Against receipt characteristics, what is it for and example

Charles McCarthy

The against receipt It is a document that is intended to ensure or promise the completion of a payment process. It is used by companies to confirm the invoicing of some merchandise, device or service. It is delivered as a demonstration that the invoice has been received, for its review and future payment of the same.

It is simply an official recognition that the services or products delivered by the provider have been received by the customer. This document is prepared by the seller to deliver it to the customer or consumer. It is used to express ownership of the merchandise.


Normally companies have established certain days to receive the invoices for review, and then on other subsequent days set to be able to make their respective payment.

The sales invoice and the receipt are important parts of the purchase cycle. The counter receipt helps the seller to maintain his sales record and to determine whether or not the customer has satisfactorily received the amount of merchandise indicated.

Article index

  • 1 Characteristics of the receipt
    • 1.1 Components
  • 2 What is it for?
  • 3 How to fill out a receipt?
    • 3.1 Automated system
  • 4 Example
    • 4.1 Specifications
  • 5 References

Characteristics of the receipt

The counter receipt is a document that is issued at the time of receiving an invoice, in order to initiate the corresponding payment process.

As it concerns an invoice, the receipt must be issued when the transaction is linked to the collection of sales tax. Likewise, when it corresponds to exports of services or goods, or when required by the user.

This term is widely used in corporate language, as it is closely related to daily operational activities.

Components (edit)

Next, an example of the format of a receipt is shown in the following image.

The components that a receipt document should have are the following:

- Clear and visible identification that indicates that it is a counter receipt, with the legend "AGAINST RECEIPT".

- A document identification number.

- Date and place of issuance of the document.

- Name of the person, company or institution that delivers the invoice.

For each invoice delivered by the supplier, the following elements must be indicated:

- Invoice number.

- Invoice date.

- Amount to pay of the invoice.

- Detailed description.

- The sum of the amounts of the invoices indicated will be the total amount to be paid.

Finally, the scheduled date of payment and the signature and / or stamp of the person authorized to fulfill the payment must be clearly indicated..

What is it for?

The receipt is the document that serves as support for the delivery of one or more invoices to a client.

For example, in Mexico, when invoices are delivered, the corresponding payment is not necessarily made. The counter receipt is where the different numbers of invoices that are in the review and payment process are listed..

It is a document that is used internally and has no legal validity. It serves as an assignment; that is, it is delivered as proof of having received an invoice to be reviewed and to be able to make the future payment.

The counter receipt is issued at the time the invoice is received, to carry out the corresponding payment process.

The buyer can also check and match the details of the products or services listed on the receipt with those received on the invoice..

The counter receipt can help customers keep track of payments for goods and services purchased, and sellers can also identify the amounts that were delivered from the invoices and which are still pending to be paid..

How to fill out a receipt?

After the supplier has supplied the warehouse with the items required in the purchase order, either in whole or in part, it must be presented at the checkout area with the invoice for the goods delivered and the purchase order corresponding to said invoice..

What you do is search and verify the purchase order in the file. On the receipt, the corresponding date to be paid must be indicated, the type of receipt must be indicated, whether total or partial, and the name and signature of the cashier must be placed..

Then the number of the invoice received is entered in the appropriate field, as well as the subtotal and the VAT of the same in the counter receipt.

Automated system

- In the "Cashier manager" field, enter the name of the worker who prepares the document. The current date will be assigned in the "Date Against Receipt" field. This date may be modified.

- In the "Type" list field, the type of receipt to be prepared is selected. This field offers six different types of receipt: "Total according to purchase order", "Partial complement", "Partial 1", "Partial 2", "Partial 3", "Partial 4".

If the purchase order is fully delivered, choose "Total according to purchase order".

In case of being partially delivered, “Partial 1” will be chosen. However, if with this delivery the purchase order is fully delivered, select "Partial Complement".

If there are other partial deliveries, then "Partial 2", "Partial 3" or "Partial 4" will be selected..

- In the field “No. Invoice ”the invoice number is entered. The subtotal amount and VAT are also entered.

- The "Payment" field will indicate the date of payment of the against receipt, according to the payment policy. However, it may be modified.


Suppose Alexander owns a glove company. It is logical that you should request materials or services from other supplier companies, or service providers.

When one of those companies that provides services has finished carrying out the construction work of a new plant that was requested, presenting two invoices for a total amount of $ 152,000, in order to collect the work done.

However, at that time Alexander does not have enough resources or cash in hand to pay the total bills. Therefore, in that particular case you must issue a counter receipt.


With this document, the invoice numbers are specified, the summary description of the construction services provided, together with the total amount of the invoices for $ 152,000.

The provider may charge in the time that has been specified to process the payment, which is ten days, according to its payment policy. You can see the receipt in the following image.

The receipt is an official document. Therefore, it is duly signed by the person responsible for the payment..

It has one original and two copies. The original is for the consulting provider, one of the copies is attached to the invoice for the corresponding payment process, and the second copy is to be filed..


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