How to seduce a friend 7 crucial elements

Philip Kelley
How to seduce a friend 7 crucial elements

Are you attracted to a friend or coworker and you don't know how to tell them? Do you think the other person is also interested but you are not sure? Have you ever thought about confessing your love to your friend? of the soul? In this prodigious article I will reveal to you how to seduce a friend taking into account 7 crucial elements. Are you ready to succeed in love? Go for it!


First of all, it is very good that you know that the most couples usually arise as the result of a relationship of friendship. Friendship has emerged at work, social / cultural activities, friendships in common ...

It is often said that "the friction makes the love". even though is not always like that.

Therefore, I prefer to change the phrase a bit and say that "the touch candy make love ".

The fact of seeing and being continuously with a person makes you understand each other better and you come to complementary of natural form. Especially if you enjoy your company.

In such a way, it may be that seducing a friend is the Better option what do you have to establish one relationship from lasting partner.

Element 1) Seduction Context

The context in which you intend to seduce your friend is very relevant because it will influence the method to be followed.

Let's see where we are ...

Normally when it comes to showing sexual or romantic interest in a friend or close acquaintance is usually more useful indirect method.

The indirect method Seduction is a process in which you show your romantic or sexual interest towards the person who attracts you to Progressive form and more or less, prolonged in the time.

This method will allow you to reveal your interest while keeping the social harmony of the group you are in. Maintaining peace and calm in the social atmosphere in which you develop is highly recommended if you have to continue "coexisting"With the person you like in the same environment.

On the contrary, I consider that the direct method is more appropriate for situations where you know a person who is outside from your social environment and with which you have little chance of matching again.

So, yes it is worth more risk and be more daring. Since, it is unlikely that you will meet that person again. You have less to lose and more to gain.

The direct method It is a way of expressing your sexual or romantic interest in the person you like in a shape more clear, precise Y honest trying to captivate her in Little time.

Since friends are usually everyday people with which you usually coincide, I understand that the best way to show your interest is get closer little by little and advance the relationship no hurry but Non stop.

To begin with, let's see what it's like to get closer little by little.

Element 2) Progressive Interest

Since you are their friend, the most common is that go to S to the person you like in a way habitual. Once you see him / her, you just have to get closer and to interact with the person you like in order to deepen your relationship.

To get to know him / her little by little you have to keep certain conversation with him / her. How much more time spend getting to know each other and the conversation is more entertaining, more probabilities you will have to consolidate an intimate relationship.

Since your goal is join ties and spend a fun and entertaining time with him / her, try to match on class projects or any teamwork.

The richer, more varied and exciting experiences share together, the more likely it is that enjoy of the mutual company and complement each other better.

It is also highly recommended that you have mutual friendships. Even if you find a friend who can throw you a cable when trying to seduce your friend, better than better.

Your friend would only have to drop how cute you are, how funny the jokes you tell or how confident you are. Something subtle.

In fact, I have seen on multiple occasions how a mutual friend He put nose to nose to two other friends who liked each other but did not decide to take the step.

The friend did it for them!

When I tell you to show a progressive interest and that you avoid showing all your cards at once, I do it for avoid you fall into the so repudiated friendzone.

Element 3) Avoid the Friend Zone

There are many seduction "experts" who will recommend that if you want to conquer your friend, the first thing you have to do is cut off those bonds of friendship, becoming colder, focusing more on your life, and becoming interested in other women.

But ... why do you promote the distancing of the two of you?

Not have sense, truth?

If each starts avoiding the other, none of the two will get connect or engage in an intimate relationship.

I also do not find the reasoning for this recommendation but I suppose that what they are trying to achieve is avoid that the other person classifies you as "friend”And enter the dreaded" Friend Zone ".

Friend zone

Would you piggyback a friend to pass a puddle?

What happens is that, in my opinion, they pass 3 towns.

I'm going to reveal the key to avoid is friendzone forever. The whole concept can be summed up in one word: SEXUALIZE or ROMANTICE (strange, unknown, non-existent but super useful word 😛).

