What are the properties of matter?

Sherman Hoover
What are the properties of matter?

When we talk about properties of matter, we refer to all those characteristics that are present in everything that has mass and occupies a volume.

Knowing what the properties of matter are is very important, becausewe live in an essentially material world and this means that these properties are present in everything that surrounds us. 

This topic is exciting and can be approached from different perspectives such as physics and chemistry, so today, we want to tell you a little about the properties of matter.

Most important properties of matter

As you can guess, the properties of matter are diverse. You need to know that these can broadly be classified as general or specific. General properties are those that are considered common to all bodies. Among the most important we find:

1. Mass

In scientific terms, mass is a physical and general property of matter that expresses the amount of matter and energy contained in a body..

2. Volume

The volume is also called extension, and it has to do with the total space that a body occupies.

3. Weight

When we talk about weight, we refer to the force with which the earth exerts attraction on a body by the force of gravity.

4. Porosity

Porosity refers to the space that is generated between the particles.

5. Inertia

Inertia is what prevents matter from moving without some external stimulus.

6. Impenetrability

Impenetrability refers to that property that makes two bodies unable to occupy the same space at the same time.

7. Severability

This refers to the ability of matter to fragment or divide into different parts.

These are roughly the general properties of matter. At this point it should be noted that these properties are always affected by the gravitational forces of the context in which they are, and by the force of attraction between the molecules of which they are composed..

According to scientific information, the specific properties of matter are physical and chemical, and as they have differences, they should be addressed in different sections.. 

Physical properties of matter

The physical properties of matter are all those that have to do with the physical structure of matter, substance or object. One of their most important characteristics is that they are visible and measurable.

This means that through observation valid conclusions can be drawn regarding density, matter, organicity, and malleability..

Another important point is that they do not produce new chemicals. Here are some examples of the physical properties of matter:

  • Malleability: That has flexible condition.
  • Taste: It refers to the type of flavor: salty, sweet, sour ...
  • Physical state: The physical states are: liquid, solid and gaseous.
  • Odor: It refers to the aroma or absence of it: chemical, woody, fruity, chemical ...
  • Density: It refers to the relationship between mass and volume.
  • Boiling temperature: This refers to the temperature that a liquid needs to become gaseous..
  • Conductivity: Refers to the ability to conduct energy.
  • Melting point: By this they refer to the temperature necessary for solids to melt, and liquids to become solid..
  • Solubility: It refers to the ability of one substance to dissolve into another.

When we talk about physical changes, we understand this as any change in which the substance maintains its physical conditions without its composition being altered..

Chemical properties of matter

The properties of chemistry are those that have the ability to alter the molecular or internal structure of a substance when it comes into contact with another, generating a new substance..

This type of property is observable when the change in the composition is evidenced, causing it to transform into a different one. This happens because the chemical bonds change when they come into contact with another substance called a reactant..

Unlike the case of physical properties, to observe chemical properties and reactions you must have prior knowledge of reactivity and chemical behaviors, to determine what its type of reaction is like and when a modification is taking place in its structure..

These are some of the most important characteristics of the chemical properties: 

  • One of its most important characteristics is the ability to produce new substances, even if their nature is permanent or irreversible..
  • They are characterized because the modifications are profound in the substances with which they come into contact.
  • There is also evidence of a considerable energy variation between the original product and what was created..

Common Chemical Property Examples

As you can see, chemical properties are a little more difficult to analyze, that is why we will tell you some examples of chemical properties so that you better understand the subject:

  • Reactivity: It happens due to the ability of one substance to react against another, this can occur with water, with acidic substances or with bases and hydroxides.
  • Combustion: This is given in front of the oxygen that produces energy, and determines if a substance is flammable or combustible.
  • Oxidation: It is given by the loss of electrons from an ion or atom. Determines the type of corrosion due to contact with other compounds.
  • Reduction: This is a phenomenon contrary to oxidation and is given by and is given by the increase of electrons in an ion or atom.

In fact it is called the reduction-oxidation process and they are defined as processes of reactions to the transfer of electrons. 

In general terms, chemical properties differ from physical ones, in that physical properties cannot produce new substances, and in addition, their properties are measurable without the need for advanced knowledge regarding their composition.. 

We hope that this article on properties of matter has given you some clarity on the subject. It should be clarified that this is a referential article and if you want to delve into this world, the ideal is to consult specialized bibliography that will help you delve into this wonderful knowledge, since they have a high degree of complexity and require a very detailed study. 

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