Electra Complex When the girl falls in love with her father

Philip Kelley
Electra Complex When the girl falls in love with her father

Much has been made of Electra Complex which has common points with the Oedipus complex. In fact, it could be said that it is its equivalent focused on the feminine due to its characteristics.

However, this very normal stage in the development of girls is sometimes misinterpreted and therefore mismanaged. That is why today we want to share with you everything you need to know about him. Electra Complex.

What is the Electra complex?

The Electra complex is an aCarl Jung's adaptation of Freud's "female Oedipus complex". This differentiation was made because Jung considered that the interaction dynamics were different between children and mothers; and between daughters and fathers.

In this sense, it is recommended that before continuing you take a moment to read: Oedipus Complex: When the child falls in love with his mother.

It explains the interpersonal dynamics and some basic terms necessary to describe the Electra complex.

In summary, the Oedipus complex marks the rupture between the absolute and protective mother as the exclusive object of the child, and he must discover the world and realize that he needs new objects of his own..

In this sense and taking up the article on Oedipus, the girl when confronted with the Electra complex must necessarily have created the rupture of the Oedipus, stage common to boys and girls.

When the girl understands that her mother is not her absolute object, she tends to focus her affections on the father.. This occurs mainly in the stage in which the gender differentiation takes place in the girl, which occurs between two and three years.

The girl shifts her object impulses towards the father who stands as a complete figure before the little girl. As in Oedipus, this stage constitutes a normal transition to adult mental life. But if it is not developed properly it can generate relational problems.

Transit through the Electra Complex

The passage through this stage in many cases is usually quite subtle and even goes unnoticed. This is because in most cases, the affective bond with the mother is quite strong, therefore the predilection for the father is not usually so marked.

This is a transit within what would be called "Normal" although it is not the correct word, but let's say that it is so. Another form of "Normal" transit occurs when the girl shows a predilection for the father, but this does not intervene in family development.

It may also be that interpersonal relationships are affected on a discursive level by the girl's strong predilection for the father. For example, if the girl flatly and forcefully refuses to be cared for by the mother.

It is necessary to clarify that the latter can also be framed within the "common" it all depends on the intensity and frequency of the behavior.

A proper transition through the Electra stage can even go up to 5 years, but, as interpersonal relationships grow in number, frequency and people with whom you feel empathy, new objects of satisfaction also differentiate and it gradually comes off of that idealized father.

Electra Complex Issues

Initially the girl in her oedipal stage protects her bond with the mother and shows protective attitudes when the father approaches the mother.

When passing to the moment of Electra, the girl turns all these affections towards the father, initially only showing predilection, until reaching the point of rejecting the affection and attention of the mother.

The girl begins to understand new forms of bonding relationships such as love affairs and tend to think and even state that their father is their boyfriend or husband.

Sometimes he simply says "It's mine" but beware, all girls can say that, so we must pay attention to the intensity and frequency of the statement.

When it comes to explaining to the girl that the father is really the mother's object of affection and not hers, there are often problematic episodes with crying and tantrums, she does not accept that the father is not her object.

Even in cases where the girl's manifestation is older, the transit usually happens very well if it is accompanied by patience, dialogue and determination..

It can be very troublesome to accompany this moment with teasing and approving of the behavior. Regardless of whether or not you find it funny, it is important to make it clear that the father is the mother's partner..

If the girl confuses this role, there may be serious pathological complications that can trigger delays in social and interpersonal learning..

On many occasions a bad exit from the Electra Complex can trigger a feeling of anger towards the father for preferring the mother.

Notes and Tips

In the first instance, it is important to emphasize that this type of attitudes are not necessarily a problem in the first instance. This is probably true of all girls, the important thing is what is done about it at that time.

The girl can simply do it by imitating the behavior of her mother who is her primary figure, she wants to be like her, therefore, she wants to have the father's affections exclusively for her.

It goes without saying that most of these aspects are configured from the speech, therefore it is very important to be careful of reckless comments. Both with respect to the girl, as well as the relationship of the mother with the father.

For example expressions such as: "She is in love with the father" "As cute as she fights so that I (Mother) do not approach the father" "Come that you are my girlfriend" or many things like that can reinforce Electra Complex.

Another way in which this type of thinking is reinforced is through attitudes of jealousy and claims of the mother towards the father in front of the girl. This notices the object treatment that is given to the father's affections and how it is controlled and hoarded, and quickly imitates this behavior.

It is important to give time and establish deep dialogues about it with the girl, gradually she will understand how things really are and will renounce her wishes for the father.

In any case, these types of attitudes can last a long time while the roles are clarified, it can even extend up to 5 or 6 years.

It is important to be patient and establish roles clearly so that over time the girl can find her ideal place within the family framework..

Good relationships in this sense and proper role formation can lead to a adult with excellent management of social emotions and great capacity for self-esteem and self-perception.

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