Life Coaching

Jonah Lester
Life Coaching

To make your life "a work of art" you have to know us, recognize ourselves and explore different aspects:

  • Exploring my current life
  • My personal vision
  • Living my present
  • Designing my economy

Exploring my current life

  1. Choose 8 aspects of the Wheel of Life
  2. Rate the degree of satisfaction you have in each one.
  3. Connect the points and you will get a diagram (spider web) Observe the result and you will see the balance of life.
  4. Define which of the 8 aspects constitute a core aspect for you, which if you improve, will influence the other aspects of your life.

Be precise. Ask yourself:

  • What is your current situation?
  • What do you think you should work on now to level the other aspects of your life?
  • What is the aspect of your life that you pay the least attention to and why?
  • Now imagine what you want. How, when and where are you going to do it?
  • What strategies are you going to use to advance in what you propose?
  • How do you feel about what you just wrote?

Explore your strengths

  • Explore your skills, strengths, talents, capabilities, as well as your weaknesses and obstacles
  • What are your talents, strengths, and capabilities?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • What opportunities do you see before you?

Identify three problems or obstacles that you think may prevent you from achieving your goals (eg I don't have time

Transform each statement into a question, e.g .: how can I take time to exercise??

Observe your strengths, weaknesses and opportunities and then answer the questions you asked in the previous point

Evidence of progress

You already have an action plan, now it is important to know what are the changes that will show you that you are reaching your goals

Define how you will reward yourself or recognize your progress and the achievement of your goals.

Become aware of the change

  • Achieving your goal implies changes in your life, it is time to reflect on them. What changes do you see in your life?
  • How are the people around you affected (for better or for worse)?

The engine to achieve it

  • Do you have a reason big enough to do what you set out to do??
  • What are the most important reasons for achieving this?
  • What benefits will you get by achieving what you set out to do??

My personal vision

After analyzing the wheel of life, that is your current vine, you will have found an area that you want to expand in the future. Your job is to create that future as clearly and specifically as you can..

Writing will help you to have a clear vision of your goals and will allow you to activate a process of change towards a new world within you, which will bring you an almost MAGICAL transformation..

Answer the questions and start dreaming to create the future you want

  • Write your goals in POSITIVE
  • What do you want to improve or change in your life?
  • What do you really want?
  • What do you want to achieve the above?

The 4 powers

  • Think
  • Feel
  • Speak
  • Act

Private powers are feeling and thinking

The public speak and act and are derived from the private, since we say and do according to what we think.

Reactive world Proactive world
Stimulus = response Stimulus = choice of response
"You make Me Feel… " "I think, I feel ..."
Disempowerment Empowerment

The clock and the compass

The clock measures the time that allows us to differentiate between events of the past, present or future

The compass marks the north and guides us so as not to lose the path we want to travel.

At present, what we want to do, what we want to do and what we actually do do not coincide.

Take the time of what you take to do in daily tasks such as: bathing, drying yourself, combing your hair, getting dressed, going to work, having breakfast, sleeping, etc. Then plan your day in awareness of that time and ask yourself two questions:

  • What is the most important thing for me today?
  • How should I organize my day to match my watch with my compass?

The perfect present

It is common to hear people say “I don't have enough time” or “I don't have enough money”, “I don't have enough space”, etc..

As a coach I realize that they are blaming money, time or space for what they lack. In reality, it is almost always their habits that are not helping them to live one of the principles of Coaching the "Present perfect"

How to change my habits? Learning new ...

Eg If you do not have enough money, you can start by managing yourself in another way: keep a record of your daily expenses for a month, save 10%, order expenses according to priority, leave ant expenses, etc..

To better manage your time: spend ¼ of an hour planning your day, and setting priorities, keeping track of your appointments and activities (scheduling), turn off the screens, set a bedtime, arrive at your appointments 10 min. before, do only one thing at a time.

The habits

Habit: behavior that you repeat with little awareness and can be positive or negative.

We have habits that allow us to grow and develop and others that limit us and slow down our development..

Try to start new habits that you enjoy and don't see as an obligation. Habits that help you achieve your goals: make a list of 10 simple things that you don't do but that if you did would help you make a difference.

Example: Eat fresh fruit, drink water, meditate, watch less TV, accommodate one thing a day, make a list of your expenses, set priorities, enjoy the people around you.

Living my present

  • Do you have a reason big enough to do what you set out to do??
  • What are the most important reasons to achieve it?
  • What benefits will you get by achieving what you set out to do??

Buddha said: All that we are is the result of what we think. The mind is everything; we turn what we think into reality.

What you focus on, what you concentrate on, is what GROWS in your life. What you take away from, what you walk away from, is what decreases in your life. Everything that is around us is created first in our mind.

This is the interface between us and the material world. The mind directs our life in a way that manifests itself in what surrounds us, in what we do. Who you are today has been created by your thoughts. WHAT YOU THINK YOU CREATE, YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK YOU ARE.

