Political components What are they and how many are there?

Sherman Hoover
Political components What are they and how many are there?

Knowing the political components clearly is essential to understand the functioning of nations and finally to be able to refer to the behavior of society in contrast to the active components of each region..

This concept refers to the strategic / political organization based on the ideals or values ​​of the country or region around which societies are established based on compliance with the law through its political components..

In this sense, these components are both the creators and supporters of the norms, laws or statutes of coexistence, but it is important to be clear about what the political components are and how they are classified according to their function.

What are the political components?

The political components are the regulatory entities in charge of distributing and organizing the territory and its public resources and even intervening in private resources according to the statutes of the country or region in particular..

Political components according to geographic space

Said components are arranged in the first instance according to the territory itself, starting with the centralized instances of power such as the presidency in most cases and continuing with distribution regulating entities such as governors, councilors, mayors, delegates, community or neighborhood presidents, etc..

Political components according to power or function

The political components too They are organized according to their function or type of power that they exercise within the political organization, Usually this division of the political components is given as an organization chart in which power is subdivided sequentially in order to achieve greater capacity for action in each territory..

This type of organization of the components according to their function or type of power is not exclusive with the strategic geographic organization, in fact it is a way of complementing said parameter.

How many political components are there?

The political components can be quite varied around the world depending on the type of government that is had in each region, in addition to the tradition and diplomatic disposition of each place..

Therefore, this question cannot be answered with certainty if it is launched as an open question, in this case the appropriate thing would be to ask how many political components exist in a given country or region..

However it is possible establish a series of political components that are common to most countries, Below we list the main known political components and we will talk a little about their role and scope within political organizations..


Considered as one of the main political components, the executive power, as its name indicates, is in charge of executing, that is, it is the entity in charge of ensuring that everything runs as it should..

In most regions of the world the executive branch is headed by a president king or someone who with a different title is in charge of seeking and deciding a good future for their country or nation.

As we mentioned earlier, this component subdivides power into territorial entities in order to facilitate and specialize the representative function, in this sense we can find governors, mayors, prefects, presidents, etc..


The legislative political component is that precisely in charge of legislating, That is, they are in charge of issuing, modifying, repealing or eliminating laws and mandates.

The tradition of the legislative power dates back centuries and its most globalized representation is the parliament, although it is common for this power to be subdivided into Senates and councils.

At the same time, this power is subdivided into regional councils according to the territorial organization, this is especially important due to the complexity of generalizing the great territories of the nations, since the needs can vary enormously between one region and another, even if it is quite close..


The judiciary is the in charge of administering justice and ensuring the laws in force, This complements the main triad in the political components, since executive, legislative and judicial complement each other creating a sustainable political environment..

The judiciary does not receive this name in all nations and may even be a subdivision of the executive branch in many countries. The truth is that its function is clear and in the hands of the legislative power it has maneuverability privileges that allow it to enforce the law in each of its aspects..

Political institutions

Apart from the main political components mentioned above, there are different entities of political control in charge of maintaining the status quo between the different political parties of a country or nation..

Unlike the instances of the executive and legislative power that are designated by appointment or popular vote, political institutions must manage a system of meritocracy at the time of the appointment of their officials.

The foregoing precisely to guarantee that the ideological / political powers do not have influence on them, among these institutions we can find courts, prosecutors, veedurías, prosecutors and other institutions of this order that transcend the main powers.

Government institutions

Although institutions of this nature do not form part of power over time, they must be taken into account within the political components, since in fact most of these institutions are in constant contact with citizens..

Government institutions are thosetemporary or semi-permanent institutions created for the purpose of enforce government policies.

These institutions are normally created under the order and direction of the legislative power and it is this power that is in charge of the allocation of resources and, more importantly, of their proper functioning.

The force

Force is not strictly speaking a particular institution or body, however it is necessary to indicate that force itself and the use of it is a type of subjective political component that is usually linked to the judicial.

We mention force apart from the judiciary due to the fact that on the one hand, the judiciary is not stated as such in all countries and on the other hand, force can be seen represented in various institutions that do not necessarily respond to the orders of the leaders of the judiciary.

The force is normally represented in most countries by the army and the police, with specialized corps and various internal divisions. On the other hand, in different countries there are technical investigation and enforcement bodies that may or may not act outside the army and the police..

We hope that after reading this article, you understand a little better what are the political components and how they influence the structuring of societies.

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