The capacity for reproduction or procreation is an innate action of living beings; In human beings the desire to obtain offspring is a natural feeling. In this article we will discuss how to know if you are sterile -whether you are a man or a woman-, a current and increasingly important problem. It is estimated that currently one in ten couples have fertility problems.
Socially, the identity of women has been unfairly constituted with the desire to be a mother, motherhood as the primary objective to feel like a woman. It has not been proven that the desire to have children is more severe in the female population than in the male.
Nature is the one that presses the keys necessary to raise the reproductive instinct in people, whether they have a partner or not.
The process of conceiving a child can become a torment, if with the passage of time the objective that the woman becomes pregnant is not achieved. Discomfort, discouragement, distrust and low self-esteem appear on the scene, they can break a serious relationship..
We do not know if you are going through this process, but in this case we are going to start by differentiating two very important terms in this field: sterility and infertility.
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We believe it is convenient to clarify these terms in order to better understand things and not suffer misunderstandings: sterility is the inability to conceive and infertility the inability to carry a pregnancy with a living child to term.
The only way to know for sure if you are sterile or not is through the pertinent medical tests; but before getting to this, it is necessary to try to have a calm and optimistic attitude.
Next we are going to mention a series of tips to be able to carry the pregnancy search period in a calm and controlled way:
When should you suspect if you or your partner are sterile? The medical responses to this matter, establish that you should start to learn about the subject, if during a year having unprotected sex it has not been possible to reach a pregnancy.
In this case, it is advisable to go to a specialist, so that he can give us the guidelines to follow.
In any case, we are going to delve deeper into the possible causes of infertility in men and women, to have a more schematic view of the subject..
Women have several factors that can cause sterility, many of them are related to age and its impact on the body's natural process:
-Ovarian Factor: These are problems directly related to ovulation, in this case, with cases in which it does not occur. The possible causes are closely linked to hormonal problems in women.
-Uterine Factor. Generally, you tend to cause more infertility problems than sterility, but it is still a very common cause in this regard. They are those internal alterations of the anatomy of the uterus, leading to abortions.
-Tubal Factor. In this case we are talking about alterations in the Fallopian tubes, making it difficult for the ovum to unite with the sperm..
-Cervical Factor. Problems developed in the cervix, minimizing the ability of sperm to travel in search of the egg to be fertilized.
-Genetic Factor. Genetics play an important role in numerous abnormalities in our body, in this case genetic abnormalities can develop the appearance of successive and continuous abortions.
The man also has several factors that can cause sterility:
-Anatomical factor. Problems derived from possible anomalies in the ducts through which the sperm travels, sometimes they have to do with congenital problems.
-Genetic Factor. Sperm problems, cystic fibrosis, poor sperm quality are some examples associated with genetic causes.
-Environmental Factor. The way of life, diet, tobacco, alcohol, drugs ... directly affects the quality of sperm.
As you can see, there are real compelling reasons why our body can become sterile, according to data it is estimated that around 15% of couples have problems conceiving.
It is important to highlight the data released by the Spanish Sterility Society, where it explains that 40% of the cases of infertile couples are related to problems in men, a percentage very similar to that of women.
There are many treatments to improve the ability to fertilize in both genders, so it is important to go to the doctor after verifying, over time (about a year), the inability to conceive.
At present, many of the problems, in this sense, are associated with stress and an unhealthy and irregular lifestyle in terms of diet and physical exercise.
Have you had trouble having a child? Do you think that the current stressful life is a primary cause of sterility?
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