Literary currents are a set of works from a given period. Each of them has particular characteristics related to chronological time and the aesthetic contribution they offer within literary studies..
Today we are going to talk about the most important literary currents so that you learn a little more about the wonderful world of literature.
Literary current is called set of works created within an era or period of time determined. Beyond the mere temporal feature, the works immersed within a current,share similar aesthetic and thematic characteristics.
Within the literary currents different authors also stand out who become representative exponents. These have a type of ideology, artistic inclination, thoughts and beliefs that adhere to the cultural paradigms of a particular time.
The authors become a very important icon within the currents, and in fact many of them have created manifestos to support the the spirit of the age in their literary expressions and start a new trend.
It should be noted that these currents not only adhere to the literary plane, in fact arose in parallel with other arts such as music or painting.
Here we share with you some of the most important literary currents located chronologically.
Greek literature is one of the most important literary currents. Within this literature we find epic works that have provided a solid foundation for the literature of all time.
Among the most representative titles we find The Iliad Y The odyssey.
Medieval literature has as a common element the tales of chivalry, stories of wars, conquests and crusades. The reflection of the obscurantism of the time also stands out. Within medieval literature, we find prevailing moral norms, beliefs and ways of acting of the time where the figure of the hero is highlighted.
Some of the most important names are: El Cantar de Mio Cid, The Book of Good Love, La Celestina and La Divina Comedia.
In the Renaissance there was the emergence of literary and artistic works that evidenced the human transformations of the time. At this moment, the human being places himself at the center of the story and that is why the desire to portray reality and life experience without idealizations.
At this time, we find an amazing narrative, and those who know the poems of the Renaissance will agree with me. Some of the most representative works are: Don Quixote, The Prince, Romeo and Juliet and Utopia.
In the Baroque, artistic and thematic forms are forcefully transformed. Here the representative themes are metaphysics, death and religion. It stands out for its rarefied use of language, and Baroque poetry is one of the most valued of all time..
Among the most representative authors of the time we find Luis de Góngora, Lope de Vega and Francisco de Quevedo.
Neoclacisism is constituted as one of the most innovative literary currents, in the middle of the “Century of Lights”. At this time the value of classical works is rescued and the taste for traditional forms of culture, spirituality, ideas and aesthetics is reflected..
Some of the most important works of Neoclacisism are: Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels and Cándido o el optimismo.
Romanticism was born in Germany and brings with it the exaltation of feelings above reason. It is a time when fantasy overflows onto papers to give us works full of magic and idyllic elements that connect perfectly with the most dreamy.
Authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Victor Hugo and Mary Shelly grace the pages of this era.
This is one of the literary currents that was born in France to spread throughout the world. The literary works of this time stand out for rewarding observation and portraying the plausible. Here reality plays a leading role and that is why it is considered to go against romanticism with its utopian landscapes.
Some of the most important authors of Realism were: Flaubert, Leon Tolstoi and Fedor Dostoevsky.
Modernism is a literary current that arises in America and has as its central point that it does not seek the imitation of any of the previous currents. This is why everyday language is highlighted in it and provides a different symbolic load.
The most important authors of Modernism are: Rubén Dario, José Martí and Amado Nervo.
When the political and social characteristics of an era change, this becomes evident in artistic productions. That is why the Avant-garde arises in the midst of a world crisis and provides a different view of life. Here the search for freedom and feelings stand out, and for this reason it goes against the previous structural forms..
Some of the most important books of the time are: Altazor or the parachute ride, Persuasion of the days Y Metamorphosis.
Within contemporary literature we find multiple different manifestations. However, the main features are greater freedom of expression, agility in writing, the search for answers and a beautiful mix between magic and reality..
Among the most important works of the time, we can highlight: One Hundred Years of Solitude, Hopscotch, The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto Y Like water for Chocolate.
We hope that you have learned a little about the most important literary currents, and that you are encouraged to dive much more into the world of literature that awaits you full of wonderful surprises..
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