What are geographical coordinates, what are they for, examples

Egbert Haynes
What are geographical coordinates, what are they for, examples

The Geographical coordinates They are a reference system based on three parameters that allow locating any point on the earth's surface. This system works as a network of imaginary lines superimposed on the earth's surface, where two magnitudes define the horizontal dimension and another the vertical one..

The first two are latitude and longitude, while the one that defines the vertical dimension is altitude. Of these imaginary lines there are two that are central referents, one is the equator or equator, and another is the Greenwich meridian..

The equator is the horizontal line that crosses the Earth at its widest from east to west. Parallel to this line are drawn other equidistant to north and south, called parallels. Meanwhile, the Greenwich meridian is a line that runs from pole to pole through the town of Greenwich in London, England..

Then other lines parallel to this and equidistant called meridians are drawn, in addition the distance to each parallel and meridian is measured in sexagesimal degrees. This measurement is made taking the center of the Earth as a reference point..

Article index

  • 1 What are the geographic coordinates?
    • 1.1 The latitude
    • 1.2 The length
    • 1.3 The altitude
  • 2 What are geographic coordinates used for??
    • 2.1 Locate places on Earth
    • 2.2 Navigation and scrolling
    • 2.3 Geographical exploration
    • 2.4 Resource inventory and planning
    • 2.5 Military applications
    • 2.6 Time zones
  • 3 Examples of geographic coordinates
    • 3.1 Madrid (Spain)
    • 3.2 Washington D.C. (United States of America)
    • 3.3 Bogota (Colombia)
    • 3.4 Caracas (Venezuela)
    • 3.5 Lima (Peru)
    • 3.6 Brasilia (Brazil)
    • 3.7 Buenos Aires (Argentina)
  • 4 References

What are the geographic coordinates?

The geographical coordinates are three parameters, two in the horizontal dimension, namely latitude and longitude, and one vertical, altitude.


This parameter determines the angular distance (measured in degrees) at which any object is relative to the Earth's equator. For this, it must be considered that the equatorial line divides the globe into two parts (northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere), each with 180º latitude..

Latitude and longitude. Source: Djexplo From the translation: Ortisa / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)

In such a way that, if the angular distance is from the equator to a point located to the north, it is spoken of north latitude and if the point is located towards the south, it is referred to as south latitude. On the other hand, sexagesimal degrees consider that a right angle has 90º (90 sexagesimal degrees).

A circumference is divided into 360º, a half circumference into 180º and a quarter of a circumference into 90º. Also, a sexagesimal degree is equal to 60 minutes and a minute to 60 seconds.

One degree equals approximately 111 kilometers 144 m, one minute equals 1.9 kilometers, and one second is approximately 31 meters.

To establish the latitude at which a point is located, a line is drawn from the center of the Earth to the point. Subsequently, another line is placed from the center of the Earth to the equator.

Then, the angle formed between these two lines is measured, and it corresponds to the latitude at which said point is located..

The length

It establishes the angular distance at which any object is with respect to the Greenwich meridian and its magnitude is sexagesimal degrees, with subdivisions in minutes and seconds. The procedure used to calculate the longitude of a point is the same as for latitude, taking the Greenwich meridian as a reference..

Greenwich Meridian (countries in blue) and equator (countries in red). Source: NuclearVacuum / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)

Thus, a line is drawn from the center of the Earth to the point of which you want to know its longitude and another from the center of the Earth to the same point. The angle between the two lines is measured and the length at which said point is found is obtained.

The Greenwich meridian also generates two hemispheres, one to the west (to its left) and one to the east (right), each with 180º longitude. Therefore, when providing the magnitude of geographic longitude of a point, it must be indicated whether it is east or west of Greenwich.

The altitude

It allows establishing the height above sea level at which any point is found on the earth's surface. This magnitude is measured in meters above sea level (masl), although there are also points on land below sea level.

The points located under the ocean are referred to as depth which is measured in meters or equivalent in feet. In this sense, the starting point is the average level that the sea surface reaches in a given place (0 meters above sea level)..

The highest land altitude measured the top of Mount Everest in the Himalayas, with 8,848 meters (29,029 feet) above sea level. However, the Dead Sea is located in a depression 416.5 m below sea level and is the lowest non-submerged point on Earth..

What are geographic coordinates for?

