Tips for taking good care of your baby

Jonah Lester
Tips for taking good care of your baby

The first months and years are essential for the later development of children, and for this reason some aspects of food and good habits and hygiene of the baby must be taken into account..

Care in all areas

We grow for a good part of our lives, and this growth occurs both physically and intellectually until we reach maturity. However, It is during the first months, and also during the first years of the child's life, when the real shock occurs that will determine the future future of the child..

Consequently, it is during this first vital stage in which we must be more rigorous in maintaining this care., especially with regard to food, choosing the best baby milk, and also with regard to the hygiene of the baby, both in the most common sense of the word and in the sense associated with other aspects such as sleep or noise habits, thus avoiding possible disorders that may lead to imbalances in physical or mental stability of the child.

On the other hand, it is very important from the first moment to strictly comply with the pediatric check-up schedule and follow the doctor's instructions at all times..

In particular, and given the constant exposure of children to viruses and bacteria, it is especially advisable to keep the vaccination schedule up to date.. However, of all those expressed above, it is the eating habits that perhaps present the greatest relevance in the face of the baby's closest development.. 

Food does matter

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), a number close to 46 million children between the ages of 0 and 5 could suffer from obesity. Although the data is not 100% accurate, the truth is that the approximation is in itself worrying.

And it is that food is possibly the most determining factor for the correct future development of the child. A multitude of factors contribute to this, including the mother's good habits during pregnancy..

Thus, the first step in taking good care of the baby is for the mother herself to maintain especially healthy lifestyle habits, not only avoiding the consumption of substances that are especially harmful to the fetus such as alcohol or tobacco, but also maintaining a proactive attitude in the consumption of healthy and natural foods. 

Taking this into account, and once the baby is born, it should not be overlooked that during the first months, especially up to the fourth month, his diet will be based on breastfeeding. While it is true that there are substitute milks for breast milk, it is no less true that doctors generally recommend breast milk.

Breast milk provides the baby with the necessary nutrients naturally during the first months of life, including ingredients as relevant as proteins and antibodies. However, whether you choose one formula or another, in both cases the shots should be rather short and continuous.

Food diversification

As the baby continues to grow, and especially from the first 4 months, new foods can be included in their daily diet. It is best to start with baby foods that do not contain gluten and later you could continue with fruit and vegetable baby foods, as a complement to breast milk..

From 6 months, other foods such as purees can be included, and with the subsequent appearance of the teeth, increasingly solid foods can be introduced. It is at this time, when a greater diversification of the child's eating habits takes place, that the introduction of the called "continuation milks", rich in iron and Omega 3, and very suitable for physical and intellectual development of the child.

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