How to improve your health by having a more organized life

Alexander Pearson
How to improve your health by having a more organized life

After Christmas, surely we have gained a kilo or two, and the obsession to arrive in the summer with something that we consider a valid body makes us go as soon as possible to a nutritionist, gym, dietician, to the sandwich diet or whatever another path that leads us to feel better on the outside.

Our physical body worries us a lot, but luckily we are increasingly concerned about health, and not just appearance. The fact of feeling good about our body, of feeling agile and less heavy is increasingly important.

We are increasingly interested in healthy food, in having a more balanced diet, less industrial pastries, less fat, and we also try to transmit this type of diet to children more and more.

It seems that it is the most necessary to be well.

But what if we talk about how after Christmas we find that our daily stress has not calmed down, our time remains the same and our activities remain the same? We see it normal right? we assume it and period.

And perhaps many times that stress is what leads us to a bad diet, which is what we want to avoid. I propose that we try to combine both. Everything will improve in us.

Feeling stressed daily takes its toll, the feeling that there is no time to do everything we want, leads us to a disorganization that affects everything, our work, our daily life and our diet.

I think physical care is overrated, and our daily organization is underrated.

Lack of time leads to a lack of organization, lack of organization leads to low productivity. Low productivity increases stress, and this often leads to a poor diet, and eating due to anxiety.

We have normalized running, going stressed because it seems that it is the only way to live, that we do not realize that it is a real problem.

It takes away time from life that is really important, from our friends, from our family, from reading, from going for a walk, or why not, from sitting on the couch watching a movie without any remorse, because it is simply you time to see a movie.

Personal organization is something that is increasingly in demand. Every time we need to have our time under control, to dominate it, and not to dominate us

In a recent survey, I did a study on the interest in having a good physique or less stress.

The results before the physical, were expected, a very high percentage wants to have a good physique, feel better, lose a few kilos.

In the questions about whether you think you are stressed, the percentage of affirmative answers is very high.

And when faced with the choice to live calmer or to have a good physique, the choice is to live calmer.

This all seems quite normal, but what I take away from all of this is that there is a real problem of daily stress. If not, if we all lead an organized and unhurried life, perhaps the choice of our gift would be to have a good physique.

The simple implementation of certain routines can make us achieve what we want so much and that we use so badly: time.

I want to give you some basic guidelines to get a little more organized:

Start by being punctual. If from the start of the day you are unpunctual, everything will come to you, you will run everywhere, and apart from not looking very good, it will seem that the day falls short.

Forget about social media, At least during the time that you are dedicating to work or to be with your family, I believe that it is the most time consuming without realizing it. Checked out, looking at Instagram for a while in the morning, today has suddenly meant losing 20 minutes of my time, which meant I had to run a lot later (we can all be wrong ...)

Learn to control the time of your tasks, activities. From how much it costs you to prepare food, to how long you need to get up, have breakfast, and leave the house. Maybe you just have to get up a little bit earlier, sometimes the solutions are very simple.

Don't work 24 hours, Set work hours if you are self-employed or freelance. Take advantage of 100% work time and you will have a quality life outside of work.

Use apps, tools, to help you remember, do not depend only on what your head remembers, because really, it is capable of absorbing and storing many things and a lot of information, but not of remembering them when it should. Use calendars, diaries, notebooks, anything that makes it easier for you to have everything written down.

Organize your meals, You will help your life, in addition to being more relaxed, have a balanced diet, because you will not take the first thing you catch, you will know what to eat and when. It is also a way to save because you will buy what you need.

Get to know yourself, learn when you are most productive, when you need to eat, how many hours do you need to be rested and at what time you should go to bed for it. Research chronotypes.

Take your organization to your closest environment, without being obsessive because otherwise you can cause the opposite effect. Lead by example, an act is often more effective than a word. The simple fact of putting a calendar in the kitchen for example, where you can see all the appointments, events, reminders of the whole family, is a good habit to have a part of your life organized.

Find the balance, the scale, and your body and your mind will thank you.

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