How to prevent school bullying 15 effective solutions

Robert Johnston
How to prevent school bullying 15 effective solutions

Prevent school bullying It is important to avoid the serious consequences that it usually has and to ensure that children have a good quality of life. These are solutions and preventive actions in which both teachers and parents can collaborate.

Avoid bullying or bullying by taking measures in schools and institutes, it is important so that children do not suffer its negative consequences. If the responsible people are concerned about stopping this phenomenon and implementing actions, it can be resolved and coexisted in a peaceful way, building a better future for all.

But can bullying be completely avoided? Although some teachers or school directors see it complicated, it is possible. However, it is necessary to do a good job: to eradicate it it is important that parents and teachers collaborate.

The name "bullying" identifies a type of behavior, very aggressive and harmful that certain people have towards others. This conduct disorder manifests itself especially among children and adolescents. Today there is also talk of "cyberbullying", in this case social networks are the main medium in which it manifests.

This behavior can be far more damaging than you might think. If you are the father or mother of a child or adolescent and you are observing strange behavior in your child, please think about whether or not he is being a victim of bullying..

The good news is that there are indeed things you can do to avoid bullying and its dire consequences. From the place that corresponds to them, the different social actors, including the family environment, can do a lot to prevent bullying situations from appearing or prevent them from continuing over time..

Mature and solid policies of education centers, inclusion in study programs by teachers, as well as in-depth monitoring by parents, are some of the main prevention tools..

Article index

  • 1 Actions and solutions for teachers
    • 1.1 Teach values ​​of companionship and tolerance
    • 1.2 Observe and do not tolerate any bullying
    • 1.3 Possibility of changing centers
    • 1.4 Get informed and trained
    • 1.5 Share your knowledge in society
    • 1.6 Develop an appropriate code of conduct
    • 1.7 Participate and promote the creation of educational policies
    • 1.8 Define a collective commitment
  • 2 Actions for parents
    • 2.1 Observe your child
    • 2.2 Think about changing schools
    • 2.3 Get informed and research on the subject
    • 2.4 Talk about bullying at home
    • 2.5 Set clear guidelines for behavior
    • 2.6 Limit Internet use
    • 2.7 Other tips
  • 3 Topics of interest

Actions and solutions for teachers

Educators are generally the first to detect the situation when a child or adolescent is being bullied. Children today spend more time with their teachers than with their parents. In turn, education centers are where they have the greatest interaction with their peers..

Some actions that teachers can take are:

Teach values ​​of companionship and tolerance

The values ​​have to start from the direction of the school. The teachers are directed by the principal and it is he who has to promote the values ​​of camaraderie, tolerance, respect and non-tolerance of bullying..

Teachers will transfer them to their students with language, rewards, punishments, group dynamics and attitude.

Observe and do not tolerate any bullying

It is important that the teacher learn to observe the behavior of their students both inside and outside the classroom. Insult someone? Do they treat someone badly?

If you observe any behavior sign of bullying, you should not tolerate it, because the slightest thing can develop to the most serious degree in which the victim will suffer serious consequences.

The abusers should be punished and it should be considered between the teachers if it is necessary to expel them from the center in case they continue with their negative behavior.

Often times, it is some children who are bullied by a group with a ringleader or leader. It is important to identify it and put the necessary measures so that it does not continue to abuse.

Possibility of changing centers

The priority should be that there are no abusers, but if it is a very serious case and no other solution is seen, it should be considered that the child victim changes the center.

In another school you may have new personal relationships. On the other hand, it is important that in the new school you go to, there are no known cases of bullying and that it is well controlled.

Get informed and trained

Teachers not only aim to impart knowledge, but must also contextualize the education of the individual. Learning to relate to peers as well as learning to enjoy and live certain values ​​is essential for the child or adolescent..

Every day and with the greatest technological advance, more information is accessed. The educator must constantly read about different topics and learn.

In the case of bullying, there are patterns of behavior in the abusive children as well as in the victims as well. If teachers are not aware of these patterns, it will be difficult to detect some cases where bullying is not evident..

Currently the issue of bullying has been widely disseminated due to the alarming figures that are disclosed.

Attend workshops, seminars, etc. in which this issue is worked on, it should be permanently on the teachers' agenda.

Share your knowledge in society

Once teachers have sufficient information and knowledge, it is essential that they share it with other social actors.

There are few countries in which there is a clear educational policy regarding bullying, hence the importance of spreading the word about it..