Sexualizing or romanticizing basically consists of show your sexual or romantic interest in the person you like. It is about ensuring that the other person has no doubt that your are interested in her in a sexual or romantic way.

Tea I will discover more on how you can sexualize properly a little later.

In relation to that topic, I want to show you some very effective tools that they will allow you show interest in your friend in a seductive way.

Element 4) Seduction Tools

Certain scientific studies suggest that the art of flirt or know how to use the tools of seduction adequate is more attractive that the appearance itself.

So, show your interest for the person you like and pretend availability, will increase your "sex appeal".

But… What are the right seduction tools??

I will show you the 4 tools that I consider essential to seduce a friend.

A wide smile

Smiling at others shows opening Y friendliness.

Smiling broadly at the person you are attracted to makes them perceive you as a “ally”Increasing their trust in you.

This tool lacks mystery. Smile widely at all people, especially that friend you like.

As a small detail, try to show off white and well-ordered teeth.

Some knowing glances

Eye contact denotes the other person's interest in you or your interest in them. TO increased eye contact, biggest attraction.

Generally, we usually look what we like Y fascinates. As well as what we find unique and different from the rest.

If someone gives you this look ... Din, din, din! You have it in the boat 😀

If you use exchange glances accomplices being in a class, in a group conversation or in a large room where you are very far apart. So the signal is clear: you like each other.

A fascinating conversation

To have a fascinating and memorable conversation try to pay attention to these 3 simple factors:

Ask, listen and speak what is necessary.

Try to perform Open questions that they leave space for the other person to express themselves in a deeper and more personal way.

While the other person is speaking, you should be listening and keeping your mouth shut.

It is good that you speak, that you communicate your needs, your desires, your aspirations and your interests so that the other person also know you and connect with you.

However, do not abuse and allow that in the conversation you can take part both.

Discuss your hobbies

Getting the friend you like to open up and express what their interests and hobbies are is fantastic because it will allow you to decipher their motivations Y wishes.

Normally, people are very egocentric and we love to talk about ourselves.

Therefore, facilitating another person to discuss their hobbies in interests will get you associate to positive feelings.

Also, you can learn a lot about other topics that may be outside your usual circle of knowledge.

Pay attention and remember what it says

Once you've gotten your friend to have a fascinating conversation with you, the best thing you can do is pay attention to the small details to later remember them when appropriate.

Knowing that the person is paying attention to what you say, reports a warm feeling of being heard and understood that allows you to connect almost instantly with anyone.

Although having a fascinating conversation can make you stand out from the rest of possible competitors, what really makes the difference when it comes to building a relationship is the physical contact.

Close physical contact

To most people we love to be touched, hug us, kiss us and wrap us with human warmth. (Except in summer. In summer, the air is better to run haha)

In addition, physical contact releases a hormone called oxytocin that extols our levels of well-being. Which means that we always (or almost always) want a little more of Contact with the people.

Scientists and experts have it clear. If you want to seduce the person you are attracted to, the best thing you can do is touch it from time to time and more or less intimate depending on the context.

Therefore, here I expose you 3 types of contact so that you can identify at what level of closeness you are with your friend:

Level 1: social closeness

You have this level of social closeness with the vast majority of people you know.

It is based on a light touch and very little staff.

They may be: a tap on the shoulder, a handshake, clap bumps and light touch of the style.

Level 2: familiarity

Level two refers to the contact you have with relatives Y close friends.

Happy family 😀

It consists of a closer approximation where there is more contact body, tends to last for more time or is it more intimate.

Some example This type of more familiar contact arises when your hand grabs the waist or hips of another person, you give a hug, you hold hands for a while ...

By making this contact, you are demonstrating enough affinity between you two.

Level 3: intimacy

The intimate contact is usually given with closest family members, your friends of soul or you partner.

Intimacy emerges when certain are touched body parts what are more private or sensitive.

Some examples from Private parts can be the face, erogenous zones or their surroundings.

If you get intimate contact with your friend, you will be one step to forge a sexual or romantic relationship with him / her.

