The panic or stage fright it is a common fear that occurs in millions of people. It is a specific phobia, which is limited to the fear of speaking in front of a certain audience.
You have to do a presentation in a few days or even months and you're already nervous. You think about the moment when you will have to expose and you already get anxiety.
However, the fear of public speaking can be overcome. What's more, accept it as something normal (although to improve). According to statistics up to 75% of people are afraid to speak in public.
An American actor and comedian, Jerry Seinfeld, used to joke that at a funeral, most people would rather rest in the coffin than say a few words or give a few eulogies..
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I know these symptoms from pure experience and they may sound familiar to you:
It is a defensive and normal response of your body. A certain level of anxiety is going to be there, it is even positive because it helps you to be more active. Logically, if the anxiety level is too high, it will not allow you to do it well..
The following are some of the most frequent situations in which you feel stage fright. Even just thinking about them can make you feel a certain degree of anxiety:
Although some authors associate stage fright with social phobia, it is not equivalent. You may be afraid to speak in public and manage well in social situations, you like to interact with people and have many friends.
Stage fright is something specific, a specific phobia that is limited to speaking in public, on stage, even acting without speaking.
Therefore, this is important: stage fright is also common among people who have to perform before an audience even if they do not say a word, musicians, dancers, athletes, etc..
In fact, some surveys carried out in developed countries with musicians reveal prevalence figures between 24% - 70% and cite severe cases, causing the abandonment of the career.
In addition, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, these statistics are given in the population:
So, if it occurs in such a high% of the population, it seems that this fear is innate, although depending on personal traits (genetics) it occurs to a greater or lesser degree.
It occurs to a greater degree in people who:
In any case, if you suffer the "higher degree" you can overcome this problem.
In the case of those who have learned to be afraid, you can unlearn it. And in the event that you are genetically susceptible, you can develop skills that will modify your symptoms.
As I explain in this article on how to overcome fear, first expose yourself to simple situations, such as speaking in front of 5 people, that do not cause you too much anxiety.
When you control those situations, you start to level up with more complicated situations; 20 people, 40 people ...
Force yourself to speak in public before you have to make that presentation. That way you will acquire the skill and lose your fear..
Singers rehearse before singing, musicians do the same. Do the same if you want to control the real and important situation.
The day before the presentation, prepare everything calmly. Make sure you don't forget anything important (documents, pen drive, files ...)
If you practice hours before or the day before, you will be more tired mentally and physically. It is not necessary that you do it the day before if you already know well what you are going to present. In this sense, knowing well what you are going to talk about and the structure of what you are going to say will help you a lot..
Therefore, practice for 30 minutes-1 hour a few weeks before your presentation. The time will depend on the importance of the presentation and its duration.
This is what Mark Twain said: It usually takes three weeks to prepare an impromptu speech.
As I have explained to you, if you practice in the beginning in simple situations, you will not have as much anxiety. However, you may suddenly have to speak to yourself in public. Then:
First, and if it's okay with you, thank the audience. Do not censor the applause or thanks because it can show lack of self-esteem.
Second, when you are alone, think about your mistakes and how to improve them. Also, if it has been an achievement, give yourself an award to reinforce the fact of having dared to do it.
Obviously you will have times in which you will have to present more and others in which you are several months without doing it.
However, try to practice when you can so as not to lose the skill and to be prepared when you have to re-present or have an unexpected presentation.
Now it's your turn. What are you doing to overcome your stage fright?
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