How to prevent anxiety with a baby monitor

Basil Manning
How to prevent anxiety with a baby monitor

If we are going to give birth soon and, above all, if it is the first baby, we tend to be especially attentive to the experiences of our friends and their fears of the first days. Someone will always tell us the anecdote that, in the first nights, they got up every two by three to see if their son or daughter was breathing. It is not an urban legend, surely you have also heard it. This anxiety can be reduced with a baby monitor, although there is always something residual that will make both the father and the mother keep getting up anyway and for no real reason..

It is unavoidable. Being a parent is something new, something different and is loaded with a multitude of emotions. The newcomer changes life, transforms it, priorities and attitude change, but they can bring out fears, insecurities and anxiety in the face of the unknown. Because it is not about facing something for the first time, it is about that something is a human life and that it depends entirely on us, on our successes and our mistakes..

In the first phase, once the baby is had at home with all the wake of happiness, gifts and expressions of affection from family and friends, what most worries the couple par excellence is crying, feeding and sleeping, in general lines, other aspects such as bathing or gases also tend to cause several headaches at first.

However, eating, sleeping and crying are always at the center of the debate between the couple, especially during the breastfeeding period. Breastfeeding on demand sometimes carries a certain burden of anxiety for mothers, for fear of not hearing the baby when he cries or not being able to identify his moans or movements. Although the mother's maternal instinct will always allow hearing the baby's cries and the baby's survival instinct will allow him to cry as loudly as possible until he is cared for, there are systems such as baby monitors that, at least for the mother, serve as a reassuring instrument.

In addition, these, in recent years have evolved a lot in sound quality and even image quality. Being able to see the baby constantly, helps parents to fall asleep, be more serene and reduce anxiety.

Also, these systems become more useful when we have visitors at home and the baby is sleeping. We can close the living room door, prevent voices, music or noise from spreading through the other rooms and can wake up the baby without being afraid of not listening to him if he cries or asks for something.

Having moments of relaxation with friends, with family or, simply, as a couple, is something necessary to be able to deal with the new situation in a constructive and healthy way. The arrival of a baby transforms many aspects of life and acclimatization time can be stressful. It is important that we take our time, that we spend leisure time, resting, since the better we are, the better the feelings we transmit to our baby, the better we will take care of him and the happier we will all be.

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