Without trying to be an exhaustive list, here are a number of gestures or behaviors that people often perform when they are not telling the truth. The list works as a possible warning, it is not a matter of thinking every moment that we are surrounded by liars. Many people perform some of these gestures naturally and this does not mean that they are lying. However, when you already know a person and notice that any of these gestures are not part of their usual way of communicating, it is possible that they are not telling the truth.
They occur when the brain tries to hide any type of feedback that occurs in our face and communicates our true intentions.
The liar's eyes avoid the gaze of his interlocutor. If there is a door in the room, that is where your gaze will be directed.
Sign of self-protection and dishonesty.
It is often used to feign sincerity. This pressure causes the lips to lose their color and appear smaller.
The liar does not know what to do with his hands. Scratches face or ears and touches nose and throat.
The liar feels that expansive movements (gesturing with the arms or changing the legs of position) can "expand" the lie. For this reason, he limits himself to moving slightly within his personal space..
It is the classic face that does not show any expression. The liar prefers to eliminate any possible emotions rather than behave naturally and have the lie reflected in their expressions.
When asked directly, the liar will feel uncomfortable and will turn their neck or body in an attempt to get away from you. The liar tries to avoid direct frontal alignment.
When someone genuinely smiles (the so-called Duchenne smile), the corners of their eyes crinkle. However, when someone forces a smile without actually feeling that emotion, the eyes do not alter..
If a person is slow to react to certain comments, they may be thinking about a possible response before acting. In the same way when a person tells the truth, the movement of his hands emphasizes and accompanies the rhythm of the speech. If you notice that this synchronization does not occur, it is possible that he is lying.
When someone holds objects in front of themselves, they try to build a barrier to defend themselves from a potential accuser. These objects can be anything from a book or a cup of coffee to a laptop or a purse..
This way you get a few extra seconds of time to think about an answer. Question: Who did you go out with night? Answer: Are you asking me who did I go out with last night? The liar may also ask you to repeat the question you just asked yourself as if they did not hear you well..
It is another way to buy time and think better about the answers.
A sincere person is usually willing to cooperate and explain. On the contrary, the liar will get angry and defensive.
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