have the typical friend who has that Homer Simpson belly.

But as I told you, there are doctors who recommend 2 beers a day.

The fact is that we do not see that people who have a "beer belly" and who drink a lot of beer also have bad eating habits and are sedentary.

I myself have friends who drink beer every day but also eat very well, don't smoke and play sports. Outcome? They are healthy and slim.

Anyway, this is my opinion, which I have from what I have read and from my experience. Please, leave in the comments what you think.

So remember Homer Simpson; he has that belly because he goes to Moe's bar every day, who knows if he drinks 5 beers or more, and then he spends all day eating junk food, sitting on the couch and scratching his beer belly at work.

How to stop drinking: practical steps and remedies

1-Commitment and being aware of your goal

To start changing any habit, you need to commit yourself and be aware of what you want to change..

Do you want to stop beer altogether? Decrease up to a glass a day your consumption? 

Therefore clarify your goal and write it down. Literally; write on a sheet of paper what is your goal with regard to beer and leave it in a visible place (with the refrigerator). 

For example:

  • No more beer. 
  • Decrease up to one glass daily.

Once you are clear, you must make a commitment to yourself. The power of this is incalculable. 

It is actually very easy to commit and then forget or break the commitment. I am not going to discuss this issue in detail here although something that works for me very well is making commitments in public.

For example, every time I have the opportunity, I talk about some goal that I want to achieve, making it public.

2-Be aware of how it is affecting you and how it will benefit you

This can be called leverage. 

It is about making you aware of the harmful effects that an addiction to beer can have on you, including: deterioration of social and family relationships, hepatitis, cancer, brain damage, stroke, damage to pregnancy ...

Also of the benefits of quitting: lose weight, feel healthy, improve attention and concentration ...

I advise you to directly write them down on a sheet and put it next to the goal (you can use post-it). A column with the benefits and others with the detrimental effects.

3-Find another habit

It will be much more difficult for you to stop drinking beer if you keep going to the same bar, going out with the same friends who drink beer or sitting in the living room to watch TV (worse if you have beer in the fridge).

To quit, it is better that you start to acquire another habit that replaces drinking. 

It could be: going to the gym, playing tennis, dancing, drinking tea, drinking juice, signing up for a course / workshop, volunteering ...

4-Reinforce the new habit

To consolidate the new habit, give yourself a reward every time you have done something well.

For example, if you've started jogging or gone to the gym, give yourself a reward that you value, for example watching a movie or eating your favorite food..

This will make that behavior (jogging or gym) more likely to be repeated..

5-Other tips

-You can also join groups like Alcoholics Anonymous. This if you think your problem is serious or has begun to harm your health and personal well-being. Associations like this are guided by professionals with many years of experience and meeting people with the same problem will make you feel better and more motivated..

-If you tend to drink more when you go out with your friends, you can consider changing places you go out or at least discuss your problem with your friends. If your problem is serious, I would recommend that you limit 100% places such as bars, pubs and never buy beer (do not even consider going through the drinks aisle or the store where you usually buy).

And have you managed to stop drinking beer? What has served you? I would also like you to comment if these steps have helped you. Tell me about your experience. I'm interested!



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