How to make good decisions with conscience

Basil Manning
How to make good decisions with conscience

Do you think that when you make a decision, you carry out the whole process in a completely conscious way? Or do you think there are factors that may be going unnoticed??

We make decisions on a daily basis. Constantly. And we all do.

Today you have already made a few everyday decisions and your automatic thoughts predispose you to later, more important decisions.

Your way of perceiving things and your constant mental speech (both largely unconscious) feed your inclination towards one position or another in relevant future decisions. Crossroads that can determine the course of events.

I give you a couple as an example:

1. If you are usually afraid of new situations that you do not control, due to an insecurity that you have not even considered, it is possible that you are making decisions based on avoiding everything new. That leads you to walk through familiar terrain. It gives a comfortable (not real) sense of security, but it limits you a lot. You can miss out on a great opportunity at some point.

2. If you have the unconscious belief that it is not possible to have a job that fulfills you and amuses you, while you earn a good living, your decisions regarding work will probably not take into account those possibilities that include an activity that entertains you and with which you enjoy spontaneously. Somehow, you won't consider it a "serious" work alternative.

On the other hand, Even those small day-to-day decisions that go unnoticed can have more weight in your life than you think.

For example, it may not matter if you eat one thing or another for breakfast today, but if you always choose your diet based on factors such as:

  • The greatest comfort
  • What will be faster to take care of other matters
  • What the majority does around you
  • What you want most immediately
  • Etc…

You may not be using the best of criteria to choose your diet. And that, in the long term, is sure to have a great impact on your life..

And this can be applied to many "small decisions" of the day to day..

So that, each decision is each of the steps you take on the path of your life.

The characteristics of that step will determine a small part of the path and, to a large extent, will influence the next.

In conclusion… The decisions you make are worth your attention, It is not true?

A conventional way of deciding

The conventional way of facing a decision to be made is based, more or less and broadly, on this structure:

  1. We try to foresee how things can go based on the different options that we can choose
  2. We take for granted that there is an option that is better than the rest and we look for it
  3. We apply our criteria and our perception to choose which is this "best option"
  4. We choose accordingly

Do you identify with this modus operandi? Today I invite you to ask if it really is the only way to do it or if it is the best for you.

I see several flaws in this system, but I would highlight two in particular. They are related to each other:

  • On the one hand, the results you seek, and the achievement of which you base everything else, are largely external results.

You imagine which is the best option for you (based on all the belief equipment, unquestioned assumptions, ideals inherited from others, etc.) and you focus on achieving that result.

It often happens that, although you achieve the desired external results, the internal results (the final feelings of satisfaction) do not look like what you expected.

And you don't always know yourself well enough to know what you really need; what makes you good in a deep way.

  • On the other hand, and in relation to the above, you may take for granted that your way of seeing the world is objective. In other words, you think you see things as they are and there is no other way to look at them. That, in addition to not being true, limits you a lot.

The first step towards freedom that I know is to thoroughly question your own perceptions. Question and frequently review beliefs, assumptions that we take for granted, etc..

And it is that all this is based on our education, our conditioning, our assumed limits, the examples of other people who are also not very free. It is also based on our experience, our past. What we already know.

Surely, there are thousands of other possibilities that our habitual "perceptual muscle" escapes., but that exist and are within our reach.

Possibilities that perhaps have a better answer for what we heartily long for.

See what is (yet) unseen

What is not made conscious, manifests itself in our lives as destiny.

Carl Gustav Jung

All that baggage (that you don't even know is in you because you don't question it) has a huge impact on every decision you make.

I have experienced that the first possible and certain step towards real freedom, as I have said before, is to question yourself.

So am I suggesting that you be in continual discussion with yourself? Absolutely.

One can observe oneself, question one's own thoughts and be at peace. In fact, one helps the other. as long as you do it from a conscience that is beyond judgment. Just watching. Daring to look straight ahead and put light on what you did not see before. And do it without creating conflict.

You can do it even with a certain sense of humor and affection.

To do this, I suggest questions like these:

  • Is this that I think an absolute truth?
  • Could you see this in another way?
  • Is there another person who has lived this same thing and felt it differently than me?
  • Would I think this myself if I had had a different history, culture and education?

With questions of this type you can discover your invisible beliefs, unconscious assumptions.

You can start to put light on all this unconscious mental baggage, and it is the beginning so that they stop deciding for you in the shadow.

You can start to contemplate new possibilities and take them into account in the decisions you make.

A new state of consciousness

The simple fact of making conscious what previously remained in the unconscious, activates the magic.

It is true that, for the changes to become evident in our lives, it will be necessary to do something with the new that we have discovered. Make new decisions and commitments. Integrate these changes in our life, turn them into habits.

However, the simple awareness, if done at a deep level (beyond the intellectual), already moves us from the place where we were.

And it is that, even if you do not deliberately take any step, certain changes will already take place automatically and naturally.

When an unconscious belief becomes conscious, it stops subduing us. It stops activating automatically. That is, it loses power over us and we become a little freer..

summarizing, one stops being so reactive and becomes a little more creative.

I encourage you to think deeply about this and review and question everything that moves you in one direction or another every time you make a decision..

Do it with the next crossroads that you meet on the road, go ahead!

And, if you want to read something more about this type of decision (freer and more conscious) that I suggest, I leave you this article from my blog, in which I delve into other details.

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