Synchronous or synchronous communication is one in which the exchange of information through the internet, whether by computers, telephone or other electronic equipment, occurs in real time.
This exchange is carried out within the framework of the so-called Computer Mediated Communication (CMC), that is, communication mediated by computers..
Examples of synchronous communication are those that are carried out through chat, or through platforms and applications such as WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype, etc. These and other platforms and equipment are known as information and communication technologies (ICT).
As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, in 2020 the use of synchronous applications and media such as Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, among others, increased dramatically both in the workplace and in education..
There was also a revolution in the use of synchronous communication in personal communications, of family groups and friends, and in its use for “virtual” parties, since face-to-face parties were not recommended..
The main characteristic of synchronous communication is that it takes place in real time, the sender and receiver are in front of their equipment at the same time exchanging information.
In synchronous communication, information is shared immediately, regardless of whether it is being carried out in an audiovisual way or through written texts, such as in chats.
Allows you to modify opinions and plans in real time, thanks to simultaneous debate and exchange of ideas. This communication favors argumentation and clarifications.
In synchronous communication, especially when it is in writing, it is important to record the time, to know which message precedes which, and to avoid confusion in the exchange of information..
In its beginnings, synchronous communication, when it was present only in chat and was done in writing, resorted to symbols such as emoticons, and to resources such as writing in capital letters or repeating vowels, to indicate emotions or emphasize certain phrases or words.
These codes and symbols have spread to all social networks on the internet.
Synchronous communication is of two types: user-to-user, and between multiple users.
They are personalized communications, between a single sender and a single receiver, in real time. Thanks to different applications such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger, Lime, Instagram or Twitter.
All those electronic or virtual conversations and meetings that include many participants, such as chats, video conferences, workshops, courses and distance classes using applications such as Zoom or Skype, among others.
It is also possible to divide it into audiovisual synchronous communication and written synchronous communication.
It is one where the sender and receiver can see and speak in real time. Currently multiple platforms and applications have this mode of communication.
It was the first synchronous communication by computer that was put into practice, through the chats carried out in forums on different web pages. They continue to be used in academic forums or on networks such as WhatsApp or Telegram.
Synchronous communication allows direct communication between different users and the exchange of the role of sender and receiver.
The information or material that is transmitted can be discussed immediately, favoring corrections and changes, or at least the exchange of points of view.
It allows to carry out activities of different types (work or educational), without the need for transfers and staying in safe places.
During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, millions of students and workers developed their activities thanks to platforms and applications that allowed synchronous communication.
Synchronous communication favors the possibility of consulting quickly before taking action, favoring a democratic climate at work, school or in personal relationships.
Synchronous communication allows you to attend and carry out activities at a distance, such as medical interventions, or repair work with doctors or technicians communicating through computers or mobiles.
When done in real time, especially in audiovisual forums, there may be a partial loss of information, such as opinions, comments and suggestions in response to the initial exposure.
Although some applications have the ability to save comments, not all do.
If the rules to debate are not clear, it is possible to lose control in discussing a topic or carrying out an activity, especially when there are multiple users.
In chats or written forums with multiple users, interventions can become confused by not knowing what each of the participants is referring to.
Synchronous communication requires a slightly higher level of knowledge on the part of users, to join the forums and participate. Although increasingly simple applications have reduced this difficulty.
Synchronous communication can be affected by technical failures or limitations of the internet service, in different countries or regions of the world. However, the growing use of mobile internet services has contributed to solving these problems..
Although forums and chat began to be developed and used in the eighties of the last century, it has been during the 21st century that synchronous communication has become a permanent fact in our lives. Let's see some examples.
Forums and chats are currently spread throughout all social networks and have served both to unite and to generate discord, especially when they have been linked to politics (such as Twitter, Telegram or Facebook).
However, many family groups and friends maintain permanent contact through chats, and for many groups from various fields of work it has also become an essential tool..
Instant messaging
Whether through audio messages or through written texts, instant messaging has displaced the use of conventional phone calls. The popularity of applications such as WeChat, Twitter, Messenger, Whatsapp, Line, Telegram, Snapchat, Signal, etc..
As a result of the social distancing caused by the coronavirus pandemic, video conferencing programs became tools of daily use in work, educational and cultural institutions, and even in social and family gatherings.
The most popular and widely used video conferencing programs are: Skype, Zoom, Google Hangout, Jitsi, Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc..
Audio conferencing allows for more fluid communication, especially when the quality of the signal and internet access is unstable and irregular. The same programs and applications are used as in video conferencing.
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