Take care of your diet and mind online during confinement

Egbert Haynes
Take care of your diet and mind online during confinement

The confinement that we are experiencing as a consequence of the Covid19 pandemic it is altering our habits on all levels. Although we are at home, it is necessary to follow a series of physical and mental routines to maintain a proper balance in our body and mind.

In this article we are going to talk about the 3 basic pillars that we must take into account so that our health is not affected during confinement. These pillars are none other than follow an adequate diet, play sports and of course take care of our mental balance.


Food is key to maintaining health at all levels. At this time, lack of time is no longer an excuse to spend a few more minutes in the kitchen in order to prepare healthy and nutritious dishes..

If you do not know where to start or do not know the possibilities you have, you can always turn to a nutritionist to advise you and help you achieve your goals. Although we cannot leave home, new technologies put a whole world of possibilities within our reach. You can use the services of an online nutritionist like the one offered by the Júlia Farré Nutrition Center.

If in your case you already have enough knowledge about nutrition, you can search on YouTube for countless recipes that will help you maintain an adequate level of nutrition during all these days. In addition, if you manage to add a series of nutritious dishes to your diet, it is very possible that when everything returns to normal they will have become a habit and are already part of your weekly menu..


Mental health is probably one of the most affected by this whole situation. Uncertainty, fear of what may happen, boredom, lack of motivation, all contribute to our mental health being altered..

As with eating, it is important to follow a series of routines and habits to maintain an adequate mental balance.

Disconnect: The bombardment of negative information that we have through the media, social networks and whatsapp can affect us if we do not make a programmed effort to disconnect at certain times of the day.

Connect: Connect with your loved ones, both with those you share a roof and with those you have at a distance. Schedule a time of day to play with your children or with your partner. You can also reserve another time of the day to make a phone call to a friend or family member.

This situation has affected us all in one way or another. If you consider that it is difficult for you to adapt more than normal or that negative emotions are lasting too long, you can resort to online psychology services where you will receive guidelines and tools to adapt to this situation.

Physical exercise

We cannot forget about taking care of our body. You know what they say: "Mens sana in corpore sana". We would never have imagined living in a world where jogging was illegal. Not to mention the gyms, sports centers or municipal swimming pools that have been forced to close.

At the moment the only possibility we have to do some sport is to set up our own gym at home. Once again, thanks to the internet and new technologies, we have infinite information in the form of videos, guided trainings, or even mobile applications to plan your own workouts.

Even thanks to the "live" version of some social networks such as Facebook or Instagram, it is possible to attend virtual classes at a specific place and time. The fact of feeling that you are in company in those moments can work as a motivation to follow the exercises.

It is not necessary that you have great equipment at home, most of the exercises are designed precisely so that they can be performed only with the weight of your own body.

We hope these tips help you to make these days pass and you have achieved a better balance at all levels.

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