The effective communication personal, in organizations and companies is very important to achieve goals and develop personal relationships- The most complex challenges in life, such as significant social relationships (mother / father-children, family, partner, work, etc.) or advancement in your professional career require the correct management of communication.
Be it oral as well as written, communication is not a simple matter. The good news is that the ability to communicate can be learned. By following these guidelines, you will learn to improve effective communication and you will soon notice changes in the level of acceptance, trust and professional development..
Many people, especially in the professional field, are convinced of their communicative superiority, holding beliefs such as:
"I am a good communicator ... everyone else has the problem".
"My way of communicating is not the problem, it is others who do not know how to listen".
Pointing out the mistakes of others as justification for our problems is the number one pastime of individualistic societies, a distinction proposed by the scientist Miller in 19841.
This communicational effect of which I speak is an attribution effect: interpretation or explanation that is made about the causes, motives and reasons of some event (including beliefs, attitudes and behaviors) either in others or in the individual who makes it.
The scientist Kelley proposed that if human beings acted as scientists, we could only incur an attribution of this type if in the concrete situation proposedtwo:
However, due to cultural and learning reasons, we are neither scientific nor objective when we make attribution judgments..
Returning to the example, the simplest and fastest way is to blame the other for a certain problem, why?
That is, if we act like humans rather than scientists, we probably take the other person's fault for granted even though only Kelley's first observation is true..
The greatest enemy of learning and personal development is our way of thinking. If we consider that we are perfect and others are bad communicators, we will never ask ourselves what we can improve.
The truth is that all of us have strengths and weaknesses in the different aspects of interpersonal communication. There is not a single person on the planet who does not need to work to improve their communication since it is a job for life, we must never let our guard down.
Before deciding to make changes in the way you communicate, you should know what your strengths are to try to maintain them and learn from them or what are your weaknesses, which you should work on..
Take some time to review the last communicative encounters you have had. Ask yourself questions and try to describe your communication style. Some of the questions that you could ask yourself in each communicative scene that you remember are the following:
Imagine that you are in a group context of work or study. Probably the most important thing for you and for the group is the task. However, this is a double-edged sword.
When there is a task to be done, we tend to focus on it and neglect to deal with people. When this is the case, try to keep a global vision of what is happening.
Since most job performance errors are due to poor communication, try to be the objective voice of the group. In addition, on many occasions you will be involved in group discussions. If you have been an observer, you will know how to identify the cause of the conflict in order to solve it.
Closely related to the previous point we find this phenomenon. Surely you will be able to identify several communicational situations in your life in which you have found yourself defending your position tooth and nail.
The more important the topic to be discussed in a conversation is for us, the more we will try to get our opinion taken into consideration..
This can lead us not to listen and monopolize the speech, or even to confront ourselves with others due to the prevalence of our point of view. However, on many occasions your point of view and that of others is not as opposite as it may seem at first..
Therefore, the best strategy to avoid finding ourselves in uncomfortable situations that make us remember the conversation as a failure, is to listen before speaking and try to provide short but highly informative arguments in an assertive way..
As a middle point between passivity and aggressiveness in our communicational discourse, we find assertiveness. This term, although coming from Latin (affirmation of the certainty of a thing), was described for the first time in detail by Wolpe and Lazarus in 1958.
Assertiveness consists of asserting ourselves and respecting ourselves, saying what we think and say without fear of retaliation, yes, always doing it with elegance and from a position of maximum respect.
What should i do to be assertive?
Every communicative act between human beings contains these two components.
Attitudes derive from our beliefs, feelings, and intentions. The psychologist Allport defined them as mental and neurological dispositions that are organized from experience that exerts a directing or dynamic influence on the individual's reactions to all objects and to all the situations that correspond to them..
If we analyze this definition, we see that in a communicative act our attitudes are as important as our behavior. In each communicative exchange, our attitudes will always be present, providing information to our interlocutor..
When I talk about attitudes, I mean both those that we have towards ourselves and those that we take towards the other person, and both types of attitudes are of the utmost importance.
If your attitude towards yourself is negative (low self-regard), this will be reflected in your way of communicating, making the task much more difficult..
In what way? A person who does not value himself and wants enough will cause the same effect in his interlocutor and his credibility will be diminished.
On the contrary, if you maintain positive attitudes towards yourself, you will quickly see that others will have a greater interest in listening to your opinion and accepting your arguments..
Everything communicates: you, your interlocutor, the subject, the moment, the place and the way.
Depending on what the conversation should be, the context should be adapted. Thus, a work conversation is not the same as a conversation with friends or family..
Anyway, the most important aspect is the person you are communicating with. In this direction, Einstein said: "You don't understand something unless you are able to explain it to your grandmother.".
You probably ask yourself this question very often when you have a conversation. If so, very good. Empathy is the ability to perceive the thoughts, feelings, emotions and intentions of another person.
The better you know a person, the better you can empathize with them, and the more you get used to interpreting what the other person might be feeling or thinking, the better your ability will be..
If your interlocutor feels that you empathize with him, he will feel more interested and motivated by your conversation. This is why empathy is a powerful communication tool. By taking an interest in others, you will get interest.
What can I do to be empathetic in conversation?
Closely related to empathy is the concept of ethical communication. This refers to taking into consideration the well-being of the person with whom you interact, demonstrating your sensitivity to their feelings and beliefs..
If a person feels understood, they will be more open to listening to you and expressing what they really feel.
When we communicate, all of our senses can give us highly valuable information. Tending to use the sense of hearing as a priority, we receive only 45% of the total information transmitted by our interlocutor: tone of voice, volume, rhythm and content.
The other 55% of communicative information can be perceived through the sense of sight3 But, for this, we must train and get used to grasping these keys: expressions, gestures, position, respiratory rate, distance, etc..
When we listen to our interlocutor, we must get used to doing it actively, that is, extracting the maximum information from the stimuli captured: thinking, making associations and interpretations, etc. In addition, a good tool to motivate you by accompanying your speech is to make small nods using words or gestures.
One of the best ways to learn to communicate effectively is to fixate and remedy our mistakes. There are certain communicative alterations that occur with high frequency in all communicative exchange:
And what do you do to establish effective communication with others? Your experience will help us to have other opinions and readers. Thanks!
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