Fighting acne helps prevent stress, anxiety and even depression

Basil Manning
Fighting acne helps prevent stress, anxiety and even depression

Acne is a problem that can be classified as physical and social, since those who suffer from it, mostly adolescents, may avoid their environment because they consider that they will not be accepted. Emotional support is important, but it is also important to effectively treat the disease, making use of the various alternatives that are currently available.

One of the most common diseases in humans is acne, a 80% of the world population between 12 and 25 years old suffers from it. It generally occurs in adolescence, when hormonal changes occur, and then disappears. However, it is best to treat it to avoid leaving sequelae, such as infections and marks.

Acne occurs when dead cells and oil clog the pores of the skin. It is classified as an inflammatory disease, which in this case, manifests itself with the annoying pimples and blackheads.

The negative effects of acne go far beyond the physical aspect, since in many cases they affect mental health. In many young people, suffering from it generates stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, social phobia, and even depression; psychological conditions that must be treated, but at the same time, acne must be fought to stop the trigger of the problem at its roots.

In fact, the dermatologist must determine the psychological state of the patient with respect to his acne condition, his involvement in the treatment will depend on this to give the appropriate indications to obtain the necessary emotional support.

We need to remember that everything related to the image is something fundamental for adolescents, so acne, which may seem simple, can cause serious psychological problems that can leave sequelae for later stages of their lives.

Specialists have even pointed out that those who suffer from acne can even present a state of social dysfunction comparable to those who live with patients with disabling chronic diseases, such as epilepsy or arthritis.

What should be done?

There is a belief that acne is something normal that passes on its own, but the reality is that it is a problem that needs treatment with dermatology professionals, since otherwise, lesions can occur that can leave permanent scars, in addition to low self-esteem that can have effects on good mental health.

Currently there are a large number of treatments, some simple such as daily washing of the face, others prescribed by the dermatologist, everything will depend on the severity of acne.

Being a very common problem that demands effective solutions for millions of people in the world, many well-known brands have worked hard to develop effective products, one of these is Prisma Natural, specialized in health and well-being, which has an alternative to combat acne with very positive effects.

It is the Skin Seb Control cream, which contains a mixture of natural components with antiseptic (tea tree), regenerating (vitamin C), moisturizing and firming (hyaluronic acid) properties, which together constitute a very effective product to improve the appearance of acne, damaged, dry, red, or blemished skin and scars.

All its properties allow the removal of blackheads, accelerate cell regeneration, restore balance to dry or oily skin, as well as prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles..

It is very important to opt for products from recognized brands and do not resort to acids or other lotions that are not certified or have the due dermatological endorsement.

A bad choice can lead to injuries and burns with irreversible effects. In this sense, it is necessary to consult very well before buying a "miracle product", since the skin of the face is not something that should be taken lightly..

Along with the products of recognized brands recommended by the specialists, you can not miss some home remedies to complement and thus obtain better results. Among the most used we can mention lemon juice, which is used as a topical treatment (applied with cotton), so that it helps to eliminate dead cells and excess oil from the skin..

Orange is also used for its astringent properties, helping to eliminate impurities. It is recommended to crush the peel and mix with water to make the toner, which should be applied after washing your face before sleeping.

Other natural products used as home remedies to treat acne are garlic, cucumber, aloe vera, and tomato. A product that is not natural, but it does help a lot is toothpaste, since it contains sulfur, which is an active ingredient that helps fight acne.

Recommendations to keep in mind 

It is important to consider some aspects before starting acne treatment. First of all, it is necessary to determine if it is mild, moderate or severe, in each case there will be a different action plan that must be recommended by a specialist.

It is important to be careful before consuming miracle pills. Some are good and effective, however, it is best to take them with a prescription, once the type of acne has been determined and a plan to follow has been drawn up..

Similarly, it is important to note that the use of corticosteroids should be avoided (similar to hormones) to treat acne lesions, since in many cases they are contraindicated, making it worse or causing it.

It is best to wash with warm water and medicinal gels, depending on the type of acne. Do not do frequent peels or aggressive washing, as this will worsen the condition.

In the same way, it is advisable to use special sunscreens for skin with acne, which while protecting from the sun and UV rays, also prevent marks and scars.

Some myths that need to be debunked are: that acne is worse with chocolate and mayonnaise, or that it has to do with dirt. What is true among all the comments that are always made, is that in effect, acne is related to menstruation; in fact, it is a condition that usually worsens in the days leading up to this period. It is also true that it is common in people with a family history (parents) of severe acne.

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