For example:

  • Organize a school activity in which parents and students of different grades are invited. Organize a workshop that includes different teaching strategies aimed at discussing and debating the subject. Include the basic questions and have everyone express themselves freely and without shame. What is bullying? The first basic question, but the answer to which is not known to all.
  • Present examples of cases and consequences that bullying can generate. Using images for this can be doubly effective, because in addition to making it more enjoyable, images can convey the message in a better way..

Develop an appropriate code of conduct

Do not wait to detect cases to act accordingly. You have to go ahead and prevent them from appearing, and for this there is nothing better than building a suitable environment for coexistence.

In this space of integration, in which children learn to share, tolerance and self-criticism must be crucial values.

To reinforce this concept, the teacher can resort to pedagogical strategies that “brandish” these values.

The importance of being tolerant must be highlighted, explaining the reasons why it is wrong to make fun of others or physically or verbally attack.

You have to be explicit and direct, do not transmit messages between the lines. Each day an activity of a few minutes can be implemented to help build these codes of conduct.

Another important aspect is to clearly condemn and punish behaviors that go outside the established codes. Certain exemplary measures can be very effective in not repeating something that is wrong..

Participate and promote the creation of educational policies

Teachers have the responsibility to fight for the resources they deem necessary.

Education must be comprehensive and for this, behavior problems, such as bullying, must also be addressed..

In the absence of clear policies, teachers must meet with principals and government authorities to build the appropriate framework.

Define a collective commitment

The teacher must insist ad nauseam that bullying is everyone's problem, like other conduct disorders. Therefore, each and every one of the teachers, parents, friends, family, etc. should contribute to the solution of the problem.

Intimidation and harassment must be condemned and prosecuted for its eradication. Each one from his place and with his strategy, but all behind the same goal.

Actions for parents

Of course, parents can also take certain steps to prevent bullying. If you are a parent, you don't have to wait for your child to be a victim of bullying or to become a bully to act.

Here are 7 actions you can do:

Watch your son

If your child is depressed, anxious, frustrated, or having relationship problems, they may be bullied. You will have to talk to their teachers and observe how they relate to their peers.

On the other hand, you can ask indirect questions so that he does not feel pressured when telling what happens to him.

Think about changing it from school

The reality is that there are schools that will not take the necessary measures to stop the abusers. In that case you will have to seriously think about changing your child from school or he will suffer the consequences.

The child may not evaluate whether he can change schools and accept the decisions of his parents as orders. If you make this decision, choose a school with a good environment, good values ​​and in which bullying is not tolerated.

Inform you and research on the subject

It is very important that you read about bullying and inform yourself properly.

You can search for information on the internet (I have written several articles on this blog), talk to teachers or psychotherapists. If you are well informed, you can transmit this information to your children and detect any anomalous situation early.

Talk about bullying at home

Don't wait for bullying to affect your children. While sharing a dinner for example, bring the topic to the table.

Bluntly and with clear language, you can explain to your children what this disorder consists of, what the causes are and what the consequences may be..

Make sure that the conversations you have with your children about bullying are participatory. Include other family members, for example older siblings or grandparents. That from a young age they have a comprehensive vision of the issues, it is something that will help them.

On the other hand, it is likely that a teenager will not bring up the subject to talk, although you may notice symptoms such as anxiety, depression, frustration ...

Set clear guidelines for behavior

The first education and perhaps the most important, is the one received at home.

As a parent, you are the one who decides which behaviors are allowed and which are not. In the specific case of bullying, certain attitudes that may be associated with abusive or intimidating behavior must be banished.

Any behavior that favors a climate conducive to bullying must be condemned and punished immediately.

At the moment you propose the punishment, you have to give the reasons why you are doing it.

Limit internet use

Today, access to the Internet by children or adolescents seems uncontrollable. As a father or mother you must have control, and therefore you have to exercise it.

Technology with all its advantages is a means by which our children enter an unknown world.

The limits should not necessarily be in the amount of time in which they are connected, but with the type of information that is shared and the contacts they have on social networks.

High exposure as well as an indiscriminate number of contacts can be risk factors for cyberbullying.

When they are older they will be able to control their contacts and the information they share but until then, you must closely monitor their behavior in this regard..

Other tips

  • There are no infallible formulas or rules. It is clear that if this problem were a simple solution, then it would not be installed in society and we would not be witnessing its negative consequences..
  • Each child and each adolescent are different, so either as an educator or as a parent, you have to find the strategy that best suits each situation.
  • Generally, it is not enough for the teacher, the educational center or the family to face the issue without coordination. All prevention measures must be taken in a comprehensive and participatory manner.

And how are you acting to prevent bullying?

Themes of interest

Types of bullying.

Psychological abuse.

Types of violence.

Dating violence.

Early adolescence.

Middle adolescence.

Late adolescence.

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