It is time to create the future that you long for:

  • Monthly overview: detail the future on a monthly basis, write your monthly and weekly goal, plan events, important dates. This will give you an overview of the month.
  • Time management and objectives:
    • Weekly goal: week by week design the path you will travel to achieve your goals.
    • Daily Achievement: It is the route to the goal, to go through it step by step, answer: what is the most important thing that I have to achieve this day?
    • Tasks to do today: commitments and activities that are necessary daily. Write them down according to priority.
    • Daily reflection: way to remove roadblocks, helps you figure out why you are stopping and prompts you to find solutions.
      • To achieve this you can ask yourself: What have I accomplished? Did I do the important first? Did I divert my attention to unimportant things? Do unforeseen events arise that prevent the achievement of my objectives? Can I say no to the unforeseen? I will manage my time according to my interests?
    • Monthly reflection: carry out in conscience a reflection of the month.

Life is easier if you organize yourself

As a coach I have found that many of my clients have trouble organizing and tidying up their things..

We keep things in sight due to forgetfulness or neglect, most of us. We have too many things, which we keep because we think we can use them in the future or memories that we do not want to get rid of.

That is why it is important to carry out a continuous cleaning of drawers, cabinets, filing cabinets, cellars, or any other place where we hide things while we find where to store them..

When we put order in our home and office, consequently we have mental order

Reserve one hour a week to organize, systematize or automate.

Start by identifying the most chaotic area of ​​your home or office and group according to:

  • The things you want to keep in sight or close at hand.
  • The things you want to save to save or need to save
  • The things you want to get rid of

Analyze and group according to similarity. Decide on the storage space and the storage system you want to occupy. Each thing has its space.

In the second group include objects that are kept for sentimental value. Must be wrapped in labeled boxes stored out of sight (closet or closet top)

Third group: things that we have kept but no longer have value for us; Inappropriate gifts, erroneous purchases, gadgets that will not be repaired. Find a place to donate them.

The power of language

As a practicing neurolinguistic coach and programmer, I realize that language is a medium through which human beings describe and create the reality that surrounds them. It is through language that we make things HAPPEN.

Language directs our thoughts in specific directions and helps us create our reality by enhancing or limiting it.

Accurate language skills are essential for good communication. It is with our interpretations and stories that we create the world around us. Language provides us with the possibility of coordinating actions with others.

Use language with awareness

Meaning of some words:

  • NO: we all have the right not to accept the state of things we face and the demands they make on us. Saying NO gives us the right to choose. You also have to be careful when we include the word NO in a sentence: if you say "don't think about the color red" the first thing that comes to your mind is the color red. It is better to speak positively and say what we expect from the other.
  • BUT this word denies what was said above, eg, Juan is a very smart but lazy boy. In saying this, the idea that stands out is that Juan is lazy. I recommend you replace the BUT with Y.
  • TRY: this word presupposes the possibility of failure. It is said that "you do it or you don't do it, but trying is useless." I will try to arrive at 8 it means that there is a high probability that you will not arrive.
  • Stop trying and make things happen, that is, ACT.
  • I MUST, I MUST, I NEED: These words presuppose that something external controls your life. Change them for: I WANT, I DECIDE, I WILL
  • ENOUGH: it is the disposition not to accept what has been accepted. What do you have to say, enough! Here it ends!
  • YES: it is a commitment, the yes makes me what I am, since I accept the reality in which I live.
  • I DON'T KNOW: it is accessing the threshold that I know I don't know. It represents the possibility of opening myself to learning.
  • THANK YOU: it is the opportunity to celebrate all that life has given you.
  • I LOVE YOU: these are words that allow us to create a relationship with others and with ourselves.

Designing my economy

Money is one of the most important values ​​through which our society moves. It has a great symbolic load, many representations and is highly coveted. In addition to a way of thinking and feeling about a trade-off between values ​​and energy.

In general, we see money as a tool to achieve goals in life and it is given different meanings such as: security, control, dependence, freedom, happiness, security, etc..

We shit money as a symbol and when the red money button is pressed, problems emerge, couples separate, children and parents break relationships, friends distance themselves, etc. What does money mean to you??

We can accumulate it, spend it, save it, owe it or invest it. We each have a different style to relate to him. We say that we are in abundance or lack.

Distinguish the style with which you relate to money, this will help you manage it better-


  • I think money is
  • What I like to do with money is
  • The biggest change I would like to make in the way I handle money is

To have a good management of our resources, especially the money we earn, it is necessary to make a budget, which will allow you to manage your expenses and control your debts:

  • Record your total income for the month
  • Identify the expenses you have per month and divide them into:
    • Fixed expenses such as electricity, water, gas, telephone, rent, gasoline, transportation, etc..
    • Variable expenses: expenses that vary according to the needs of that month such as food, medicine, clothing, entertainment, etc..
    • Record all your income
    • Subtract the total expenses from your income and you will know how your finances are. If your expenses are greater than your income, it is essential that you cut your expenses.
    • Use the PERM strategy
      • PERMANENT: expenses that you cannot do without
      • AVOID: what do you need to spend.
      • REDUCE: what expenses can you reduce? Telephone, electricity, gas, etc?
      • KEEP: what expenses do you want to keep and can you keep spending?
  • Save 10% of your income

It is time to appreciate the great treasure that you have in your hands: your dreams, triumphs, achievements, efforts, learnings ... YOUR LIFE

Love her, treasure her and learn from the great person you are today thanks to what you lived yesterday.

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