How Do I Know Which Motherboard I Have? (Windows and Mac OS)

Charles McCarthy

First of all, the motherboard of your computer is the main component and is responsible for making all other components communicate with each other.

It is a printed circuit board to which the components that make up a computer are connected. You can also know it as a motherboard or main card.

Article index

  • 1 Know your motherboard in Windows
  • 2 Know your motherboard in Mac OS

Sooner rather than later, you will need to know what base card you have, since through this information you will be able to make updates to the applications you have installed and also do other things, such as expanding the memory of the computer. There are three ways to see what they are:

Opening the CPU and seeing it directly

I do not recommend this way for two reasons: the first is that unless you are a technician, DO NOT ever uncover your computer or you could damage any part, and the second is that if it has any seal or label when opening the equipment, it may lose your guarantee.


Installing programs that throw the information to you, but it is not something that I recommend either, since you could inadvertently install viruses and malicious programs.

Checking it out yourself (recommended)

Looking at it from the computer, it is the safest and super simple option, which I recommend when you are taking your first steps in the world of computing. You just have to follow the steps that I show you below.

Know your motherboard in Windows

First see if your computer has Windows 10 or Mac OS operating system, if it is Windows follow the steps that I show you below:

When you are already logged into your Windows account, press the Windows + R keys.

Doing so will open a window like this:

In the box you are going to write: msinfo32 and press the ENTER key, doing so will open another window with the system information:

There you will observe not only the data of the motherboard installed in your computer (who made it, its model, the name it has), but you will also be able to observe what processor it has, what type of Windows you have (what version), and complete specifications and details of everything your team has.

As for example, the model of the computer, the architecture of the same (if it is 128bits, 64bits or 32bits). This can be useful when you need to install an application and have to choose between these three.

If you choose a different one than the one your computer has, it could generate errors when you are using the application.

Know your motherboard in Mac OS

If you have Mac OS X, it is not necessary that you know the details of the motherboard of your computer, since to carry out updates you only need to know what model of Mac you have in your house.

However, if you do not know which model of Mac you have, you can go to the system profile, which is an application that has Mac OS X integrated. This contains information about hardware, software and everything related to networks connected to our computer..

To access the system profile, there are two options, but I will tell you about the quickest and easiest: go to the menu bar and click on the Apple icon, a submenu will be displayed and there you select "About this Mac" (About this Mac, if it is in English):

Clicking on it will open a window like the one below:

You will click on "More information ..." (More Info ...) and a tab like this will open:

Then, you click on System Report…, and finally you will have the system profile open. In hardware, which is the first tab that opens by default, you can see the model of your MAC.

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