The structure of documentary research refers to the set of steps carried out by the researcher, in order to execute a scientific and systematic procedure of inquiry, collection, interpretation and presentation of data and information on a certain topic, using the study and analysis of documents.
In this sense, it can be said that documentary research is characterized by working directly or indirectly with either written or audiovisual documents. Since in addition to collecting information from the texts, it also uses cards, slides, plans, discs, films, among others..
In the same way, it can be said that the structure of documentary research is the basis for the construction of knowledge, since following the steps established in it, an adequate collection of data and information is achieved that allows giving answers to the fact studied as well as generating hypotheses. of the same.
However, it is important to mention that this set of steps that guide documentary research should not be followed in a rigid and closed way, since its application depends on the type of work, skills, knowledge and possibilities of the researcher..
In this sense, it can be used as a guide and from time to time it can be altered a little, adapting it to the specific characteristics of each investigation, as long as it respects the basic rules for preparing a documentary investigation; that is why it is said that it can be applied in any field of action.
It consists of choosing the subject object of the research and posing it precisely, framing it within a particular situation or context, which allows to know what approach is going to be given to the work.
In order to properly choose the research topic and avoid future complications that may prevent the research from being completed, it is necessary for the researcher to ask the following questions:
1-Do I have enough time to finish the investigation in the established time??
2-Do I have the human and material resources necessary to complete the study topic?
3-Is the subject new?
4-What contributions or benefits will it generate?
The objectives are the purposes of the study, they express what is intended to be achieved and guide the research, since it has as its main goal to provide answers to them.
It is important to mention that the objectives must be written with an infinitive verb and must be precise to avoid confusion in the research, they are divided into general and specific.
It is the one that expresses in a global way what you want to achieve, it is the essence of the problem statement.
They arise from the general objective and their formulation must be oriented towards its achievement, each specific objective seeks to achieve a part of the general objective and together they give it a complete answer..
The specific objectives determine the steps that will be taken to achieve the general objective.
Once the topic to be studied has been defined, you can start looking for the necessary information for the development of the research and achieve the objectives set.
For this, the researcher must go to the direct sources of information, which are called "documentary unit", which represents the physical space (libraries, sites of interest that are related to the research, web pages, among others) where the documents that are useful for research.
It refers to organizing the information in a way that allows it to be classified according to responding to the investigation.
For this, it is necessary to organize a work file through its classification, codification and hierarchy, using the research files..
The research files are the physical or virtual instruments that make it possible to organize the data from the consulted documentary sources and the information related to the subject under investigation, in order to provide answers to the established objectives..
In this aspect, the way in which the research topic will be approached is established, for that it will be necessary to make a diagram or work scheme.
It constitutes the research plan, since it allows identifying which are the elements that make up the same and what order should be followed to carry out the research.
The most common schema formats and usually used in documentary investigations are:
1-The box with keys.
2-The numerical subsection.
The draft is the first written text of the research carried out by the researcher and will make it possible to publicize the results of the same.
It is carried out in order that the ideas expressed acquire a permanent character and can be consulted by future researchers.
It is important to note that the draft will be subject to corrections in order to present a final written text that meets all the established parameters. The draft should contain the following content:
3-Objectives of the investigation.
4-Description of the content.
5-Methodology to follow.
Once the draft has been reviewed and corrected, the work is presented according to the guidelines established in each of the research presentation manuals of each country and institution..
For their part, some authors point out that the structure of documentary research is divided into two phases, one theoretical and the other operational. Below is a diagram that breaks down both phases:
1-Selection of the theme.
2-General count of the sources: the source, the data and the documentation.
3- The exploration of the area or first data collection.
4- Location and delimitation of the problem.
5- Statement of the problem.
6- Scopes.
1-Work plan.
2-Synthetic scheme.
3-Formulation of the problem.
4-Statement of hypotheses or theoretical proposals.
5-Content analysis techniques.
6-The summary.
7-Data processing.
8-Analysis and interpretation of information.
9-Communication of results.
10-Writing the report.
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