Geographic coordinates map. Source: Ivi / CC0

Locate places on Earth

The geographical coordinates are used to locate any point on the earth's surface, since when the parallel line that passes through that point is crossed with the meridian line that crosses it, it is located in the plane. When the altitude of a point with respect to sea level is defined, it is located in the vertical dimension.

Navigation and scrolling

This geographic coordinate system has many applications for maritime or air navigation, as well as for land transit. In the same way, they serve to make more accurate representations of the earth's surface, accurately locating geographic features and establishing the correct distances..

Geographic exploration

Traveling through an unexplored or unknown place requires a good system to locate correctly and the geographical coordinates provide an essential aid. Currently, GPS devices are used that, when connected to a satellite system, provide the latitude, longitude and height of the point from which the reading is made..

Resource inventory and planning

The prospecting of natural resources or inventory of resources that a country has, requires precisely locating the sites where these resources are. For example, forests, mines, water sources or any resource of interest to human beings.

In turn, knowing these data is essential for the strategic planning of the economic and social development of a country..

Military applications

In the military sphere, it is essential to know the exact location of your own forces and those of the enemy. In fact, the US (GPS) and Russian (GLONASS) global positioning systems are controlled by military agencies, only the European system (Galileo) is civil.

With modern technology, airplanes, missile systems, warships and submarines have positioning systems based on defining geographic coordinates..

Time zones

The geographic coordinate system also provides the basis for the time zone system. Universal day is considered to start at Greenwich midnight, from here the time zones were established.

Each time zone covers a geographical longitude of 15º (every 15º changes an hour). This derives from the 360º of the earth's circumference between 24 hours a day, which gives 15º.

Examples of geographic coordinates

As a practical example, the geographical coordinates of the capital of Spain and of the capitals of some countries in America are established below. However, a city is not really a point, but an area that would have to be defined by various geographical coordinates.

However, for simplicity we will consider cities on a small scale, as if they were points on the map. The notation or way of expressing these data for any point, is to indicate the degrees, minutes and seconds of latitude.

These must be followed by the indication of north (N) or south (S). Subsequently, the degrees, minutes and seconds of the longitude are placed, followed by the indication of east (E) or west (W).

Madrid Spain)

The capital of Spain is located almost in the center of the Iberian Peninsula in the southwest of Eurasia. In terms of geographic coordinates, Madrid is located west (W) of Greenwich and north of the equator (N).

Exactly at 40º25'08 ”N and 3º41'31” W, far from the equator and near the Greenwich meridian, with a maximum altitude of 846 meters above sea level and a minimum of 543 meters above sea level..

Washington D.C. (United States of America)

Officially called the District of Columbia, this city is located in the eastern United States of America. Very far north of the equator and also far west of the Greenwich meridian, its coordinates being 38º53'42 ”N and 77º02'12” W, with a maximum altitude of 125 meters above sea level and a minimum of 0 meters above sea level..

Bogota Colombia)

The capital of Colombia is located in the so-called sabana de Bogotá, a plateau located in the center of the country, in the northwest of South America. This city is located north and relatively close to the equator and far west of the Greenwich meridian..

Its geographical coordinates are 42º36'46 ”N and 74º04'14” W, with a maximum altitude of 4,000 meters above sea level and a minimum of 2,540 meters above sea level..

Caracas Venezuela)

The capital of Venezuela is located in the north-central part of the country, north of South America and relatively close to the equator and west of Greenwich. Its geographical coordinates are 10º30'00 ”N and 66º56'00” W, with a maximum altitude of 1,400 meters above sea level and a minimum of 900 meters above sea level..

Lima Peru)

This city, capital of Peru, is located on the central coast of the Peruvian Pacific, in the central west of South America. It is located near and south of the equator, west of Greenwich and its coordinates are 12º03'00 ”S and 77º02'00” W, with an average altitude of only 161 meters above sea level..

Brasilia (Brazil)

The capital of Brazil is located in the central east of the country and the South American subcontinent, south of the equator and west of Greenwich. The coordinates of its geographical location are 15º47'38 ”S and 47º52'58” W, with a maximum altitude of 1,243 meters above sea level and a minimum of 1,000 meters above sea level..

Buenos Aires, Argentina)

The Argentine capital is located in the center-east of the country in the southern cone of South America, far south of the equator and west of Greenwich. Its geographical coordinates are 34º35'59 ”S and 58º22'55” W, with an average altitude of only 25 meters above sea level..


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