What are the most common mental illnesses?

Jonah Lester
What are the most common mental illnesses?

Contrary to what we might think, mental illnesses are at the fore as the most widespread illnesses in first world countries. In this article we review which are the most common

The 5 most common mental illnesses


Depression is one of the so-called mood disorders and over the years its prevalence has spread throughout the population.

The main feature of the major depression it is a very deep and persistent sadness. It has different symptoms, among which are poor concentration, appetite disturbances, fatigue, and negative thoughts and suicide. The dysthymia is a variant of depression in which the symptoms are not as severe but nevertheless last longer over time.


Anxiety is one of the most common symptoms in a large number of mental disorders. In addition to acting as symptoms of other disorders, anxiety can also become a disorder in itself when we talk about Generalized anxiety. Within the group of Anxiety disorders we can also find the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (commonly known as TOC) and the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Anxiety is one of the specialties treated in the Psicopartner clinic, specialized psychologists in Ciudad Lineal and Arturo Soria in Madrid.


Phobia is defined as the irrational fear of something. In this sense, there are as many phobias as there are fears that can be learned, however when we add the evolutionary component it is possible to detect a series of widespread phobias related to survival.

In this way, the phobias of certain animals (snakes, spiders), the phobia of heights, the phobia of public speaking or the social phobia. 

Sleep disorders

Sleep is necessary for survival as it is a basic need that we all have. Thanks to sleep we can restore the different functions, both physical and psychological, necessary for proper functioning.

We speak of sleep disorders when there is an alteration in the sleep-wake pattern, which may interfere with the proper physical and mental functioning of the person.

The insomnia It is probably the most common and widespread sleep disorder, affecting up to 25% of the population. In many cases, an insomnia problem is a symptom of another mental disorder such as depression or anxiety..

Eating disorder

Eating disorders (or eating disorders) are especially dangerous due to the direct effect they can have on the health of those who suffer them. In this sense, the most common eating disorders are bulimia and the anorexy.

The binge eating disorder or the nocturnal eating syndrome are less common but are also included in eating disorders.


The schizophrenia It is a still very unknown disease that usually occurs in people between 16 and 30 years old and does not make a distinction by sex. One of the most characteristic symptoms of people who suffer from this disease is hearing voices that only they can hear themselves.

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