How to treat anxiety naturally and without medication

Sherman Hoover
How to treat anxiety naturally and without medication

Evidence of the unwanted side effects that anti-anxiety medications can have has generated a heightened interest in finding easy and natural ways to reduce anxiety..

Even if you do not have an anxiety disorder, having healthy routines that help us overcome negative and worrying thoughts guarantees a desirable peace of mind and balance in our life.

Achieving this without long-term reliance on medications has made natural alternatives rise in popularity. Justbob is an online CBD store, which receives visits from users interested in the possibility of alleviating anxiety situations with substances of plant origin such as CBD oil. A natural ally that joins the already known classics that we are going to review in this article. 

Treat anxiety with breathing

When we feel stressed and anxious, we may notice some familiar but uncomfortable symptoms: muscles tense, breathing becomes shallow and rapid, and the heart beats faster..

The adrenal glands have released adrenaline into our system. This is our body preparing to respond to danger, real or imagined, through the "fight or flight" response. This answer is quite useful if you have to fight or flee from danger.

Unfortunately, the body can also overreact to everyday stressors such as payment deadlines and family problems, producing the "fight or flight" response for situations where this condition does not help, but rather hinders our decision-making. decisions.

Deep, purposeful breathing exercises are an easy way to inform our bodies that there is no real danger. Deep and slow belly breathing, with the diaphragm, activates the parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for the "rest and digest" mode), which relaxes us.

They are Yoga-inspired techniques, easy to learn, in which you don't need to be an expert in breathing to tell your body to relax..

Reduce anxiety with exercise

Perhaps this is not a novelty, since it is well known that exercise is an excellent painkiller. Studies have found that regular participation in aerobic exercise has been shown to lower overall stress levels, elevate and stabilize mood, improve sleep, and improve self-esteem..

Physical activity helps release those feel-good neurotransmitters called endorphins, making us feel more balanced and less anxious.

You also don't need to run a marathon to reap the benefits of exercise. It is enough to go on a hike, a yoga session or play a game of tennis with a friend, any type of physical activity that we really like..

Any form of exercise will help to manage stress and reduce anxiety and, along with it, we will get all the other additional health benefits.

CBD oil

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural component found in the cannabis plant, which does not have psychotropic effects like THC and does have therapeutic properties capable of helping in the treatment of anxiety and stress control.

Analyzes published in recent years have corroborated these benefits related to anxiety control. Unlike pharmacological drugs, CBD is well tolerated and the results obtained by CBD users have been effective, but less invasive than those reported by pharmacological anxiolytics.

The origin of this therapeutic potential is found in the natural composition of the organic molecule of CBD, which gives it the ability to interact with the cannabinoid receptors that we all have in our nervous system..

It has been proven that this component of plant origin helps the work that various receptors of our central and peripheral nervous system perform in the control of fear and anxiety.

CBD's function naturally supports what the endocannabinoids produced in our body would do for this mission. This mechanism is the one that provides anxiolytic effects to CBD and enables it to be effective with low and intermediate doses and not produce appreciable side effects, since it reinforces an interaction that already occurs naturally in our biochemical system..

Meditation and mindfulness to control anxiety

Meditation is becoming an increasingly popular approach to managing stress, and more and more scientific studies support its effectiveness. Brain imaging has allowed neuroscientists to determine that meditation can actually develop areas of our brain associated with empathy, compassion, learning, memory, and emotional regulation, and shrinkage of the part of the brain associated with anxiety, fear, and stress..

Fortunately, we don't have to practice meditation for the same hours as a Buddhist monk to prevent anxiety. In tests they found that after just a few weeks of 20-minute mindful meditation practice, volunteers reported a reduction in their symptoms.

Natural anti-anxiety foods and supplements

With all the foods, teas, supplements, and nutraceuticals available to "treat" anxiety, it is difficult to determine what works and what is purely traditional literature. Research suggests that there are some consumables that can help with anxiety; this is what we found:

Eating a generally healthy diet with all the right foods and vitamins is a good place to start preventing anxiety. Some studies suggest that eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can reduce anxiety.

It's certainly worth a try, as these foods are delicious and help prevent heart disease. Foods highest in omega-3 fatty acids include hemp seeds, fish such as salmon and mackerel, walnuts, edamame and tofu, chia seeds, and oysters.

The amino acid tryptophan is believed to play an important role in our brain chemistry, including anxiety and depression, because it is a precursor to the neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin.

There are so many foods that are already high in tryptophan (such as eggs, cod, soybeans and oats) that, with a healthy and varied diet, we are probably already getting enough tryptophan.

As we can see, there are many ways to alleviate anxiety without using medications. While some have found these methods to be effective, not everything can be for everyone, or at least not right away. It is important to be patient with the new healthy habits that we acquire, they will help us to face stress more easily and relieve anxiety, naturally.

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