How to overcome problem gambling (gambling addiction)

David Holt
How to overcome problem gambling (gambling addiction)

The number of gambling addicts has increased significantly in recent years. The only way to get ahead is to ask for help in time to overcome addiction.

What is gambling?

Pathological gambling is a disease of a psychological nature that consists of a progressive alteration of behavior for which the individual feels an uncontrollable urge to gamble and gamble, neglecting any negative consequences.

It is recognized as a disease by World Health Organization and by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). Although it had previously been classified as an impulse control disorder, it has subsequently been defined and treated as a non-substance addiction, and finally included within the category of "Substance-related disorders and addictive disorders.".

This pathological addiction affects in a severely negative way the life of the person who suffers it. The individual feels an irrepressible desire to continue gambling despite the consequences that this entails.

In this sense, gambling means even being willing to risk something that you value in the hope of receiving something of supposedly higher value in return. Some people may fall into the error of cataloging this disease as a vice, but the reality is that we must face it as something very serious since it could even lead to ideas or serious pathologies such as suicide attempt and therefore it is necessary to insist on the help of a health professional.

Main causes of compulsive gambling

Masking gambling or gambling can stimulate the brain's reward systems, as can drugs or alcohol. The gambler bets over and over again. Gambling seduces from the first moment, creating a “false promise” of being able to achieve an easy life, but after a while, everything you had takes away from you, goods and affections, turning the “sick person” into a slave to the game.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand what is the main cause that leads a person to gamble in such a compulsive way, but it is true that the person who suffers from this pathology finds in gambling and betting a way out of a problem that may be going through; there is a plus of adrenalin, so playing becomes more than just fun.

Behind this pathology there can be a disorder that has not been overcome, such as the loss of a loved one, loneliness, a love disappointment, or it can be a combination of biological, genetic and environmental factors.

All this, added to the great offer that currently exists in easy bets and within everyone's reach, can produce, if not controlled in time, a real psychological bomb, where the gambler thinks that what produces a "momentary well-being", will be salvation to your problems.

Generally, compulsive gambling is more common in young people and also gambling is more frequent in mens than women, who usually start gambling later in life but can become addicted more quickly than men.

Friends and family with problems gambling addiction, make the person more likely to be addicted to the same addiction, although being a restless, easily bored, impulsive, or workaholic person can also more easily induce compulsive gambling.

Symptoms of compulsive gambling

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders describes the following criteria to diagnose the behavior of a pathological gambler, considering the coincidence with five of them sufficient to determine the existence of compulsive behavior:

  1. Worry.The subject has frequent thoughts about experiences related to the game, whether present, past or product of fantasy.
  2. Tolerance.Requires higher or more frequent bets to experience the same excitement.
  3. Abstinence.Restlessness or irritability associated with attempts to stop or reduce play activity.
  4. 4. Evasion.Play to improve your mood or get out of trouble.
  5. 5. Rematch.Try to recoup game losses with the same game.
  6. 6. Lies.He does not tell the truth about the money and time he spends in bingo halls, casinos, bookmakers, etc..
  7. Loss of control.Although he intends to quit, he cannot stop..
  8. Illegal acts.The person has broken the law to get money to gamble.
  9. Risking meaningful relationships.Even though he isolates himself and has conflicts with loved ones, he cannot stop.
  10. Appeal to outsiders.The person turns to family, friends or third parties for financial assistance as a result of gambling.

Consequences of gambling addiction

Gambling addiction can have profound consequences in life, such as:

  • Financial problems (bankruptcy).
  • Job's lose.
  • Problems in relationships, both family, conjugal or friendly.
  • Deterioration or poor general health.
  • Suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts.

Yes you can beat gambling

The fundamental thing to get out of addiction is to understand that it is a disease. To leave this disease behind, it is essential to accept it and to want to get out of it. Some tips to beat gambling addiction can be:

Avoid passing near bookmakers, casinos, bingo halls or any gambling source where you bet. Being close to them means that you will probably end up logging in again and going backwards. You can ask the places you frequent to deny you entry.

Avoid gambling on-line. The computer or new technologies can be our greatest enemy to continue hooked on online gambling. You will end up adding debts to your credit card or to that of your relatives. You can consult a specialist to block access to this kind of web page.

Rule out behaviors that lead you to play. It may be that if you drink, this inevitably leads you to gambling, so avoid everything that you know will end up hurting you.

Avoid bad company. Let the people you end up playing with know that you have a problem and let them know that you can't see them anymore.

Be aware of how you get money. Be aware of the damage you are doing to yourself and everyone around you. Borrowing money or stealing will only add to your problem..

Plan different healthy leisure activities that have nothing to do with gambling. Do other activities that you do not usually do and start spending more time with people who love you, do sports or continue with an activity that you left aside when you started gambling.

Stop lying and ask for help. Every player lies to himself. Recognize the problem that leads you to constantly lie to others and accept that it is time to ask your family and friends for help; they will give you their support so that you can get ahead of the hell where you are.

To get out of gambling or gambling, the first step is acknowledge and accept that you have a problem. It takes strength and courage to do so, especially when you've lost a great deal of money and relationships along the way, but it is the necessary step to leave behind everything that is hurting you..

There are organizations specialized in helping people who have gambling problems. Asking for professional help does not mean that you are weak or unable to control your problems, but that you are smart and responsible enough to realize that you need help. And remember to repeat to yourself: "I am able to get out of this". Without a doubt, if you want and with help, you will get it.

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