All of these tools are great for help you captivate to the person you like. However, all of them they lose a lot of efficiency and may even become obsolete in case there is no reciprocity.

Element 5) Reciprocity

Reciprocity is that there is a mutual feeding of the interaction on the part of the two.

So when you show interest towards the friend you like, he she you too corresponds with any sign of interest.

There are many ways to identify reciprocity when you are trying to seduce the person you like.

Some examples where reciprocity exists are:

  • You send him a message text and she responds. The faster they respond and the longer they take in their reply, the more interest they will have in you.
  • You do jokes and you mess with your friend a bit in a fun way and he / she responds to you playfully.
  • When you're both keeping one conversation in a group, he / she tends to look at you frequently and / or his / her feet point towards you.
  • Generally, when you do a caress or you hug him / her affectionately, your friend accepts your caresses and corresponds to you.

The fact that there reciprocity and mutual affection is very important so that a Connection deep and long lasting.

If you are constantly chasing to your friend and showing interest without being reciprocated, you will end enslaving you to the wishes and will of that person.

The only thing you can get if you insist in chasing a friend that passes from you is that hurt you self-esteem for a lost cause.

The other person is rejecting your needs basic love, affection and appreciation.

In this case, the best you can do is cut off that relationship or that platonic love and let that friend leave your life.

There is something you need to be completely clear about: your you're a valuable person and you deserve the affection, love and respect of the people around you. Especially your potential partner.

You should to forget all those love songs impossible to flood the record market if you want to progress in your relationship.

Element 6) Progress in Relationship

Once you have used the seduction tools and have verified that your friend corresponds to you and the interest is reciprocal, touch progress in the relationship.

In this section I am also going to talk about the concept "sexualize" Y "romanticize”That I had mentioned earlier. These terms will allow you lead the interaction towards more levels intimate definitely avoiding the friend zone.

The kiss. Another very clear example that there is something there hahaha

Sexualize It's very simple. It consists of commenting on how attractive your friend looks today, how sexy and fleshy his lips are or the attractive figure he has.

It's about doing a kind of slightly cheeky compliments. Normally, they are aimed at physical aspects and are intended to slightly excite the other person.

To show romantic interest or "romanticize", you have to make more poetic comments with couple vision.

Would phrases in the style of "With that beautiful smile, our children will have perfect teeth" or "Thinking of my happiness, I remembered you".

The moment you start throwing this kind of pebbles denoting an obvious interest, you friend already knows very clearly that you like.

So, the time has come to accept the result. Will it correspond to you?

Element 7) Accept the Result

Whatever happens when you try to seduce a friend, you have to be very clear that you can have success or you can experiment and learn.

If your friend gladly receive these comments and even correspond with similar statements, the time has come to specify a appointment Y move along in your relationship.

At this point, proposing a date is relatively easy because the ground is already paved. You both attract and like each other.

Yes, on the contrary, the other person does not approve of these comments, rejects you, questions you, walks away and stops responding to you; Keep the Calm down.

Maybe that person I still don't have it so clear as you have it and I have to reflect for a time on the fact of starting a more intimate relationship with you.

In that case, I recommend that you leave a time (a week or two) and what try again.

If the other person still not showing No kind of interest or continue to decline your offer, then forget it and turn the page.

Conclusion on Seducing a Friend

It is essential that you understand that the world this full from men and women that can make you happy and satisfy your romantic and sexual needs.

You only have to search constantly and do it with patience.

Not everyone men and women are people adequate and appropriate for you. Some people are hard to love because they don't know how to do it correctly either.

If you think about it, no one has taught us to conquer, seduce, fall in love with or love people.

Many people do not know how to establish or maintain a compatible partner. Curiously, they haven't taught us this at school.

Despite how important it is! (I would have gladly sacrificed a couple of physics and chemistry classes for something like this).

To say goodbye, I would like you to always keep in mind that so much if you have success and you manage to maintain an intimate relationship What Yes "you fail"(you experiment and learn); you have to cheer you up having tried and expressed your most legitimate emotions, desires and needs.

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