How to overcome your negative emotions
Our thoughts guide our emotions, feelings, and beliefs. Negative thoughts and emotions are common in many people. This occurs for example when money is a concern.
When our priorities are not so clear or we lose focus, we blame it on our financial situation and we have negative emotions.
6 signs of negative thinking
When we work to achieve our financial freedom, it is necessary to overcome any negative emotions that we may have about our financial situation. To do this, it is important that you recognize these 6 signs and how they affect you when you think about finances or money:
- You focus on the bad things that people do with money and blame them, when it may be due to other reasons.
- Destructive self-talk. When we have negative emotions, we tend to get lost in our thoughts, which can be destructive in the long run..
- Fear of the worst. You imagine bad things or situations about what would happen if you had as much money as other people.
- As a result of your emotions, you start to share negative stories about others with their money because you envy what they have and have achieved..
- You joke about how you and other people handle money.
- You think other people have more skills than you and you suspect that they have “secrets” about what they say they do.
Be careful. Even when things are going well financially, we can fall into these negative thoughts..
7 common negative thinking mistakes
Remember that negative emotions and feelings tend to distort reality and our perception of it. Here are 7 common mistakes about this type of thinking:
- You believe what you imagine: Although imagination can be a wonderful thing, it can be destructive if we use it negatively..
- We create laws of life: some people create laws of reality and how it should be, these "laws" are usually irrational and inflexible.
- We minimize the positive: if something positive happens in your life, negative thinking prevents you from seeing good results.
- We generalize the negative: when something bad happens to us, we generalize it to everything instead of overcoming it and understanding what happened in a certain period or time.
- Take full responsibility: some people take all the blame for things that have nothing to do with them.
- You think in extremes: life is not all or nothing, black or white, etc. When we think negatively, we tend to see everything in extremes.
- You read minds: when we think negatively, we avoid our uncertainties. This causes you to assume other people's thoughts before you can demonstrate them..
We are what we think. While thinking is a natural process from waking to sleeping, many of our thoughts can be useless. However, they are these who will negatively or positively impact in our quality of life.
How to stop negative thoughts and turn them into positive ones?
Negative emotions can be incredibly powerful, especially when we think about our financial situation. By using the following tips, you can restore order to your mind and overcome these negative thoughts and emotions about money:
- Acceptance: It is mandatory to accept who we are now and understand that it is the result of our past actions and decisions. After all, these actions and decisions started in our thoughts. There will always be something that you cannot change or control as things that you can. Focus on what you can change.
- Analysis: deeply analyze your thoughts about money. When you have a negative thought, ask yourself if it is imaginary, real, or based on an assumption or reality. If it has no foundation, throw it out. If it does, you need to determine if it is toxic or healthy.
- Attitude: Generally, when you wake up, your attitude will determine how your day will go. The first thing to do is make a mental note about the state of your attitude and thoughts, especially when money is a concern. Think about the quality of your thoughts and how they can affect your attitude.
- Be grateful: You must practice gratitude every day in your life. You can achieve this in two ways: First, be grateful for the things you have, things that money has bought you; and second, be grateful for the suffering or discomfort that you have not had as a result of what money has not bought you.
- Live the moment: enjoy life regardless of your financial status. However; don't use this advice as an excuse to adopt an irresponsible or unhealthy lifestyle. If you want to eliminate your anger or disappointment about money, you cannot live off the past.
- Meditate: purify your mind through meditation. This causes relaxation, tranquility and good health. It can be a very powerful tool to help clear your mind for purpose..
- Solve your past problems with money: Resentment over money is usually due to not speaking up and suppressing your emotions about it. Any event can remind you of these problems or negative thoughts, it will eventually pass and it can be more destructive than before. When possible, try to solve your past problems about money..
- Look for the positive: To transform the negative into the positive, you must begin to surround yourself with positive people. Don't take things that come from negative people seriously. This will affect your positive thoughts or reduce them.
Remember that the goal is to overcome your negative emotions. To do so, you should consider the tips mentioned above. Although one or two can help you achieve this, the combination of all of them will ensure that you succeed in your mission to control those negative thoughts and end them once and for all.
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