The elements of plastic expression They comprise the set of pictorial resources that will allow the construction of images according to the author's intentions. The following elements of plastic expression can be considered: the point, the line, the color (some include the value within it), the texture, the volume and the shape.
It should be noted that some authors also include others, a product of the changes that have arisen throughout the history of art. These resources, typical of the plastic arts, are characterized by having their defined norms and rules, as well as a variety of representations that are in themselves a type of structured language.
A work of art can contemplate any of the plastic elements, but not necessarily all because its use will be subject to the objectives pursued by the artist.
In the visual arts, the point has a basic role as a fundamental graphic element for the composition of images. That is, it is the minimum unit that is represented within a plane. Some main characteristics of the point are the following:
According to experts, the point has played an essential role during the development of human history. For example, it has been indicated that thanks to the point the man has been able to express sensations, at the same time that he builds a form of communication. Therefore, the following is obtained:
The achievement of a series of points in the plane forms a line. As in the previous case, the line can generate dynamism and tension as required.
From this, two types emerge: the geometric line, which is expressed in a uniform way; and the plastic line, whose line is free and of almost infinite varieties.
Similarly, the line has a series of attributes:
It has to do with the pressure of the instrument that we make on the work surface.
It is related to the intensity of the stroke: the higher the intensity, the thicker the line.
It is the continuous production of the line, but maintaining its appearance.
Through the line it is possible to find a series of connotations. For example, if you want to have a feeling of rest, a straight line is ideal. However, if you want to generate disorder or chaos, zigzag or undulating lines can be used..
The texture is associated with the appearance of the surface of the materials and of the structures that are part of the elements in a composition.
In addition, the sensation of texture is given by what can be perceived through touch (hard, soft, rough) and sight (opaque, transparent, shiny, metallic, iridescent).
There are two types:
That which is perceived in the elements of nature: from the bark of a tree to the skin of a zebra.
It corresponds to the materials and surfaces created by man. Steel and lace are examples of this type of texture.
The texture can be expressed in different areas:
It is considered one of the most complex elements within the composition because, essentially, it is the light that is reflected on the surface of the objects..
With regard to the plastic arts, color relies on color theory, a resource that allows the use of this element to obtain the desired result..
Color has been the object of study for both artists and scientists. Initially, it was assumed that there are three primary or primitive colors: yellow, blue and red. The rest of the ranges arise from these colors.
However, science and technology have been in charge of expanding the classification to do it as follows:
The primary colors are red, green, and blue. These come from light sources that, when added, form lighter tones. They are used for lighting.
Pigments lead to color subtraction. The primary colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow. These colors are commonly used for printing and the use of inks.
They arise from the mixture of traditional and widely known colors: yellow, blue and red. The mixture of these determines the secondary colors: purple, green and orange. It is artistic in nature.
The search for the understanding of color allowed the conformation of the chromatic circle, a resource that allows to illustrate the interaction of the different shades of color. It is made up of the primary and secondary colors and the resulting union of the first two.
On the other hand, black and white are not added within the circle because they are not considered colors in themselves, since the first represents the presence of light and the second shows the absence of this..
This term is related to color and has to do with the luminosity and / or darkness of a certain color. They are determined by black and white. Some considerations about value can be named:
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