How to overcome the fear of change

Robert Johnston
How to overcome the fear of change

We live, work, think, feel and many times we ignore that change is possible and perhaps also necessary..

The unknown scares us, the fact of not knowing what will happen, tomorrow, uncertainty, and by not facing this fear, we avoid going further and we settle into a predictable and routine comfort zone because we see it as safe. We prefer that the days go by without major shocks, and perhaps live without emotion, empty and frustrated.

Sometimes it is possible that this fear of change is a consequence of not believing enough in ourselves. If this is your case, maybe this post can help you on how to boost your self-esteem and self-confidence in 7 simple steps in a simple and effective way..


Change is something desired and feared at the same time. We need to get out of a situation, but we feel comfortable when we are living within the known. Decision-making is implicit in every change, which means being clear about where we want to go, or at least what we don't want.

Wanting a change and not making a decision is a process that wears us down psychologically, and keeps us in a passive state of constant blockage.

You may think that making a profound change is not possible. Perhaps before assessing whether this belief is based on reality, you should ask yourself the following points.

Ponder. Do you really want change to happen? If we are looking for excuses not to face any change, it will be difficult for us to start anything. Denial is a defense mechanism that we use to never even try.

Be able to quit. All change implies leaving behind or eliminating some aspects of our life. And this can cause pain.

Not idealizing situations and being realistic. Everything costs, there are no perfect exits and everywhere there are advantages and disadvantages.

Find the necessary motivation. Motivation is really the engine of change. Without motivation, change will not be possible because it is what gives us the necessary energy to carry it out.

Break habits. If we really want different things, we will have to behave and do different things. We cannot expect everything to magically change when we continue to perform the same actions. Einstein said that madness is doing the same thing over and over again expecting to obtain different results.

Know how to live with uncertainty. You must be able to leave the safe zone and face that you do not know where you will go. You have to master the anxiety that this produces and not turn things around, much less advance negative scenarios.

Set goals. We can perform a projective visualization exercise on ourselves. How would we like to see ourselves in 5 years? And in 10? What has changed in our life?

Take small steps. If we set goals that are too high, we may become demoralized very soon. It is better to divide our goals into small subgoals that we will achieve little by little. These small successes are a motivation to keep moving forward and not abandon the path we have set for ourselves.

Gratify ourselves for all that we have been achieving. The mere fact of taking the first step is already cause for celebration. Reward yourself for every little achievement. In the long term, you will see that each and every one of those small steps has been completely necessary to get where you always dreamed of..

Facing the fear of being wrong. We can all make mistakes, and we also learn from mistakes. The one who makes the most mistakes is the one who has never tried. Dare to make mistakes, to fall and to get up.

Change is inevitable and accompanies us at all stages of our life. Since we are born we are subject to changes and we have to achieve goals to move from one stage to another. At first it generates fear and perhaps rejection, but as we move forward we gain security. Change is necessary to adapt to our environment.

And remember: Wanting a change and not deciding stagnates us and leaves us with a feeling of seeing life go by. The huge bill that we have left is a high personal dissatisfaction and a constant feeling of emptiness.

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